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Groundwater Dynamics At The Ocean-Aquifer Interface: Implications For Modelling Of Regional Flow In Pioneer Valley Aquifers (2004-2007)


The Pioneer Valley Water Resources Plan, part of the Council of Australian Government s Water Reform Process, includes the development of regional groundwater flow and saltwater intrusion models for assisting in the allocation and management of the groundwater resources. The ocean forms the largest active boundary of the Pioneer groundwater system, where complex, dynamic hydraulic conditions exist due to oceanic oscillations (tides and waves) and density effects. This project aims to investigate and quantify the effects of the dynamic seaward boundary condition on regional groundwater flow in Pioneer Valley aquifers. The research outcomes will also have important implications for other coastal aquifers.


Emeritus Professor David Lockington

Emeritus Professor
School of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
David Lockington
David Lockington