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Functional and structural characterisation of Defective embryo and meristems (Dem) proteins involved in plant development. (2005-2007)


The aim of the project is to understand the function of Dem-like proteins in directing the shape and form of plants and to identify the biological networks in which they are involved. The research will focus on the characterisation of the Dem-like proteins in the model plants tomato and Arabidopsis and the discovery and characterisation of other key protein partners involved in plant development. The importance of these newly-discovered protein partners in controlling the shape and form of plants will be investigated. Possible long-term outcomes include the possibility of manipulating the roots and shoots of plants for improved yield drought tolerance and water use


Professor Bostjan Kobe

NHMRC Leadership Fellow
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
Faculty of Science
Affiliate Professor
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Bostjan Kobe
Bostjan Kobe