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Development of controllable and durable green concretes through the understanding of feedstock chemistry and geopolymerisation mechanism (ARC Linkage Project administered by USQ) (2014-2017)


This project aims to develop key knowledge on evaluation geopolymer feedstock materials, and to address critical engineering challenges for both dense and foamed geopolymer applications. To achieve these, the effects of glassy phase and particle geometry of feedstock materials (fly ash and slag) on their reactivity, geopolymerisation mechanisms and the durability of derived geopolymers need to be understood. The project will lead to innovative technologies on ambient temperature processing, efflorescence controlling and foaming. It will promote the evolution of the conventional pollution-intensive cement/ concrete industry to a greener industry without changing the current industry practice.


Emeritus Professor Jin Zou

Emeritus Professor
School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Jin Zou
Jin Zou