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Understanding the koala microbiome: unlocking the secrets of koala health and dietary specialisation, and successful husbandry and translocation (ARC Linkage Project administered by UWS) (2015-2018)


We aim to discover how the composition and function of koala gastrointestinal microbial communities differ in space and time in response to the varying nutritional quality and chemical composition of koala diets. Using detailed chemical analysis, cutting edge metagenomic and bioinformatic pipelines and powerful approaches to study enzyme functions in the koala¿s gut we will reveal the role of microbes in detoxification of plant toxins and degradation of recalcitrant fibre fractions. The outcomes will facilitate the use of faecal transplants to improve digestive function for translocated and rehabilitated koalas, enhancing options for koala management and conservation.


Professor Phil Hugenholtz

Centre Director of Australian Centre for Ecogenomics (ACE)
Australian Centre for Ecogenomics
Faculty of Science
Affiliate of ARC COE for Plant Success in Nature and Agriculture
ARC COE for Plant Success in Nature and Agriculture
Faculty of Science
Affiliate of Centre for Marine Science
Centre for Marine Science
Faculty of Science
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
Faculty of Science
Phil Hugenholtz
Phil Hugenholtz