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Encouraging voluntary purchasing of carbon offsets (2016-2020)


Climate change is one of the most critical challenges societies collectively face today and in the future. Voluntary carbon offsetting offers a solution that avoids politically costly mandatory offset schemes. Yet, currently very few people purchase carbon offsets voluntarily; fewer than 10% of air travellers, for example. There is significant untapped growth potential. This project will (1) profile consumers interested in voluntarily purchasing carbon offsets, (2) identify motivational sub-segments among them, and (3) develop and experimentally test carbon offset offers for domestic flights targeted at these segments. Findings will generalise beyond carbon offsetting for air traffic.


Professor Brent Ritchie

Head of School
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Brent Ritchie
Brent Ritchie

Professor Sara Dolnicar

ARC Australian Laureate Fellow
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Sara Dolnicar
Sara Dolnicar