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Modelling Multidimensional Multiparty Decisions to Improve Outcomes (2016-2022)


Every day consumers make myriads of decisions. While many are relatively trivial some are critical to individual wellbeing including adherence to medical treatment plans. Moreover many of these critical decisions involve complex and multidimensional trade-offs. We break from tradition conceptualising complex decision making as multiparty (primarily the focal consumer, parents/carers and medical experts) rather than being confined to an expert-customer dyad. This proposal investigates how complex multiparty decisions are made, measuring the relative influence of each of the parties on the formation of collective preferences. The project tests new theory, develops new measurement tools for studying choice, providing practical recommendations.


Professor Janet McColl-Kennedy

Program Lead, Innovation Pathways (FaBA) of UQ Business School
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Janet McColl-Kennedy
Janet McColl-Kennedy

Dr Len Coote

Discipline Convener (Marketing) of UQ Business School
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Associate Professor
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Len Coote
Len Coote