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Greater inclusion of people with disability in Australian workplaces (ARC Linkage Project administered by the University of Wollongong) (2018-2023)


The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) aims to empower people with a disability to build skills that enable them to participate fully in society. Its economic viability assumes 74,000 people with a disability and their carers will enter the workforce, saving $2b in support and contributing $23b to GDP. However workforce participation of people with a disability remains low, largely due to discrimination and negative employer attitudes. We will: (1) develop a model of successful employment for people with a disability: (2) identify sources of employer heterogeneity that explain willingness to hire: and (3) develop social marketing messages that improve employer attitudes and achieve greater inclusion in Australian workplaces.


Professor Sara Dolnicar

ARC Australian Laureate Fellow
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Sara Dolnicar
Sara Dolnicar