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Everyday guardianship: a space time approach to crime prevention (ARC Discovery Project administered by Griffith University) (2020-2024)


This project aims to identify the temporal and spatial elements that influence the crime prevention actions of private citizens. Taking an interdisciplinary approach and applying a cutting edge methodology, it will be the first study to consider the capacity and availability of capable guardians and their intersection with the environmental contexts they frequent. The project intends to generate new knowledge on the resources needed to ensure individuals can effectively respond to problems when and where they occur. Given the enormous costs of crime to society, the expected outcomes of this project will lead to the development of economically efficient and practical community crime prevention programs that benefit the wider community.


Professor Jonathan Corcoran

Affiliate of Queensland Centre for Population Research
Queensland Centre for Population Research
Faculty of Science
Deputy Associate Dean Research (Researcher Development)
Faculty of Science
School of the Environment
Faculty of Science
Jonathan Corcoran
Jonathan Corcoran