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Cost-effective metal selenide materials for solid-state devices (ARC Discovery Project administered by Queensland University of Technology) (2021-2024)


Thermoelectric materials, directly converting thermal energy into electrical energy, offer a green and sustainable solution for the global energy dilemma. This project aims to develop cost-effective metal selenide materials for high-efficiency solid-state devices using a novel industry-level approach, coupled with nanostructure and band engineering strategies. The key breakthrough is to design high-performance metal selenide thermoelectric materials with engineered chemistry and unique structures for new generation thermoelectrics. The expected outcomes will lead to an innovative technology for harvesting electricity from waste heat or sunlight, which will place Australia at the forefront of energy and manufacturing technologies.


Emeritus Professor Jin Zou

Emeritus Professor
School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Jin Zou
Jin Zou