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Assessing the risks of extracting metals for the global energy transition (2022-2025)


This project aims to produce the first of its kind online atlas that systematically documents the social, environmental and economic impacts in mining locations around the world. Analysing impacts at the source of metal supply chains is crucial to comprehend the implications of transitioning to metal-intensive low-carbon energy technologies. The project would deliver insights on available pathways to achieve a ¿just¿TM) energy transition, meaning a transition that successfully tackles climate change without placing unacceptable burden on mining communities and environments. The goal of the research is to generate evidence-based recommendations so that future metal supply can be both reliable and responsible.


Dr Eleonore Lebre

Senior Research Fellow, ARC
Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Eleonore Lebre
Eleonore Lebre