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ACTIVE KNEECAPs! tArgeted effeCTIVE treatments for adolescent KNEECAP pain (2022-2028)


Associate Professor Natalie Collins

Associate Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Natalie Collins
Natalie Collins

Professor Nadine Foster

Director, UQ Clinical Trials Unit
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research Infrastructure)
NHMRC Leadership Fellow
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Director, UQ Clinical Trials Center
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research Infrastructure)
Nadine Foster
Nadine Foster

Mr Mark Chatfield

Centre for Health Services Research
Faculty of Medicine
Higher Degree by Research Scholar
School of Public Health
Faculty of Medicine
Mark Chatfield
Mark Chatfield

Professor Tracy Comans

Professorial Research Fellow
Centre for Health Services Research
Faculty of Medicine
Tracy Comans
Tracy Comans

Dr Gregore Iven Mielke

NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fell
School of Public Health
Faculty of Medicine
NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow
School of Public Health
Faculty of Medicine
Gregore Iven Mielke
Gregore Iven Mielke