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Student equity in higher education evaluation framework (2021)


Professor Wojtek Tomaszewski

Affiliate of ARC COE for Children and Families Over the Lifecourse
ARC COE for Children and Families Over the Lifecourse
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Deputy Director (Research) of Institute for Social Science Research
Institute for Social Science Research
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Professorial Research Fellow
Institute for Social Science Research
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Wojtek Tomaszewski
Wojtek Tomaszewski

Associate Professor Mark Robinson

Principal Research Fellow
Institute for Social Science Research
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Mark Robinson
Mark Robinson

Dr Melissa Johnstone

Senior Research Fellow
Institute for Social Science Research
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Melissa Johnstone
Melissa Johnstone

Associate Professor Jenny Povey

Deputy Director (Training) of Institute for Social Science Research
Institute for Social Science Research
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Principal Research Fellow
Institute for Social Science Research
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Jenny Povey
Jenny Povey

Associate Professor Caroline Salom

Affiliate of ARC COE for Children and Families Over the Lifecourse
ARC COE for Children and Families Over the Lifecourse
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Research Social Scientist
Institute for Social Science Research
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Caroline Salom
Caroline Salom