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Empowering Australia's Visual Arts via Creative Blockchain Opportunities (ARC Linkage Project administered by the University of Wollongong) (2023-2026)


This project investigates the provision of a blockchain-based solution for protecting the intellectual property and provenance of visual art, and ways to empower its economic, cultural, and social value and benefits. By exploring innovative non-fungible token (NFT) opportunities in a global cyber security context, we will co-design a userfriendly and compliant tool for expanding the creation and movement of art on existing virtual galleries and smart contract-enabled platforms. Building on interdisciplinary synergies between creative and IT practices, we will interrogate the efficacy, risks and governance surrounding this global technology, and produce vital new knowledge for engaging with risks and opportunities in the digital economy.


Associate Professor Dongming Xu

Associate Professor
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Dongming Xu
Dongming Xu