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Symmetry making and breaking in the developing neocortex (2025-2029)


Brain halves become wired during development following molecular and neural activity-dependent rules of symmetry. This project aims to unravel the mechanisms by which spatio-temporal symmetries between cortical hemispheres instruct the precise formation of functional connections. Using advanced methods in high-throughput gene expression analyses, live imaging of neural activity, and connectivity mapping in a marsupial model of early brain patterning, this Fellowship aims to unravel new generative principles of mammalian brain circuit formation. Expected outcomes include innovative ways to manipulate brain wiring, and to functionally link mechanistic knowledge of complex trait formation across levels of biological organisation.


Associate Professor Rodrigo Suarez

Affiliate Senior Research Fellow of Queensland Brain Institute
Queensland Brain Institute
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences
Associate Professor
School of Biomedical Sciences
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences
Rodrigo Suarez
Rodrigo Suarez