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Integrated quantum photonics (2006-2011)


The key physical technological advances of this century will be due to quantum technologies which exploit the unique properties of entanglement, a phenomenon with no everyday analogue. Understanding and applying entanglement is one of the great challenges in Physics, as is finding an experimental path to large-scale devices. This Fellowship will launch a major new initiative to address these challenges by developing optical quantum technology that integrates many photons to form powerful quantum devices. This exploits the key recent demonstration of few-particle entangling devices. By providing a route for industrialisation, this project will extend Australia¿s early lead in quantum technology so as to maximise the benefits to Australia.


Professor Andrew White

Centre Director of ARC COE for Engi
ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems
Faculty of Science
ARC Australian Laureate Fellow
School of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Science
Andrew White
Andrew White