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Conference Publication

World Heritage - Bringing Universities and Governments Together

Breakey, N. and Vallance, T. (2009). World Heritage - Bringing Universities and Governments Together. Global Eco - Asia Pacific Tourism Conference, Alice Springs, Australia, 9-11 November 2009.

World Heritage - Bringing Universities and Governments Together


Journal Article

Students go a "Waltzing Matilda" - A regional tourism knowledge exchange through innovative internships

Breakey, N., Robinson, R. and Beesley, L. (2009). Students go a "Waltzing Matilda" - A regional tourism knowledge exchange through innovative internships. Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism, 8 (2-3), 223-240. doi: 10.1080/15313220802714505

Students go a "Waltzing Matilda" - A regional tourism knowledge exchange through innovative internships


Conference Publication

Australian hotel and hospitality degree programs: Philosophy and practice

Breakey, N. M., Batey, H., Robinson, R. N. S. and Craig-Smith, S. J. (2009). Australian hotel and hospitality degree programs: Philosophy and practice. 7th Asia-Pacific CHRIE Conference 2009, Singapore, 28-31 May. Singapore: APac CHRIE.

Australian hotel and hospitality degree programs: Philosophy and practice


Conference Publication

Food and beverage content and delivery in Australian hospitality degree programs

Robinson, R., Breakey, N. and Craig-Smith, S. (2008). Food and beverage content and delivery in Australian hospitality degree programs. 6th Asia-Pacific CHRIE (APacCHRIE) Conference, Perth, Australia, 21 - 25 May 2008. Perth: APAC-CHRIE.

Food and beverage content and delivery in Australian hospitality degree programs


Journal Article

Impact of Chinese outbound tourism to Australia: Reviewing the past; implications for the future

Breakey, Noreen, Ding, Peiyi and Lee, Timothy (2008). Impact of Chinese outbound tourism to Australia: Reviewing the past; implications for the future. Current Issues in Tourism, 11 (6), 587-603. doi: 10.1080/13683500802475935

Impact of Chinese outbound tourism to Australia: Reviewing the past; implications for the future


Conference Publication

Evolution of food and beverage studies: An Australian perspective

Robinson, R., Breakey, N. and Craig-Smith, S. (2008). Evolution of food and beverage studies: An Australian perspective. CAUTHE Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 11 - 14 February 2008. Gold Coast, Australia: Griffith University.

Evolution of food and beverage studies: An Australian perspective


Conference Publication

Hotel restaurant co-branding - The impact of consumer evaluation on perceived risk, perceived value and intention to purchase

Ashton, Ann Suwaree, Scott, Noel and Breakey, Noreen (2008). Hotel restaurant co-branding - The impact of consumer evaluation on perceived risk, perceived value and intention to purchase. Proceedings of the 18th Annual Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education, CAUTHE, Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 11-14 February 2008. Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia: Griffith University.

Hotel restaurant co-branding - The impact of consumer evaluation on perceived risk, perceived value and intention to purchase


Conference Publication

Trends and issues in Tourism and Hospitality degree education in Australia: Will the bubble burst?

Breakey, N and Craig-Smith, S. (2008). Trends and issues in Tourism and Hospitality degree education in Australia: Will the bubble burst?. 18th Annual Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE) Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 11 - 14 February, 2008. Gold Coast, Australia: Griffith University.

Trends and issues in Tourism and Hospitality degree education in Australia: Will the bubble burst?


Conference Publication

Going bush: An innovative regional tourism internship project

Breakey, Noreen, Robinson, Richard, Beesley, Lisa and Craig-Smith, Stephen (2008). Going bush: An innovative regional tourism internship project. 6th Asia-Pacific CHRIE (APacCHRIE) Conference, Perth, Australia, 21-25 May 2008. Perth, Australia: APAC-CHRIE.

Going bush: An innovative regional tourism internship project



Industry performance analyser for tourism (IPAT) research and pilot study

Scott, Noel and Breakey, Noreen (2008). Industry performance analyser for tourism (IPAT) research and pilot study. Gold Coast, QLD, Australia.: Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Centre.

Industry performance analyser for tourism (IPAT) research and pilot study


Journal Article

Yield applied to destination management: an inefficient analogy

Scott, Noel and Breakey, Noreen (2007). Yield applied to destination management: an inefficient analogy. Tourism Economics, 13 (3), 441-452. doi: 10.5367/000000007781497755

Yield applied to destination management: an inefficient analogy


Journal Article

Hospitality degree programs in Australia: A continuing evolution

Breakey, Noreen M. and Craig-Smith, Stephen J. (2007). Hospitality degree programs in Australia: A continuing evolution. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 14 (2), 102-118. doi: 10.1375/jhtm.14.2.102

Hospitality degree programs in Australia: A continuing evolution


Conference Publication

Undergraduate hospitality degree programs in Australia: Three decades of evolution

Breakey, N. M. and Craig-Smith, S. J. (2007). Undergraduate hospitality degree programs in Australia: Three decades of evolution. Cauthe 2007, Sydney, Australia, 11-14 February, 2007. Sydney, Australia: CAUTHE.

Undergraduate hospitality degree programs in Australia: Three decades of evolution


Conference Publication

'Yield applied to destination management - an inefficient analogy?'

Scott, N R and Breakey, N M (2006). 'Yield applied to destination management - an inefficient analogy?'. 16th Annual CAUTHE Conference - 'to the city and beyond...', Melbourne Australia, 6-9 February, 2006. Melbourne Australia: Victoria University.

'Yield applied to destination management - an inefficient analogy?'


Other Outputs

Tourism destination development - beyond Butler

Breakey, Noreen Maree (2006). Tourism destination development - beyond Butler. PhD Thesis, School of Natural and Rural Systems Management, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/158161

Tourism destination development - beyond Butler


Conference Publication

Special Event Evolution: The Schoolies Festival

Breakey, N M, McKinnon, S. E. and Scott, N R (2006). Special Event Evolution: The Schoolies Festival. Global Events Congress and Event Educators' Forum, Customs House, Brisbane Australia, 26-28 September 2006. Brisbane, Australia: The University of Queensland Press.

Special Event Evolution: The Schoolies Festival