2018 Book Chapter Commercializing university research to mitigate simultaneous change stimuli: an exemplar case from the Australian higher education sectorHine, Damian, Pregelj, Lisette and McManus, Michael (2018). Commercializing university research to mitigate simultaneous change stimuli: an exemplar case from the Australian higher education sector. World scientific reference on innovation. (pp. 97-112) edited by Donald Siegel. Singapore: World Scientific . doi: 10.1142/9789813149045_0006 |
2011 Book Chapter Small pharmaceutical firms building capabilities to compete along the global research and development pipelinePregelj, Lisette, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Hine, Damian (2011). Small pharmaceutical firms building capabilities to compete along the global research and development pipeline. International entrepreneurship in the life sciences. (pp. 64-100) edited by Marian V. Jones, Colin Wheeler and Pavlos Dimitratos. Cheltenham United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing. |
2010 Book Chapter Complexity and Mastering in Shaping InterdisciplinarityMacKinnon, Philip, Rifkin, William, Hine, Damien and Barnard, Ross (2010). Complexity and Mastering in Shaping Interdisciplinarity. Interdisciplinary Higher Education: Perspectives and Practicalities. (pp. 29-53) edited by Davies, M., Devlin, M. and Tight, M.. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing. doi: 10.1108/S1479-3628(2010)0000005005 |
2008 Book Chapter Entrepreneriat Biotech: Passer de la science au marchéHine, D. and Mottis, N. (2008). Entrepreneriat Biotech: Passer de la science au marché. L'art d'entreprendre: des idees pour agir. (pp. 155-166) edited by H. Bouchikhi. Paris, France: Pearson Education. |
2008 Book Chapter Biotechnology history, economics and the Cartesian divisionBarnard, R. and Hine, D. (2008). Biotechnology history, economics and the Cartesian division. Towards Humane Technologies: Biotechnology, New Media and Ethics. (pp. 49-63) edited by Sunderland, N., Graham, P., Isaacs, P. and McKenna, B.. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. |
2008 Book Chapter Securing intellectual assets in the era of innovation: Proprietary information and intellectual property protectionCurwell, P. and Hine, D. (2008). Securing intellectual assets in the era of innovation: Proprietary information and intellectual property protection. SRMBOK: Security Risk Management Body of Knowledge. (pp. x-x) edited by Jakeman, M. and Talbot, J.. Carlton South, Vic: Risk Management Institution of Australasia. |
2007 Book Chapter Case and iCase: Facilitating case survey methods for creating research and teaching synergies in innovation and enterpriseBengtsson, L., Larsson, R., Griffiths, A. and Hine, D. (2007). Case and iCase: Facilitating case survey methods for creating research and teaching synergies in innovation and enterprise. Innovative Methodologies in Enterprise Research. (pp. 101-123) edited by Hine, D. and Carson, D.. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. |
2007 Book Chapter Conclusion: Maintaining the innovative momentumHine, D. and Carson, D. (2007). Conclusion: Maintaining the innovative momentum. Innovative Methodologies in Enterprise Research. (pp. 318-320) edited by Hine, D. and Carson, D.. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. |
2007 Book Chapter Change in a dynamic climate: A single longitudinal case study in a high technology industryHine, D. (2007). Change in a dynamic climate: A single longitudinal case study in a high technology industry. Innovative Methodologies in Enterprise Research. (pp. 152-169) edited by Hine, D. and Carson, D.. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. |
2007 Book Chapter IntroductionHine, Damian and Carson, David (2007). Introduction. Innovative methodologies in enterprise research. (pp. 1-6) edited by Damian Hine and David Carson. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. |
2007 Book Chapter Issues in cross-national comparisons applied to building theory on informal innovation in SMEsMiettinen, A. and Hine, D. (2007). Issues in cross-national comparisons applied to building theory on informal innovation in SMEs. Innovative Methodologies in Enterprise Research. (pp. 170-202) edited by Hine, D. and Carson, D.. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. |
2007 Book Chapter The application of Leximancer, a relational content analytical tool in enterprise research - description and evaluation on the basis of an Australian-German research projectRoyer, S., Bumbieris, M., Kittel-Wegner, E. and Hine, D. (2007). The application of Leximancer, a relational content analytical tool in enterprise research - description and evaluation on the basis of an Australian-German research project. Innovative Methodologies in Enterprise Research. (pp. 279-302) edited by Hine, D. and Carson, D.. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. |