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Conference Publication

An Ecophysiology-Inspired Gene-Phenotype Map for Breeding

Powell, Owen, Technow, Frank, Messina, Carlos D., McLean, Greg, Brider, Jason, Van Oosterom, Erik, Wu, Alex, Jordan, David, Hammer, Graeme and Cooper, Mark (2022). An Ecophysiology-Inspired Gene-Phenotype Map for Breeding. Australasian Plant Breeding Conference, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 9-11 May 2022.

An Ecophysiology-Inspired Gene-Phenotype Map for Breeding


Conference Publication

Discovering the genetic blueprint for designing drought-adapted crops

Wong, Albert Chern Sun, Godwin, Ian D., van Oosterom, Erik J. and Borrell, Andrew K. (2021). Discovering the genetic blueprint for designing drought-adapted crops. Plant Biology Worldwide Summit 2021, Virtual, 19 - 23 July 2021. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7277031

Discovering the genetic blueprint for designing drought-adapted crops


Conference Publication

How do crops balance water supply and demand when water is limiting?

Borrell, Andrew, George-Jaeggli, Barbara, Oosterom, Erik van, Hammer, Graeme, Mace, Emma, Godwin, Ian, Liu, Guoquan, Wong, Albert, Matiwos, Temesgen, Bantte, Kassahun, Christopher, Jack, Hickey, Lee, Richard, Cecile, Robinson, Hannah and Jordan, David (2020). How do crops balance water supply and demand when water is limiting?. The Third International Tropical Agriculture Conference TropAg 2019 , Brisbane, QLD Australia, 11–13 November 2019. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI. doi: 10.3390/proceedings2019036208

How do crops balance water supply and demand when water is limiting?


Conference Publication

Canopy and root plasticity for drought adaptation in cereals

Borrell, Andrew, George-Jaeggli, Barbara, van Oosterom, Erik, Hammer, Graeme, Mace, Emma, Godwin, Ian, Liu, G., Wong, Albert, Temesgen, M., Kassahun, B., Christopher, Jack, Hickey, Lee, Richard, Cecile, Robinson, Hannah and Jordan, David (2019). Canopy and root plasticity for drought adaptation in cereals. Climate Change Linked Stress Tolerance in Plants (M4) (Keystone Symposia), Herrenhausen Palace, Hannover, Germany, 13-16 May 2019.

Canopy and root plasticity for drought adaptation in cereals


Conference Publication

Integrating crop modelling, physiology, genetics and breeding to aid crop improvement for changing environments

Chenu, Karine, Fletcher, Andrew, Ababaei, Behnam, Christopher, Jack, Kelly, A., Hickey, Lee, Van Oosterom, Erik and Hammer, Graeme (2019). Integrating crop modelling, physiology, genetics and breeding to aid crop improvement for changing environments. International Tropical Agriculture Conference (TropAg2019), Brisbane, QLD Australia, 11-13 November 2019.

Integrating crop modelling, physiology, genetics and breeding to aid crop improvement for changing environments


Conference Publication

High-throughput phenotyping tools to test whether leaf-level photosynthesis traits are measurable at the crop level

George-Jaeggli, Barbara, Potgieter, Andries, Zhi, Xiaoyu, Reynolds Massey-Reed, Sean, Watson, James, Lamprecht, Marnie, Chapman, Scott, Laws, Kenneth, Hunt, Colleen, Borrell, Andrew, Jordan, David, van Oosterom, Erik, Wu, Alex and Hammer, Graeme (2019). High-throughput phenotyping tools to test whether leaf-level photosynthesis traits are measurable at the crop level. TropAg 2019, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 10-13 November 2019.

High-throughput phenotyping tools to test whether leaf-level photosynthesis traits are measurable at the crop level


Conference Publication

High-throughput phenotyping of canopy radiation use efficiency and its component traits

George-Jaeggli, Barbara, Potgieter, Andries, Zhi, Xiaoyu, Reynolds Massey-Reed, Sean, Watson, James, Lamprecht, Marnie, Chapman, Scott, Laws, Kenneth, Hunt, Colleen, Borrell, Andrew, Jordan, David, van Oosterom, Erik, Wu, Alex and Hammer, Graeme (2019). High-throughput phenotyping of canopy radiation use efficiency and its component traits. 6th International Plant Phenotyping Symposium, Nanjing, China, 22-26 October 2019.

High-throughput phenotyping of canopy radiation use efficiency and its component traits


Conference Publication

Drought adaptation in sorghum: scaling-up from gene to farmer's field

Borrell, Andrew, George-Jaeggli, Barbara, van Oosterom, Erik, Hammer, Graeme, Godwin, Ian, Liu, G., Wong, Albert, Hunt, Colleen and Jordan, David (2019). Drought adaptation in sorghum: scaling-up from gene to farmer's field. Australian Summer Grains Conference, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 8-10 July 2019.

Drought adaptation in sorghum: scaling-up from gene to farmer's field


Conference Publication

Integrating crop modelling, physiology, genetics and breeding to aid crop improvement for changing environments in the Australian wheatbelt

Chenu, Karine, Fletcher, Andrew, Ababaei, Behnam, Christopher, Jack, Kelly, Alison, Hickey, Lee, Van Oosterom, Erik and Hammer, Graeme (2019). Integrating crop modelling, physiology, genetics and breeding to aid crop improvement for changing environments in the Australian wheatbelt. International Tropical Agriculture Conference (TROPAG 2019), Brisbane, Australia, 11–13 November 2019. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI AG. doi: 10.3390/proceedings2019036004

Integrating crop modelling, physiology, genetics and breeding to aid crop improvement for changing environments in the Australian wheatbelt


Conference Publication

Genotypic differences in transpiration efficiency in sorghum mainly linked to variation in transpiration rate

Geetika, Geetika, van Oosterom, Erik, George-Jaeggli, Barbara and Hammer, Graeme (2017). Genotypic differences in transpiration efficiency in sorghum mainly linked to variation in transpiration rate. Interdrought V, Hyderabad, India, 21-25 February 2017.

Genotypic differences in transpiration efficiency in sorghum mainly linked to variation in transpiration rate


Conference Publication

Constitutive genotypic differences in transpiration rates are a major cause for variation in transpiration efficiency in sorghum

Geetika, Geetika, van Oosterom, Erik, George-Jaeggli, Barbara, Deifel, Kurt, McLean, Gregory and Hammer, Graeme (2017). Constitutive genotypic differences in transpiration rates are a major cause for variation in transpiration efficiency in sorghum. TropAg2017, Brisbane, Australia, 20-22 November 2017.

Constitutive genotypic differences in transpiration rates are a major cause for variation in transpiration efficiency in sorghum


Conference Publication

Adapting cereals to drought: genetic and management solutions

Borrell, A. K., George-Jaeggli, B., van Oosterom, E. J., Mace, E. S., Jordan, D. R., Kassahun, B., Matiwos, T., Vadez, V., Talwar, H., Christopher, J. T., Chenu, K., Richard, C., Robinson, H., Hickey, L., Nagothu, S. U. and Hammer, G. L. (2017). Adapting cereals to drought: genetic and management solutions. TropAg2017, International Tropical Agriculture Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 20-22 November 2017. Trop Ag.

Adapting cereals to drought: genetic and management solutions


Conference Publication

High-throughput phenotyping and genotyping of variation in photosynthesis traits for increased crop yields

George-Jaeggli, Barbara, Potgieter, Andries, Chapman, Scott, Laws, Kenneth, Watson, James, Eldridge, Mark, van Oosterom, Erik, Geetika, Geetika, Mace, Emma, Hathorn, Adrian, Hunt, Collen, Borrell, Andrew, von Caemmerer, Susanne, Hammer, Graeme and Jordan, David (2017). High-throughput phenotyping and genotyping of variation in photosynthesis traits for increased crop yields. Chloroplast Metabolism and Photosynthesis Symposium, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 26-28 July 2017.

High-throughput phenotyping and genotyping of variation in photosynthesis traits for increased crop yields


Conference Publication

Phenotyping transpiration efficiency: linking trait dissection to genetics

van Oosterom, E., Chenu, K., McLean, G., Deifel, K. , Sulman, R. and Hammer, G. (2016). Phenotyping transpiration efficiency: linking trait dissection to genetics. 5th International Controlled Environment Conference (AusPheno 2016), Canberra, Australia, 18-22 September 2016. ICEC.

Phenotyping transpiration efficiency: linking trait dissection to genetics


Conference Publication

Integrating crop physiology and modelling with genetic improvement

Hammer, G., Chapman, S., Van Oosterom, E., Borrell, A., McLean, G. and Jordan, D. (2016). Integrating crop physiology and modelling with genetic improvement. International Crop Modelling Symposium, Berlin, Germany, 15-17 March 2016.

Integrating crop physiology and modelling with genetic improvement


Conference Publication

Using statistical modelling to improve the resource efficiency for measurements on large crop trials for plant scientists

Mortlock, M . Y., Van Oosterom, E. and Ramdeen, R. (2016). Using statistical modelling to improve the resource efficiency for measurements on large crop trials for plant scientists. International Biometrics, Victoria, BC, Canada, July 2016.

Using statistical modelling to improve the resource efficiency for measurements on large crop trials for plant scientists


Conference Publication

The stay-green trait in cereals: integrating from cell to whole plant

Borrell, v, Van Oosterom, Erik J., Mullet, John, George-Jaeggli, Barbara, Hammer, Graeme, Klein, Patricia and Jordan, David (2014). The stay-green trait in cereals: integrating from cell to whole plant. 7th European Workshop on Plant Senescence, Aarhus, Denmark, 10-14 November 2014.

The stay-green trait in cereals: integrating from cell to whole plant


Conference Publication

Improving cereal productivity with stay-green technology.

Borrell, A., Hammer, G., Van Oosterom, E., George-Jaeggli, B., McLean, G., Hamlet, S., Hunt, C., Mace, E., Mullet, J., Klein, P., Weers, B. and Jordan, D. (2013). Improving cereal productivity with stay-green technology.. 2013 QAAFI Annual Research Meeting, Brisbane, Australia, 6-7 August 2013.

Improving cereal productivity with stay-green technology.


Conference Publication

An Integrated Approach to Sorghum Crop Improvement in Australia

Jordan, D., Mace, E., Borrell, A., Cruickshank, A., Chapman, S., van Oosterom, E. and Hammer, G. (2013). An Integrated Approach to Sorghum Crop Improvement in Australia. 4th International Conference on Integrated Approaches to Improve Crop Production under Drought-Prone Environments (InterDrought-IV), Perth, WA, Australia, 2 - 6 September 2013.

An Integrated Approach to Sorghum Crop Improvement in Australia


Conference Publication

Nodal root angle in Sorghum and its association with drought adaptation

Singh, V., van Oosterom, E. J., Jordan, D. R., Mace, E., Colleen, H. and Hammer, G. L. (2013). Nodal root angle in Sorghum and its association with drought adaptation. 30th Interdisciplinary Plant Group Symposium, Columbia Missouri, United States, 29 - 31 May 2013.

Nodal root angle in Sorghum and its association with drought adaptation