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Book Chapter

What Remains of the Author: The Subject in/of Writing

Stephens, Elizabeth (2009). What Remains of the Author: The Subject in/of Writing. What Remains of the Author: The Subject in/of Writing. (pp. 24-+) BASINGSTOKE: PALGRAVE. doi: 10.1057/9780230271739_2

What Remains of the Author: The Subject in/of Writing


Book Chapter

Towards an Ecriture Homosexuelle

Stephens, Elizabeth (2009). Towards an Ecriture Homosexuelle. Towards an Ecriture Homosexuelle. (pp. 138-+) BASINGSTOKE: PALGRAVE. doi: 10.1057/9780230271739_5

Towards an Ecriture Homosexuelle


Book Chapter


Stephens, Elizabeth (2009). Introduction. Queer Writing. (pp. 1-23) London, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan . doi: 10.1057/9780230271739_1



Book Chapter

Seminal Economies: the Homoerotics of Phallic Masculinity

Stephens, Elizabeth (2009). Seminal Economies: the Homoerotics of Phallic Masculinity. Seminal Economies: the Homoerotics of Phallic Masculinity. (pp. 96-+) BASINGSTOKE: PALGRAVE. doi: 10.1057/9780230271739_4

Seminal Economies: the Homoerotics of Phallic Masculinity


Book Chapter

Anatomies of Desire: Photographic Exhibitions of Female Bodies in Fin-de-Siecle Anatomical Museums

Stephens, E. A. (2008). Anatomies of Desire: Photographic Exhibitions of Female Bodies in Fin-de-Siecle Anatomical Museums. Sexuality at the Fin de Siècle: The Makings of a "Central Problem". (pp. 25-41) edited by P. M. Cryle and C. E. Forth. Newark, Delaware, USA: University of Delaware Press.

Anatomies of Desire: Photographic Exhibitions of Female Bodies in Fin-de-Siecle Anatomical Museums


Book Chapter

Redefining Sexual Excess as a Medical Disorder: Fin-de-Siecle Representations of Hysteria and Spermatorrhoea

Stephens, E. A. (2008). Redefining Sexual Excess as a Medical Disorder: Fin-de-Siecle Representations of Hysteria and Spermatorrhoea. Pleasure and Pain in Nineteenth-Century French Literature and Culture. (pp. 201-212) edited by Evans, D. and Griffiths, K.. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Redefining Sexual Excess as a Medical Disorder: Fin-de-Siecle Representations of Hysteria and Spermatorrhoea


Book Chapter

Flesh machines: self-making and the postmodern body

Stephens, E. A. (2008). Flesh machines: self-making and the postmodern body. Cultural Theory in Everyday Practice. (pp. 114-121) edited by Anderson, N. and Schlunke, K.. Melbourne: Oxford Journals, Oxford University Press.

Flesh machines: self-making and the postmodern body


Book Chapter

Queer writing: homoeroticism in Jean Genet's fiction

Stephens, Elizabeth (2007). Queer writing: homoeroticism in Jean Genet's fiction. Queer sexualities in French and Francophone literature and film. (pp. 129-144) edited by James Day. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Editions Rodopi. doi: 10.1163/9789401204903_011

Queer writing: homoeroticism in Jean Genet's fiction


Book Chapter

Corporeographies: The dancing body in 'adame Miroir and Un chant d'amour

Stephens, E. A. (2006). Corporeographies: The dancing body in 'adame Miroir and Un chant d'amour. Genet: Politics and Performance. (pp. 159-168) edited by C. Finburgh, C. Lavery and M. Shevtsova. London: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/9780230595439

Corporeographies: The dancing body in 'adame Miroir and Un chant d'amour


Book Chapter

Un mur qui ne serait jamais abattu: Le bagne du desir dans Un chant d'amour

Stephens, E. A. (2005). Un mur qui ne serait jamais abattu: Le bagne du desir dans Un chant d'amour. Aimez-vous le queer?. (pp. 131-139) edited by Lawrence R Schehr. New York, U.S.A.: Rodopi. doi: 10.1163/9789004333024_010

Un mur qui ne serait jamais abattu: Le bagne du desir dans Un chant d'amour


Book Chapter

Je suis un mensonge qui dit toujours la verite: Genet's Queer Subjectivities

Stephens, E. A. (2005). Je suis un mensonge qui dit toujours la verite: Genet's Queer Subjectivities. Soi-disant: Life-Writing in French. (pp. 41-52) edited by de Nooy, Juliana, Hardwick, Joe and Hanna, Barbara E.. Newark, USA: University of Delaware Press.

Je suis un mensonge qui dit toujours la verite: Genet's Queer Subjectivities


Book Chapter

Watchdogs of desire: Homophobia in the novels of Jean Genet

Stephens, Elizabeth (1999). Watchdogs of desire: Homophobia in the novels of Jean Genet. Playing the man: New approaches to masculinity. (pp. 63-74) edited by Katherine Biber, Tom Sear and Dave Trudinger. Annandale, Australia: Pluto Press.

Watchdogs of desire: Homophobia in the novels of Jean Genet