2021 Book Chapter Re-Imagining the “birthing machine:” art and anatomy in obstetric and anatomical models made by womenStephens, Elizabeth (2021). Re-Imagining the “birthing machine:” art and anatomy in obstetric and anatomical models made by women. Anatomy of the medical image: knowledge production and transfiguration from the Renaissance to today. (pp. 74-94) edited by Axel Fliethmann and Christiane Weller. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. doi: 10.1163/9789004445017_005 |
2024 Book Chapter The End of the OrdinaryStephens, Elizabeth (2024). The End of the Ordinary. The Postnormal Times Reader Volume 2. (pp. 69-82) Herndon, VA United States: International Institute of Islamic Thought. |
2023 Book Chapter 43. NormalCryle, Peter and Stephens, Elizabeth (2023). 43. Normal. Keywords for Health Humanities. (pp. 146-149) New York, NY United States: New York University Press. doi: 10.18574/nyu/9781479808083.003.0047 |
2019 Book Chapter Affect and automation: a critical geneology of the emotionsStephens, Elizabeth (2019). Affect and automation: a critical geneology of the emotions. Emotions in late modernity. (pp. 176-189) edited by Roger Patulny, Alberto Bellocchi, Rebecca E. Olson, Sukhmani Khorana, Jordan McKenzie and Michelle Peterie. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781351133319-16 |
2019 Book Chapter Automation and affect: a critical genealogy of the emotionsStephens, Elizabeth (2019). Automation and affect: a critical genealogy of the emotions. Emotions in late modernity. (pp. 176-189) edited by Roger Patulny, Alberto Bellocchi, Rebecca E. Olson, Sukhmani Khorana, Jordan McKenzie and Michelle Peterie. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781351133319-13 |
2018 Book Chapter 'Unhallowed arts': or, the science of making monstersStephens, Elizabeth (2018). 'Unhallowed arts': or, the science of making monsters. Unhallowed arts. (pp. 119-127) edited by Laetitia Wilson, Oron Catts and Eugenio Viola. Perth, Australia: UWA Publishing. |
2018 Book Chapter The normal body on display: public exhibitions of the Norma and Normman statuesStephens, Elizabeth (2018). The normal body on display: public exhibitions of the Norma and Normman statues. The Routledge companion to media, sex and sexuality. (pp. 7-18) edited by Clarissa Smith, Feona Attwood and Brian McNair. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315168302-2 |
2018 Book Chapter NormalityStephens, Elizabeth (2018). Normality. Gender: Time. (pp. na-na) edited by Karin Sellberg. Farmington Hills, United States: Macmillan. |
2016 Book Chapter We have always been robots: a brief history of robots and artStephens, Elizabeth and Heffernan, Tara (2016). We have always been robots: a brief history of robots and art. Robots and art: an unlikely symbiosis. (pp. 29-45) edited by Damith Herath, Christian Kroos and Stelarc. Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-0321-9_3 |
2015 Book Chapter Making monsters: bio-engineering and visual arts practiceStephens, Elizabeth (2015). Making monsters: bio-engineering and visual arts practice. Corporeality and culture: bodies in movement. (pp. 53-66) edited by Karin Sellberg and Lena Wånggren. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. |
2014 Book Chapter Sex as a normalising technology: early-twentieth-century public sex education campaignsStephens, Elizabeth (2014). Sex as a normalising technology: early-twentieth-century public sex education campaigns. Asexuality and sexual normativity: an anthology. (pp. 82-94) edited by Mark Carrigan, Kristina Gupta and Todd G. Morrison. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. |
2014 Book Chapter Réception AustralienneStephens, Elizabeth (2014). Réception Australienne. Dictionnaire Jean Genet. (pp. 551-551) edited by Marie-Claude Hubert. Paris, France: Honore Champion. |
2014 Book Chapter HomosexualitéStephens, Elizabeth (2014). Homosexualité. Dictionnaire Jean Genet. (pp. 322-323) edited by Marie-Claude Hubert. Paris, France: Honore Champion. |
2012 Book Chapter The queer space of the freak showStephens, Elizabeth (2012). The queer space of the freak show. Queer and subjugated knowledges: generating subversive imaginaries. (pp. 48-55) edited by Kerry H. Robinson and Cristyn Davies. Oak Park, IL, United States: Bentham Science Publishers. |
2012 Book Chapter Geeks and Gaffs: the queer legacy of the 1950s American Freak ShowStephens, Elizabeth (2012). Geeks and Gaffs: the queer legacy of the 1950s American Freak Show. Queer 1950s : rethinking sexuality in the postwar years. (pp. 183-195) edited by Heike Bauer and Matthew Cook. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/9781137264718_12 |
2012 Book Chapter Geeks and gaffsStephens, Elizabeth (2012). Geeks and gaffs. Queer 1950s: rethinking sexuality in the postwar years. (pp. 183-195) edited by Heike Bauer and Matt Cook. London, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. |
2011 Book Chapter Heterosexuality: An unfettered capacity for degeneracyStephens, Elizabeth and Parkhill, Chad (2011). Heterosexuality: An unfettered capacity for degeneracy. A Cultural History of Sexuality in the Age of Empire. (pp. 27-42) edited by Ivan Crozier and Chiara Beccalossi. Oxford, England: Berg Publishers. |
2011 Book Chapter Inventing the healthy body: the use of popular medical discourses in public anatomical exhibitionsStephens, Elizabeth (2011). Inventing the healthy body: the use of popular medical discourses in public anatomical exhibitions. The body divided: human beings and human ‘material’ in modern medical history. (pp. 223-238) edited by Sarah Ferber and Sally Wilde. Farnham, Surrey, U.K.: Ashgate. |
2011 Book Chapter Touching bodies: Tact/ility in nineteenth-century medical photographs and modelsStephens, Elizabeth (2011). Touching bodies: Tact/ility in nineteenth-century medical photographs and models. Bodies, sex and desire from the renaissance to the present. (pp. 87-101) edited by Kate Fisher and Sarah Toulalan. Basingstoke, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/9780230354128_5 |
2009 Book Chapter IntroductionStephens, Elizabeth (2009). Introduction. Queer Writing. (pp. 1-23) London, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan . doi: 10.1057/9780230271739_1 |