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Conference Publication

Considerations for Hernia Repair in Parrots

Doneley, Bob (2015). Considerations for Hernia Repair in Parrots. Association of Avian Veterinarians Australasian Committee Ltd. Annual Conference, Sydney, NSW Australia, 9-11 Septmeber 2015.

Considerations for Hernia Repair in Parrots


Conference Publication

Avian radiology: taking and interpreting avian radiographs

Doneley, Bob (2014). Avian radiology: taking and interpreting avian radiographs. AVA 2014: Australian Veterinary Association National Annual Conference 2014, Perth, WA, Australia, 25-30 May 2014. St Leonards, NSW, Australia: Australian Veterinary Association.

Avian radiology: taking and interpreting avian radiographs


Conference Publication

The use of vascular access ports in birds and exotic animal medicine

Doneley, Bob (2014). The use of vascular access ports in birds and exotic animal medicine. Australian College of Veterinary Scientists College Science Week, Gold Coast, QLD Australia, 10-12 July 2014.

The use of vascular access ports in birds and exotic animal medicine


Conference Publication

Analgesia and anaesthesia in reptiles – a review

Doneley, Bob (2014). Analgesia and anaesthesia in reptiles – a review. Australian Veterinary Association National Annual Conference, Perth, WA, Australia, 25-30 May 2014.

Analgesia and anaesthesia in reptiles – a review


Conference Publication

Use of CT in assessing sinus disorders in birds

Doneley, Bob (2014). Use of CT in assessing sinus disorders in birds. Association of Avian Veterinarians Australian Committee Annual Conference, Cairns, QLD, Australia, 22-24 April 2014.

Use of CT in assessing sinus disorders in birds


Conference Publication

Weight loss syndrome in juvenile free-living galahs (Eolophus roseicapillus)

Doneley, Bob (2012). Weight loss syndrome in juvenile free-living galahs (Eolophus roseicapillus). 2012 AVA Annual Conference: Australasian Committee Association of Avian Veterinarians and Unusual and Exotic Pet Veterinarians, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 3 - 7 September 2012. St Leonards, NSW, Australia: Australian Veterinary Association.

Weight loss syndrome in juvenile free-living galahs (Eolophus roseicapillus)


Conference Publication

Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in a sulphur-crested cockatoo (Cacatua galerita galerita)

Cowan, Melinda and Doneley, Bob (2012). Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in a sulphur-crested cockatoo (Cacatua galerita galerita). 2012 AVA Annual Conference: Australasian Committee Association of Avian Veterinarians and Unusual and Exotic Pet Veterinarians, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 3 - 7 September 2012. St Leonards, NSW, Australia: Australian Veterinary Association.

Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in a sulphur-crested cockatoo (Cacatua galerita galerita)


Conference Publication

Adenoviral infection in a collection of juvenile inland Bearded Dragons (Pogona vitticeps)

Doneley, Bob and Buckle, Kelly (2012). Adenoviral infection in a collection of juvenile inland Bearded Dragons (Pogona vitticeps). 2012 AVA Annual Conference: Australasian Committee Association of Avian Veterinarians and Unusual and Exotic Pet Veterinarians, Melbourme, VIC, Australia, 3 - 7 September 2012. St Leonards, NSW, Australia: Australian Veterinary Association.

Adenoviral infection in a collection of juvenile inland Bearded Dragons (Pogona vitticeps)


Conference Publication

The exploratory coeliotomy

Doneley, Bob and Rosenwax, Alex (2011). The exploratory coeliotomy. Association of Avian Veterinarians Australian Committee Annual Conference, Canberra, Australia, 20-21 October 2011. Canberra, Australia: Association Of Avian Veterinarians Australasian Committee.

The exploratory coeliotomy


Conference Publication

A case of tracheal obstruction

Doneley, Bob (2011). A case of tracheal obstruction. Association of Avian Veterinarians Australian Committee Annual Conference, Canberra ACT, 20-21 October 2011.

A case of tracheal obstruction


Conference Publication

Ten practice tips for avian and exotic pet veterinarians

Doneley, Bob (2010). Ten practice tips for avian and exotic pet veterinarians. AAVAC and UEPV Annual Conference, Hobart , Tasmania, 4-8 October 2010. Wollongong, NSW, Australia: Association of Avian Veterinarians Australasian Committee; Unusual and Exotic Pet Veterinarians.

Ten practice tips for avian and exotic pet veterinarians


Conference Publication

Why do birds get sick?

Doneley, Bob (2010). Why do birds get sick?. AAVAC and UEPV Annual Conference, Hobart, Australia, 4-8 October 2010. Wollongong, NSW, Australia: Association of Avian Veterinarians Australasian Committee; Unusual and Exotic Pet Veterinarians.

Why do birds get sick?


Conference Publication

The use of evidence based medicine in avian and reptile practice

Doneley, Bob (2009). The use of evidence based medicine in avian and reptile practice. Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) Annual Conference, Darwin, N.T., Australia, 14-22 May 2009. Australia: Australian Veterinary Association.

The use of evidence based medicine in avian and reptile practice


Conference Publication

Clinical recovery and excretion kinetics of circovirus in lorikeets infected with psittacine beak and feather disease

Vankan, Dianne M., Gelis, Stacey, Pyne, Michael, Shearer, Patrick, Sharp, Margaret, Waine, Deanne and Doneley, Bob (2009). Clinical recovery and excretion kinetics of circovirus in lorikeets infected with psittacine beak and feather disease. Association of Avian Veterinarians Australasian Committee: Annual Conference 2009. Advancing and Promoting Avian Medicine and Stewardship (AAVAC, 2009), Adelaide, SA, Australia, 15-17 October 2009. Denver, CO, U.S.A.: Summit Meetings.

Clinical recovery and excretion kinetics of circovirus in lorikeets infected with psittacine beak and feather disease


Conference Publication

Lead toxicosis in birds; A retrospective review of 20 cases

Bob Doneley (2009). Lead toxicosis in birds; A retrospective review of 20 cases. AAVAC Annual Conference 2009, Adelaide, Australia, 15-17 October 2009. Wollongong, N.S.W., Australia: AAVAC.

Lead toxicosis in birds; A retrospective review of 20 cases


Conference Publication

A case of tracheal obstruction

Doneley, Bob (2006). A case of tracheal obstruction. North American Veterinary Conference, Orlando , Florida, USA, 7-11 January, 2006.

A case of tracheal obstruction


Conference Publication

Biochemistries: What they do and don't do

Bob Doneley (2006). Biochemistries: What they do and don't do. North American Veterinary Conference, Orlando , Florida, USA, 7-11 January 2006. Gainesville, FL, USA: North American Veterinary Conference.

Biochemistries: What they do and don't do


Conference Publication

An approach to diagnosing chlamydiosis

Doneley, Bob (2006). An approach to diagnosing chlamydiosis. NAVC Conference 2006: North American Veterinary Conference, Orlando, FL, U.S.A., 7-11 January 2006. Gainesville, FL, U.S.A.: The North American Veterinary Conference.

An approach to diagnosing chlamydiosis


Conference Publication

Pigeon medicine and surgery

Bob Doneley (2006). Pigeon medicine and surgery. North American Veterinary Conference, Orlando , Florida, USA, 7-11 Janaury 2006. Gainesville, FL, USA: North American Veterinary Conference.

Pigeon medicine and surgery


Conference Publication

Antibody serology: The good and the bad

Doneley, Bob (2006). Antibody serology: The good and the bad. NAVC Conference 2006: North American Veterinary Conference, Orlando, FL, U.S.A., 7-11 January 2006. Gainesville, FL, U.S.A.: The North American Veterinary Conference.

Antibody serology: The good and the bad