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Other Outputs

6 Strategies to help small business innovate post-COVID

Gronum, Sarel and Morrison, David (2020, 12 02). 6 Strategies to help small business innovate post-COVID Momentum

6 Strategies to help small business innovate post-COVID


Other Outputs

SME performance: the role of networking, innovation breadth, and business model design

Gronum, Sarel (2015). SME performance: the role of networking, innovation breadth, and business model design. PhD Thesis, UQ Business School, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/uql.2015.929

SME performance: the role of networking, innovation breadth, and business model design


Other Outputs

Horticulture innovation Australia, final report: Transformational innovation performance analysis

Hine, Damian, Verreynne, Martie-Louise, Steen, John and Gronum, Sarel (2015). Horticulture innovation Australia, final report: Transformational innovation performance analysis. The University of Queensland Project Number: AI13011 Brisbane, Australia: Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited.

Horticulture innovation Australia, final report: Transformational innovation performance analysis


Other Outputs

Planning for a shared vision of a sustainable future

Linnenluecke, Martina K., Verreynne, Martie-Louise, de Villiers Scheepers, Retha, Gronum, Sarel and Venter, Chanel (2014). Planning for a shared vision of a sustainable future. South Africa: Network for Business Sustainability in South Africa.

Planning for a shared vision of a sustainable future