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Journal Article

Thermoresponsive worms for expansion and release of human embryonic stem cells

Chen, Xiaoli, Prowse, Andrew B. J., Jia, Zhongfan, Tellier, Helena, Munro,Trent P., Gray, Peter P. and Monteiro, Michael J. (2014). Thermoresponsive worms for expansion and release of human embryonic stem cells. Biomacromolecules, 15 (3), 844-855. doi: 10.1021/bm401702h

Thermoresponsive worms for expansion and release of human embryonic stem cells


Journal Article

Technoeconomic analysis of renewable aviation fuel from microalgae, Pongamia pinnata, and sugarcane

Klein-Marcuschamer, Daniel, Turner, Christopher, Allen, Mark, Gray, Peter, Dietzgen, Ralf G., Gresshoff, Peter M., Hankamer, Ben, Heimann, Kirsten, Scott, Paul T., Stephens, Evan, Speight, Robert and Nielsen, Lars K. (2013). Technoeconomic analysis of renewable aviation fuel from microalgae, Pongamia pinnata, and sugarcane. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 7 (4), 416-428. doi: 10.1002/bbb.1404

Technoeconomic analysis of renewable aviation fuel from microalgae, Pongamia pinnata, and sugarcane


Journal Article

Selective inhibition of human group IIA-secreted phospholipase a 2 (hGIIA) signaling reveals arachidonic acid metabolism is associated with colocalization of hGIIA to vimentin in rheumatoid synoviocytes

Lee, Lawrence K., Bryant, Katherine J., Bouveret, Romaric, Lei, Pei-Wen, Duff, Anthony P., Harrop, Stephen J., Huang, Edwin P., Harvey, Richard P., Gelb, Michael H., Gray, Peter P., Curmi, Paul M., Cunningham, Anne M., Church, W. Bret and Scott, Kieran F. (2013). Selective inhibition of human group IIA-secreted phospholipase a 2 (hGIIA) signaling reveals arachidonic acid metabolism is associated with colocalization of hGIIA to vimentin in rheumatoid synoviocytes. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 288 (21), 15269-15279. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.397893

Selective inhibition of human group IIA-secreted phospholipase a 2 (hGIIA) signaling reveals arachidonic acid metabolism is associated with colocalization of hGIIA to vimentin in rheumatoid synoviocytes


Journal Article

Flux balance analysis of CHO cells before and after a metabolic switch from lactate production to consumption

Martínez, Verónica S., Dietmair, Stefanie, Quek, Lake-Ee, Hodson, Mark P., Gray, Peter and Nielsen, Lars K. (2013). Flux balance analysis of CHO cells before and after a metabolic switch from lactate production to consumption. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 110 (2), 660-666. doi: 10.1002/bit.24728

Flux balance analysis of CHO cells before and after a metabolic switch from lactate production to consumption


Journal Article

Analysis of Mitochondrial Function and Localisation during Human Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation In Vitro

Prowse, Andrew B. J., Chong, Fenny, Elliott, David A., Elefanty, Andrew G., Stanley, Edouard G., Gray, Peter P., Munro, Trent P. and Osborne, Geoffrey W. (2012). Analysis of Mitochondrial Function and Localisation during Human Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation In Vitro. PLoS One, 7 (12) e52214, e52214-1-e52214-10. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0052214

Analysis of Mitochondrial Function and Localisation during Human Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation In Vitro


Journal Article

A multi-omics analysis of recombinant protein production in Hek293 cells

Dietmair, Stefanie, Hodson, Mark P., Quek, Lake-Ee, Timmins, Nicholas E., Gray, Peter and Nielsen, Lars K. (2012). A multi-omics analysis of recombinant protein production in Hek293 cells. Plos One, 7 (8) e43394, e43394.1-e43394.15. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0043394

A multi-omics analysis of recombinant protein production in Hek293 cells


Journal Article

Metabolite profiling of CHO cells with different growth characteristics

Dietmair, Stefanie, Hodson, Mark P., Quek, Lake-Ee, Timmins, Nicholas E., Chrysanthopoulos, Panagiotis, Jacob, Shana S., Gray, Peter and Nielsen, Lars K. (2012). Metabolite profiling of CHO cells with different growth characteristics. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 109 (6), 1404-1414. doi: 10.1002/bit.24496

Metabolite profiling of CHO cells with different growth characteristics


Journal Article

Recombinant human albumin supports single cell cloning of CHO cells in chemically defined media

Zhu, Jiang, Wooh, Jong Wei, Hou, Jeff Jia Cheng, Hughes, Benjamin S., Gray, Peter P. and Munro, Trent P. (2012). Recombinant human albumin supports single cell cloning of CHO cells in chemically defined media. Biotechnology Progress, 28 (3), 887-891. doi: 10.1002/btpr.1549

Recombinant human albumin supports single cell cloning of CHO cells in chemically defined media


Journal Article

Bridging the gap: Facilities and technologies for development of early stage therapeutic mAb candidates

Munro, Trent P., Mahler, Stephen M., Huang, Edwin P., Chin, David Y. and Gray, Peter P. (2011). Bridging the gap: Facilities and technologies for development of early stage therapeutic mAb candidates. mAbs, 3 (5), 440-452. doi: 10.4161/mabs.3.5.16968

Bridging the gap: Facilities and technologies for development of early stage therapeutic mAb candidates


Journal Article

Efficient mAb production in CHO cells incorporating PEI-mediated transfection, mild hypothermia and the co-expression of XBP-1

Codamo, Joe, Hou, Jeff Jia Cheng, Hughes, Benjamin S., Gray, Peter P. and Munro, Trent P. (2011). Efficient mAb production in CHO cells incorporating PEI-mediated transfection, mild hypothermia and the co-expression of XBP-1. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 86 (7), 923-934. doi: 10.1002/jctb.2572

Efficient mAb production in CHO cells incorporating PEI-mediated transfection, mild hypothermia and the co-expression of XBP-1


Journal Article

Clonal selection of high producing, stably transfected HEK293 cell lines utilizing modified, high-throughput FACS screening

Song, Michael, Raphaelli, Kristin, Jones, Martina L., Aliabadi-Zadeh, Khosrow, Leung, Kar Man, Crowley, David, Hughes, Benjamin, Mahler, Stephen, Gray, Peter P., Huang, Edwin P. and Chin, David Y. (2011). Clonal selection of high producing, stably transfected HEK293 cell lines utilizing modified, high-throughput FACS screening. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 86 (7), 935-941. doi: 10.1002/jctb.2618

Clonal selection of high producing, stably transfected HEK293 cell lines utilizing modified, high-throughput FACS screening


Journal Article

New frontiers in cell line development: Challenges for biosimilars

Hou, Jeff Jia Cheng, Codamo, Joe, Pilbrough, Warren, Hughes, Benjamin, Gray, Peter P. and Munro, Trent P. (2011). New frontiers in cell line development: Challenges for biosimilars. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 86 (7), 895-904. doi: 10.1002/jctb.2574

New frontiers in cell line development: Challenges for biosimilars


Journal Article

Enhanced CHO cell-based transient gene expression with the Epi-CHO expression system

Codamo, Joe, Munro, Trent P., Hughes, Benjamin S., Song, Michael and Gray, Peter P. (2011). Enhanced CHO cell-based transient gene expression with the Epi-CHO expression system. Molecular Biotechnology, 48 (2), 109-115. doi: 10.1007/s12033-010-9351-9

Enhanced CHO cell-based transient gene expression with the Epi-CHO expression system


Journal Article

Stem cell integrins: Implications for ex-vivo culture and cellular therapies

Prowse, Andrew B. J., Chong, Fenny, Gray, Peter P. and Munro, Trent P. (2011). Stem cell integrins: Implications for ex-vivo culture and cellular therapies. Stem Cell Research, 6 (1), 1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.scr.2010.09.005

Stem cell integrins: Implications for ex-vivo culture and cellular therapies


Journal Article

Biologics and biosimilars: emerging technologies driving global opportunity

Mahler, Stephen and Gray, Peter (2011). Biologics and biosimilars: emerging technologies driving global opportunity. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 86 (7), 893-894. doi: 10.1002/jctb.2684

Biologics and biosimilars: emerging technologies driving global opportunity


Journal Article

Long term culture of human embryonic stem cells on recombinant vitronectin in ascorbate free media

Prowse, Andrew B. J., Doran, Michael R., Cooper-White, Justin J., Chong, Fenny, Munro, Trent P., Fitzpatrick, Jane, Chung, Tung-Liang, Haylock, David N., Gray, Peter P. and Wolvetang, Ernst J. (2010). Long term culture of human embryonic stem cells on recombinant vitronectin in ascorbate free media. Biomaterials, 31 (32), 8281-8288. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2010.07.037

Long term culture of human embryonic stem cells on recombinant vitronectin in ascorbate free media


Journal Article

Towards quantitative metabolomics of mammalian cells: Development of a metabolite extraction protocol

Dietmair, Stefanie, Timmins, Nicholas E., Gray, Peter P., Nielsen, Lars K. and Kromer, Jens O. (2010). Towards quantitative metabolomics of mammalian cells: Development of a metabolite extraction protocol. Analytical Biochemistry, 404 (2), 155-164. doi: 10.1016/j.ab.2010.04.031

Towards quantitative metabolomics of mammalian cells: Development of a metabolite extraction protocol


Journal Article

Defined high protein content surfaces for stem cell culture

Doran, Michael R., Frith, Jessica E., Prowse, Andrew B. J., Fitzpatrick, Jane, Wolvetang, Ernst J., Munro, Trent P., Gray, Peter P. and Cooper-White, Justin J. (2010). Defined high protein content surfaces for stem cell culture. Biomaterials, 31 (19), 5137-5142. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2010.03.015

Defined high protein content surfaces for stem cell culture


Journal Article

A method for rapid, ligation-independent reformatting of recombinant monoclonal antibodies

Jones, Martina L., Seldon, Therese, Smede, Matthew, Linville, Ashleigh, Chin, David Y., Barnard, Ross, Mahler, Stephen M., Munster, David, Hart, Derek, Gray, Peter P. and Munro, Trent P. (2010). A method for rapid, ligation-independent reformatting of recombinant monoclonal antibodies. Journal of Immunological Methods, 354 (1-2), 85-90. doi: 10.1016/j.jim.2010.02.001

A method for rapid, ligation-independent reformatting of recombinant monoclonal antibodies


Journal Article

Controlled preparation of layered double hydroxide nanoparticles and their application as gene delivery vehicles

Ladewig, K., Niebert, M., Xu, Z.P., Gray, P.P. and Lu, G.Q. (2010). Controlled preparation of layered double hydroxide nanoparticles and their application as gene delivery vehicles. Applied Clay Science, 48 (1-2), 280-289. doi: 10.1016/j.clay.2009.11.032

Controlled preparation of layered double hydroxide nanoparticles and their application as gene delivery vehicles