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Journal Article

A rapid molecular detection tool for toxigenic M1UK Streptococcus pyogenes

Brouwer, Stephan, Das, Swairindhree, Hayes, Andrew J., Bertolla, Olivia M., Davies, Mark R., Walker, Mark J., Whiley, David M., Irwin, Adam D. and Tickner, Jacob A. (2024). A rapid molecular detection tool for toxigenic M1UK Streptococcus pyogenes. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiae437

A rapid molecular detection tool for toxigenic M1UK Streptococcus pyogenes


Journal Article

Integrative omics identifies conserved and pathogen-specific responses of sepsis-causing bacteria

Mu, Andre, Klare, William P., Baines, Sarah L., Ignatius Pang, C. N., Guérillot, Romain, Harbison-Price, Nichaela, Keller, Nadia, Wilksch, Jonathan, Nhu, Nguyen Thi Khanh, Phan, Minh-Duy, Keller, Bernhard, Nijagal, Brunda, Tull, Dedreia, Dayalan, Saravanan, Chua, Hwa Huat Charlie, Skoneczny, Dominik, Koval, Jason, Hachani, Abderrahman, Shah, Anup D., Neha, Nitika, Jadhav, Snehal, Partridge, Sally R., Cork, Amanda J., Peters, Kate, Bertolla, Olivia, Brouwer, Stephan, Hancock, Steven J., Álvarez-Fraga, Laura, De Oliveira, David M. P. ... Walker, Mark J. (2023). Integrative omics identifies conserved and pathogen-specific responses of sepsis-causing bacteria. Nature Communications, 14 (1) 1530, 1-21. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-37200-w

Integrative omics identifies conserved and pathogen-specific responses of sepsis-causing bacteria


Journal Article

Pathogenesis, epidemiology and control of Group A Streptococcus infection

Brouwer, Stephan, Rivera-Hernandez, Tania, Curren, Bodie F., Harbison-Price, Nichaela, De Oliveira, David M. P., Jespersen, Magnus G., Davies, Mark R. and Walker, Mark J. (2023). Pathogenesis, epidemiology and control of Group A Streptococcus infection. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 21 (7), 431-447. doi: 10.1038/s41579-023-00865-7

Pathogenesis, epidemiology and control of Group A Streptococcus infection


Journal Article

Detection of Streptococcus pyogenes M1UK in Australia and characterization of the mutation driving enhanced expression of superantigen SpeA

Davies, Mark R., Keller, Nadia, Brouwer, Stephan, Jespersen, Magnus G., Cork, Amanda J., Hayes, Andrew J., Pitt, Miranda E., De Oliveira, David M. P., Harbison-Price, Nichaela, Bertolla, Olivia M., Mediati, Daniel G., Curren, Bodie F., Taiaroa, George, Lacey, Jake A., Smith, Helen V., Fang, Ning-Xia, Coin, Lachlan J. M., Stevens, Kerrie, Tong, Steven Y. C., Sanderson-Smith, Martina, Tree, Jai J., Irwin, Adam D., Grimwood, Keith, Howden, Benjamin P., Jennison, Amy V. and Walker, Mark J. (2023). Detection of Streptococcus pyogenes M1UK in Australia and characterization of the mutation driving enhanced expression of superantigen SpeA. Nature Communications, 14 (1) 1051, 1-12. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-36717-4

Detection of Streptococcus pyogenes M1UK in Australia and characterization of the mutation driving enhanced expression of superantigen SpeA


Journal Article

Author Correction: Pathogenesis, epidemiology and control of Group A Streptococcus infection (Nature Reviews Microbiology, (2023), 21, 7, (431-447), 10.1038/s41579-023-00865-7)

Brouwer, Stephan, Rivera-Hernandez, Tania, Curren, Bodie F., Harbison-Price, Nichaela, De Oliveira, David M. P., Jespersen, Magnus G., Davies, Mark R. and Walker, Mark J. (2023). Author Correction: Pathogenesis, epidemiology and control of Group A Streptococcus infection (Nature Reviews Microbiology, (2023), 21, 7, (431-447), 10.1038/s41579-023-00865-7). Nature Reviews Microbiology, 21 (9), 619-619. doi: 10.1038/s41579-023-00939-6

Author Correction: Pathogenesis, epidemiology and control of Group A Streptococcus infection (Nature Reviews Microbiology, (2023), 21, 7, (431-447), 10.1038/s41579-023-00865-7)


Journal Article

Streptococcus pyogenes hijacks host glutathione for growth and innate immune evasion

Brouwer, Stephan, Jespersen, Magnus G., Ong, Cheryl-lynn Y., De Oliveira, David M. P., Keller, Bernhard, Cork, Amanda J., Djoko, Karrera Y., Davies, Mark R. and Walker, Mark J. (2022). Streptococcus pyogenes hijacks host glutathione for growth and innate immune evasion. mBio, 13 (3), e0067622. doi: 10.1128/mbio.00676-22

Streptococcus pyogenes hijacks host glutathione for growth and innate immune evasion


Journal Article

Neurodegenerative disease treatment drug PBT2 breaks intrinsic polymyxin resistance in Gram-positive bacteria

De Oliveira, David M. P., Keller, Bernhard, Hayes, Andrew J., Ong, Cheryl-Lynn Y., Harbison-Price, Nichaela, El-Deeb, Ibrahim M., Li, Gen, Keller, Nadia, Bohlmann, Lisa, Brouwer, Stephan, Turner, Andrew G., Cork, Amanda J., Jones, Thomas R., Paterson, David L., McEwan, Alastair G., Davies, Mark R., McDevitt, Christopher A., Itzstein, Mark von and Walker, Mark J. (2022). Neurodegenerative disease treatment drug PBT2 breaks intrinsic polymyxin resistance in Gram-positive bacteria. Antibiotics, 11 (4) 449, 449. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics11040449

Neurodegenerative disease treatment drug PBT2 breaks intrinsic polymyxin resistance in Gram-positive bacteria


Journal Article

Rescuing Tetracycline Class Antibiotics for the Treatment of Multidrug-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Pulmonary Infection

De Oliveira, David M. P., Forde, Brian M., Phan, Minh-Duy, Steiner, Bernhard, Zhang, Bing, Zuegg, Johannes, El-deeb, Ibrahim M., Li, Gen, Keller, Nadia, Brouwer, Stephan, Harbison-Price, Nichaela, Cork, Amanda J., Bauer, Michelle J., Alquethamy, Saleh F., Beatson, Scott A., Roberts, Jason A., Paterson, David L., McEwan, Alastair G., Blaskovich, Mark A. T., Schembri, Mark A., McDevitt, Christopher A., von Itzstein, Mark and Walker, Mark J. (2022). Rescuing Tetracycline Class Antibiotics for the Treatment of Multidrug-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Pulmonary Infection. mBio, 13 (1) e03517, e0351721. doi: 10.1128/mbio.03517-21

Rescuing Tetracycline Class Antibiotics for the Treatment of Multidrug-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Pulmonary Infection


Journal Article

Streptococcal superantigens and the return of scarlet fever

Hurst, Jacklyn R., Brouwer, Stephan, Walker, Mark J. and McCormick, John K. (2021). Streptococcal superantigens and the return of scarlet fever. PLOS Pathogens, 17 (12) e1010097, e1010097. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1010097

Streptococcal superantigens and the return of scarlet fever


Journal Article

Streptolysins are the primary inflammasome activators in macrophages during Streptococcus pyogenes infection

Richter, Johanna, Monteleone, Mercedes M, Cork, Amanda J., Barnett, Timothy C., Nizet, Victor, Brouwer, Stephan, Schroder, Kate and Walker, Mark J. (2021). Streptolysins are the primary inflammasome activators in macrophages during Streptococcus pyogenes infection. Immunology and Cell Biology, 99 (10), 1-13. doi: 10.1111/imcb.12499

Streptolysins are the primary inflammasome activators in macrophages during Streptococcus pyogenes infection


Journal Article

Inflammasome activation and IL ‐1β signalling in Group A Streptococcus disease

Richter, Johanna, Brouwer, Stephan, Schroder, Kate and Walker, Mark J. (2021). Inflammasome activation and IL ‐1β signalling in Group A Streptococcus disease. Cellular Microbiology, 23 (9) e13373, 1-9. doi: 10.1111/cmi.13373

Inflammasome activation and IL ‐1β signalling in Group A Streptococcus disease


Journal Article

Prophage exotoxins enhance colonization fitness in epidemic scarlet fever-causing Streptococcus pyogenes

Brouwer, Stephan, Barnett, Timothy C., Ly, Diane, Kasper, Katherine J., De Oliveira, David M. P., Rivera-Hernandez, Tania, Cork, Amanda J., McIntyre, Liam, Jespersen, Magnus G., Richter, Johanna, Schulz, Benjamin L., Dougan, Gordon, Nizet, Victor, Yuen, Kwok-Yung, You, Yuanhai, McCormick, John K., Sanderson-Smith, Martina L., Davies, Mark R. and Walker, Mark J. (2020). Prophage exotoxins enhance colonization fitness in epidemic scarlet fever-causing Streptococcus pyogenes. Nature Communications, 11 (1) 5018, 5018. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-18700-5

Prophage exotoxins enhance colonization fitness in epidemic scarlet fever-causing Streptococcus pyogenes


Journal Article

Role of glutathione in buffering excess intracellular copper in Streptococcus pyogenes

Stewart, Louisa J., Ong, Cheryl-Lynn Y., Zhang, May M., Brouwer, Stephan, McIntyre, Liam, Davies, Mark R., Walker, Mark J., McEwan, Alastair G., Waldron, Kevin J. and Djoko, Karrera Y. (2020). Role of glutathione in buffering excess intracellular copper in Streptococcus pyogenes. mBio, 11 (6) e02804-20, 1-19. doi: 10.1128/mBio.02804-20

Role of glutathione in buffering excess intracellular copper in Streptococcus pyogenes


Journal Article

Repurposing a neurodegenerative disease drug to treat Gram-negative antibiotic-resistant bacterial sepsis

De Oliveira, David M. P., Bohlmann, Lisa, Conroy, Trent, Jen, Freda E.-C., Everest-Dass, Arun, Hansford, Karl A., Bolisetti, Raghu, El-Deeb, Ibrahim M., Forde, Brian M., Phan, Minh-Duy, Lacey, Jake A., Tan, Aimee, Rivera-Hernandez, Tania, Brouwer, Stephan, Keller, Nadia, Kidd, Timothy J., Cork, Amanda J., Bauer, Michelle J., Cook, Gregory M., Davies, Mark R., Beatson, Scott A., Paterson, David L., McEwan, Alastair G., Li, Jian, Schembri, Mark A., Blaskovich, Mark A. T., Jennings, Michael P., McDevitt, Christopher A., von Itzstein, Mark and Walker, Mark J. (2020). Repurposing a neurodegenerative disease drug to treat Gram-negative antibiotic-resistant bacterial sepsis. Science Translational Medicine, 12 (570) abb3791, eabb3791. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.abb3791

Repurposing a neurodegenerative disease drug to treat Gram-negative antibiotic-resistant bacterial sepsis


Journal Article

All major cholesterol-dependent cytolysins use glycans as cellular receptors

Shewell, Lucy K., Day, Christopher J., Jen, Freda E.-C., Haselhorst, Thomas, Atack, John M., Reijneveld, Josephine F., Everest-Dass, Arun, James, David B. A., Boguslawski, Kristina M., Brouwer, Stephan, Gillen, Christine M., Luo, Zhenyao, Kobe, Bostjan, Nizet, Victor, von Itzstein, Mark, Walker, Mark J., Paton, Adrienne W., Paton, James C., Torres, Victor J. and Jennings, Michael P. (2020). All major cholesterol-dependent cytolysins use glycans as cellular receptors. Science Advances, 6 (21) EAAZ4926, eaaz4926. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz4926

All major cholesterol-dependent cytolysins use glycans as cellular receptors


Journal Article

Scarlet fever changes its spots

Brouwer, Stephan, Lacey, Jake A., You, Yuanhai, Davies, Mark R. and Walker, Mark J. (2019). Scarlet fever changes its spots. Lancet Infectious Diseases, 19 (11), 1154-1155. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(19)30494-3

Scarlet fever changes its spots


Journal Article

Human glycan expression patterns influence Group A streptococcal colonization of epithelial cells

De Oliveira, David M. P., Everest-Dass, Arun, Hartley-Tassell, Lauren, Day, Christopher J., Indraratna, Anuk, Brouwer, Stephan, Cleary, Ailish, Kautto, Liisa, Gorman, Jody, Packer, Nicolle H., Jennings, Michael P., Walker, Mark J. and Sanderson-Smith, Martina L. (2019). Human glycan expression patterns influence Group A streptococcal colonization of epithelial cells. FASEB Journal, 33 (10), 10808-10818. doi: 10.1096/fj.201900559R

Human glycan expression patterns influence Group A streptococcal colonization of epithelial cells


Journal Article

The serotype-specific role of regulator of cov polymorphisms in the pathogenesis of invasive group a streptococcal infections

Brouwer, Stephan and Walker, Mark J. (2019). The serotype-specific role of regulator of cov polymorphisms in the pathogenesis of invasive group a streptococcal infections. American Journal of Pathology, 189 (10), 1913-1915. doi: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2019.07.005

The serotype-specific role of regulator of cov polymorphisms in the pathogenesis of invasive group a streptococcal infections


Journal Article

Detection of epidemic scarlet fever group A Streptococcus in Australia

Walker, Mark J., Brouwer, Stephan, Forde, Brian M., Worthing, Kate A., McIntyre, Liam, Sundac, Lana, Maloney, Sam, Roberts, Leah W., Barnett, Timothy C., Richter, Johanna, Cork, Amanda J., Irwin, Adam D., You, Yuanhai, Zhang, Jianzhong, Dougan, Gordon, Yuen, K. Y., Nizet, Victor, Beatson, Scott A., Grimwood, Keith and Davies, Mark R. (2019). Detection of epidemic scarlet fever group A Streptococcus in Australia. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 69 (7), 1232-1234. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciz099

Detection of epidemic scarlet fever group A Streptococcus in Australia


Journal Article

Scarlet fever makes a comeback

Walker, Mark J. and Brouwer, Stephan (2018). Scarlet fever makes a comeback. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 18 (2), 128-129. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(17)30694-1

Scarlet fever makes a comeback