2023 Other Outputs Capacity building and knowledge transfer in seaweed mapping in IndonesiaAbdul Aziz, Ammar, Wicaksono, Prama, Arjasakusuma, Sanjiwana, Chapman, Scott, Langford, Zannie, Grunefeld, Swaantje, Azizan, Fathin Ayuni and Maishella, Amanda (2023). Capacity building and knowledge transfer in seaweed mapping in Indonesia. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Australia-Indonesia Centre. |
2023 Other Outputs Peningkatan kapasitas dan transfer pengetahuan dalam pemetaan rumput laut di IndonesiaAbdul Aziz, Ammar, Wicaksono, Pramaditya, Arjasakusuma, Sanjiwana, Chapman, Scott, Langford, Zannie, Grunefeld, Swaantje, Azizan, Fathin Ayuni and Maishella, Amanda (2023). Peningkatan kapasitas dan transfer pengetahuan dalam pemetaan rumput laut di Indonesia. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Australia-Indonesia Centre. |
2022 Other Outputs If the UN wants to slash plastic waste, it must tackle soaring plastic production - and why we use so much of itChakori, Sabrina, Abdul Aziz, Ammar, Friant, Martin C. and Richards, Russell (2022, 03 23). If the UN wants to slash plastic waste, it must tackle soaring plastic production - and why we use so much of it The Conversation |
2015 Other Outputs Integrating a REDD+ Project into the management of a production mangrove forest in Matang Forest Reserve, MalaysiaAbdul Aziz, Ammar (2015). Integrating a REDD+ Project into the management of a production mangrove forest in Matang Forest Reserve, Malaysia. PhD Thesis, School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/uql.2015.428 |