2018 Conference Publication Thermosensitive Biomimetic Polyisocyanopeptide Hydrogels May Facilitate Wound RepairOp 't Veld, Roel, Von den Hoff, Hans, Van den Boomen, Onno, Lundvig, Ditte, Bronkhorst, Ewald, Kouwer, Paul, Jansen, John, Wagener, Frank and Rowan, Alan (2018). Thermosensitive Biomimetic Polyisocyanopeptide Hydrogels May Facilitate Wound Repair. WILEY. |
2016 Conference Publication Towards synthetic immune cells for cancer immunotherapyFigdor, Carl G., Mandal, Subhra, Hammink, Roel, Eggermont, Loek, Weiden, Jorieke, Voerman, Dion, Tel, Jurjen, Eksteen-Akeroyd, Zaskia H., Blank, Kerstin and Rowan, Alan E. (2016). Towards synthetic immune cells for cancer immunotherapy. AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH. doi: 10.1158/2326-6074.CRICIMTEATIAACR15-IA29 |
2015 Conference Publication Novel Polyisocyanopeptide Hydrogels for Rapid VasculogenesisSun, W., Eksteen-Akeroyd, Z. H., Nagelkerke, A., Geutjes, P., Zhou, L., Wissing, T., Wilson, C., Feitz, W., Rowan, A. E. and Oosterwijk, E. (2015). Novel Polyisocyanopeptide Hydrogels for Rapid Vasculogenesis. 4th TERMIS World Congress, Boston Ma, Sep 08-11, 2015. NEW ROCHELLE: MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC. |
2015 Conference Publication Matrix-stiffness Driven Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Adipose Derived Stem CellsMihaila, S., Rowan, A., Feitz, W. F. and Oosterwijk, E. (2015). Matrix-stiffness Driven Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Adipose Derived Stem Cells. 4th TERMIS World Congress, Boston Ma, Sep 08-11, 2015. NEW ROCHELLE: MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC. |
2014 Conference Publication "Strain stiffening," the key to biomimetic cytoskeletal materialsJaspers, Maarten, Akeroyd, Zaskia Eksteen, Koepf, Matthieu, Le Sage, Vincent A. A., Wilson, Chris, Mendes, Eduardo, Kouwer, Paul H. J. and Rowan, Alan E. (2014). "Strain stiffening," the key to biomimetic cytoskeletal materials. 248th National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), San Francisco Ca, Aug 10-14, 2014. WASHINGTON: AMER CHEMICAL SOC. |
2014 Conference Publication Revealing and manipulating single molecule reactivity in an environmentally controlled liquid-STMElemans, Johannes A. A. W., den Boer, Duncan, Li, Min, Habets, Thomas, Iavicoli, Patrizia, Rowan, Alan E., Nolte, Roeland J. M., Speller, Sylvia, Amabilino, David B. and De Feyter, Steven (2014). Revealing and manipulating single molecule reactivity in an environmentally controlled liquid-STM. 247th National Spring Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), Dallas Tx, Mar 16-20, 2014. WASHINGTON: AMER CHEMICAL SOC. |
2014 Conference Publication Selective catalytic epoxidation by self-assembled stacks of manganese porphyrin trimersMunninghoff, Joris A. W., van Hameren, Richard, Stout, Kathleen, Nolte, Roeland J. M., Rowan, Alan E. and Elemans, Johannes A. A. W. (2014). Selective catalytic epoxidation by self-assembled stacks of manganese porphyrin trimers. 247th National Spring Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), Dallas Tx, Mar 16-20, 2014. WASHINGTON: AMER CHEMICAL SOC. |
2013 Conference Publication Biohybrid DNA nuclease mimicvan Dongen, Stijn F. M., Clerx, Joost, Norgaard, Kaspar, Benkovic, Stephen J., Rowan, Alan E. and Nolte, Roeland J. M. (2013). Biohybrid DNA nuclease mimic. 245th National Spring Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), New Orleans La, Apr 07-11, 2013. WASHINGTON: AMER CHEMICAL SOC. |
2012 Conference Publication Nanogel star polymer nanostructures of controlled size, molecular architecture and functionality: no assembly requiredMiller, R. D., Sly, J., Lee, V. Y., Appel, E., Tijo, M., Nguyen, T., Nunes, H., Gomez, L., McNeil, M., Munninghoff, J. and Rowan, A. E. (2012). Nanogel star polymer nanostructures of controlled size, molecular architecture and functionality: no assembly required. NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo (Nanotech 2012), Santa Clara, CA United States, 18-21 June 2012. CRC Press - Taylor & Francis Group. |
2012 Conference Publication Carbazole functionalized isocyanide brushes in heterojunction photovoltaic devicesLim, Eunhee, Gao, Feng, Schwartz, Erik, Cornelissen, Jeroen J. L. M., Nolte, Roeland J. M., Rowan, Alan E., Greenham, Neil C. and Do, Lee-Mi (2012). Carbazole functionalized isocyanide brushes in heterojunction photovoltaic devices. Valencia, CA, United States: American Scientific Publishers. doi: 10.1166/jnn.2012.5334 |
2010 Conference Publication Single molecule imaging of manganese porphyrin oxidation reactions in a liquid-STMden Boer, Duncan, Li, Min, Habets, Thomas, Iavicoli, Patrizia, Amabilino, David B., Nolte, Roeland J. M., Rowan, Alan E., Speller, Sylvia, De Feyter, Steven and Elemans, Johannes A. A. W. (2010). Single molecule imaging of manganese porphyrin oxidation reactions in a liquid-STM. AMER CHEMICAL SOC. |
2010 Conference Publication Single molecule study of sol-gel entrapped lipases by confocal fluorescence microscopyClaessen, Victor I., Engelkamp, Hans, Christianen, Peter C. M., Rowan, Alan E. and Nolte, Roeland J. M. (2010). Single molecule study of sol-gel entrapped lipases by confocal fluorescence microscopy. AMER CHEMICAL SOC. |
2010 Conference Publication Antiferromagnetic interactions in a distorted cubane-type tetranuclear manganese clusterKampert, E., Russcher, J. C., Boukhvalov, D. W., Janssen, F. F.B.J., Smits, J. M.M., De Gelder, R., De Bruin, B., Christianen, P. C.M., Rowan, A. E., Katsnelson, M. I., Maan, J. C. and Zeitler, U. (2010). Antiferromagnetic interactions in a distorted cubane-type tetranuclear manganese cluster. , , Institute of Physics Publishing. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/200/2/022022 |
2009 Conference Publication Ruthenium porphyrin based processive enzyme mimics: Catalysis and motionvan den Boomen, O. I., Elemans, J. A. A. W., Nolte, R. J. M. and Rowan, A. E. (2009). Ruthenium porphyrin based processive enzyme mimics: Catalysis and motion. AMER CHEMICAL SOC. |
2009 Conference Publication Single molecule imaging of chemical reactions in a liquid-cell STM: Alkene oxidation and alkyne-azide clickingElemans, Johannes A. A. W., den Boer, D., Hulsken, B., van Hameren, R., Rowan, A. E., Nolte, R. J. M. and Speller, S. (2009). Single molecule imaging of chemical reactions in a liquid-cell STM: Alkene oxidation and alkyne-azide clicking. AMER CHEMICAL SOC. |
2009 Conference Publication ORGN 84-Synthesis of clickable materialsLauko, Jan, Juricek, Michal, Kouwer, Paul H. J., Woltinge, Tim and Rowan, Alan E. (2009). ORGN 84-Synthesis of clickable materials. AMER CHEMICAL SOC. |
2009 Conference Publication ORGN 184-Octa acetylene phthalocyanine: Conjugation extending transformations to novel graphene-like materialsJuricek, Michal, Kouwer, Paul H. J., Rehak, Juraj, Sly, Joseph and Rowan, Alan E. (2009). ORGN 184-Octa acetylene phthalocyanine: Conjugation extending transformations to novel graphene-like materials. AMER CHEMICAL SOC. |
2009 Conference Publication Self-assembly of porphyrin trimers in solution and at the liquid-solid interfaceVeling, Nico, van Hameren, Richard, Elemans, Johannes A. A. W., Rowan, Alan E. and Nolte, Roeland J. M. (2009). Self-assembly of porphyrin trimers in solution and at the liquid-solid interface. AMER CHEMICAL SOC. |
2009 Conference Publication Postmodification of clickable polyisocyanopeptidesSchwartz, Erik, Kitto, Heather J., Koepf, Matthieu, Nijemeisland, Marlies, Cornelissen, Jeroen J. L. M., Rowan, Alan E. and Nolte, Roeland J. M. (2009). Postmodification of clickable polyisocyanopeptides. AMER CHEMICAL SOC. |
2009 Conference Publication Enzyme containing porous polymersomes as nanoreaction vessels for cascade reactionsKuiper, Suzanne M., Nallani, Madhavan, Vriezema, Dennis M., Cornelissen, Jeroen J. L. M., van Hest, Jan C. M., Nolte, Roeland J. M. and Rowan, Alan E. (2009). Enzyme containing porous polymersomes as nanoreaction vessels for cascade reactions. AMER CHEMICAL SOC. |