2020 Book Chapter Change of position-based defencesGrantham, Ross (2020). Change of position-based defences. Research handbook on unjust enrichment and restitution. (pp. 418-436) edited by Elise Bant, Kit Barker and Simone Degeling. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar. |
2016 Book Chapter The legitimacy of the company as a source of (private) powerGrantham, Ross B. (2016). The legitimacy of the company as a source of (private) power. Private law and power. (pp. 239-263) edited by Kit Barker, Simone Degeling, Karen Fairweather and Ross B. Grantham. Oxford: Hart Publishing. |
2018 Book Chapter Allocating the Costs of Making Restitution: Change of PositionGrantham, Ross (2018). Allocating the Costs of Making Restitution: Change of Position. Apportionment in Private Law. (pp. 197-220) Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.. |
2017 Book Chapter The privatisation of Australian corporate lawGrantham, Ross (2017). The privatisation of Australian corporate law. New directions for law in Australia essays in contemporary law reform. (pp. 27-35) edited by Ron Levy, Molly O’Brien, Simon Rice, Pauline Ridge and Margaret Thornton. Acton, ACT Australia: ANU Press. doi: 10.22459/NDLA.09.2017 |
2017 Book Chapter The Legitimacy of the Company as a Source of (Private) PowerGrantham, Ross (2017). The Legitimacy of the Company as a Source of (Private) Power. Private Law and Power. (pp. 239-262) Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.. |
2016 Book Chapter Consumer law: paternalism, fragmentation, and centralised enforcementFairweather, Karen, O’Shea, Paul and Grantham, Ross (2016). Consumer law: paternalism, fragmentation, and centralised enforcement. Credit, consumers and the law: after the global storm. (pp. 3-16) edited by Karen Fairweather, Paul O'Shea and Ross Grantham. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315574752-9 |
2015 Book Chapter Company LawGrantham, Ross (2015). Company Law. The Supreme Court of New Zealand 2004-2013. (pp. 93-114) edited by Russell, Mary-Rose and Barber, Matthew. Wellington, New Zealand: Thomson Reuters. |
2014 Book Chapter New ZealandGrantham, Ross B. (2014). New Zealand. Anti Money Laundering Guide. (pp. 85101-85111) edited by Robin Booth. London, United Kingdom: Sweet & Maxwell. |
2008 Book Chapter Unjust Enrichment - Reason, Place and ContentGrantham, Ross B. and Rickett, Charles E. F. (2008). Unjust Enrichment - Reason, Place and Content. Structure and Justification in Private Law: Essays for Peter Birks. (pp. 5-18) edited by Charles Rickett and Ross Grantham. Oxford United Kingdom: Hart Publishing. |
2005 Book Chapter The Equitable Basis of the Law of RestitutionGrantham, Ross (2005). The Equitable Basis of the Law of Restitution. Equity in Commercial Law. (pp. 349-381) edited by Simone Degeling and James Edelman. Sydney: Thomson Lawbook Company. |
2003 Book Chapter Restitutionary remediesGrantham, R. and Rickett, C. E. F. (2003). Restitutionary remedies. Civil Remedies in New Zealand. (pp. 364-367) edited by Rt Hon Justice Peter Blanchard. NZ: Thomson Brookers. |
2003 Book Chapter Proprietary RemediesGrantham, R. and Rickett, C. E. F. (2003). Proprietary Remedies. Civil Remedies in New Zealand. (pp. 410-447) edited by Rt Hon Justice Peter Blanchard. Wellington, NZ: Thomson Brookers. |
2002 Book Chapter The Doctrinal Basis of the Rights of Company ShareholdersGrantham, Ross B. (2002). The Doctrinal Basis of the Rights of Company Shareholders. Company Law Writings: A New Zealand Collection. (pp. 113-144) Christchurch: Canterbury University Press. |
2000 Book Chapter Restitution and Insolvent Companies: Honing in on ShareholdersGrantham, Ross B. (2000). Restitution and Insolvent Companies: Honing in on Shareholders. Restitution and Insolvency. (pp. 220-237) edited by Rose. London: LLP. |
2000 Book Chapter Resulting Trusts - A rather Limited DoctrineGrantham, Ross B. and C Rickett (2000). Resulting Trusts - A rather Limited Doctrine. Restitution and Equity: Resulting Trusts and Equitable Compensation. (pp. 39-61) edited by Rose; Birks. London: LLP. |
1999 Book Chapter Property: The challenge from RestitutionGrantham, Ross B. and C Rickett (1999). Property: The challenge from Restitution. Contemporary Property Law. (pp. 3-25) edited by Jackson; Wilde. Aldershot: Ashgate Dartmouth. |
1999 Book Chapter The Civil Law: Liability for Money Laundering; Money Laundering in New ZealandGrantham, Ross B. (1999). The Civil Law: Liability for Money Laundering; Money Laundering in New Zealand. CCH Anti Money Laundering Guide. (pp. 85-95) edited by Rider; Nakajima. London: CCH. |
1998 Book Chapter The Bootmaker's Legacy to Company Law DoctrineGrantham, Ross B. and C Rickett (1998). The Bootmaker's Legacy to Company Law Doctrine. Corporate Personality in the 20th Century. (pp. 1-11) edited by R Grantham; C Rickett. Oxford: Hart Publishing. |
1998 Book Chapter Commentary on GoddardGrantham, Ross B. (1998). Commentary on Goddard. Corporate Personality in the 20th Century. (pp. 65-71) edited by R Grantham; C Rickett. Oxford: Hart Publishing. |
1996 Book Chapter The Impact of Equitable Doctrines on PrioritiesGrantham, Ross B. (1996). The Impact of Equitable Doctrines on Priorities. Essays on Corporate Restructuring and Insolvency. (pp. 248-262) edited by C Rickett. Wellington: Brooker's. |