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Book Chapter

Advancing knowledge in mental health care

McDermott, F., Happell, B., Meadows, G., Fossey, E., Sundram, S., Shawyer, F., Favilla, A., McNab, C., Inder, B., Wadsworth, Y., Grey, F., Pinches, A., Bassilios, B., Harris, M., Burgess, P., Pirkis, J. and Klaic, K. (2020). Advancing knowledge in mental health care. Mental health and collaborative community practice. An Australian perspective. (pp. 1.4-+) edited by Graham Meadows, John Farhall, Ellie Fossey, Brenda Happell, Fiona McDermott, Sebastian Rosenberg, Vrinda Edan, Merinda Epstein, Hamilton Kennedy and Cath Roper. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.

Advancing knowledge in mental health care


Book Chapter

Clinical characteristics of first-episode schizophrenia

Henry, Lisa P., McGorry, Patrick D., Harris, Meredith and Amminger, Paul (2009). Clinical characteristics of first-episode schizophrenia. Schizophrenia: Biopsychosocial Approaches and Current Challenges. (pp. 39-51) edited by Siegfried Kasper and George N. Papadimitriou. London , UK: Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.3109/9781420080063-7

Clinical characteristics of first-episode schizophrenia


Book Chapter

Using research and evaluation to inform the development of early-psychosis service models: International examples

Harris, Meredith, Zipursky, Robert E., Addington, Donald, Nordentoft, Merete and Power, Paddy (2009). Using research and evaluation to inform the development of early-psychosis service models: International examples. The recognition and management of early psychosis. (pp. 385-404) edited by Henry J. Jackson and Patrick D. McGorry. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511576287.022

Using research and evaluation to inform the development of early-psychosis service models: International examples


Book Chapter

Evaluating treatment integrity in first episode early psychosis: Comparing what is promised with what is delivered

Harris, Meredith, Edwards, Jane, Ratnaike, Deepika, Wong, Lisa, Wade, Darryl and Brewer, Warrick (2004). Evaluating treatment integrity in first episode early psychosis: Comparing what is promised with what is delivered. Best care in early psychosis intervention: Global perspectives. (pp. 169-174) edited by Tom Ehmann, G. William MacEwan and William G. Honer. London, U.K.: Taylor & Francis.

Evaluating treatment integrity in first episode early psychosis: Comparing what is promised with what is delivered