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Supplementary material:  New reference materials, analytical procedures, and data reduction strategies for Sr isotope measurements in geological materials by LA-MC-ICP-MS

Mulder, Jacob, Hagen-Peter, Graham, Ubide, Teresa, Andreasen, Rasmus, Kooijman, Ellen, Schmitt, Melanie, Feng, Yu-Xing, Paul, Bence, Karlsson, Andreas, Tegner, Christian, Lesher, Charles and Costa, Fidel (2022). Supplementary material:  New reference materials, analytical procedures, and data reduction strategies for Sr isotope measurements in geological materials by LA-MC-ICP-MS. The University of Queensland. (Collection) doi: 10.48610/d38767a

Supplementary material:  New reference materials, analytical procedures, and data reduction strategies for Sr isotope measurements in geological materials by LA-MC-ICP-MS