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Conference Publication

Climate change and marine life

Richardson, Anthony J., Brown, Christopher J., Brander, Keith, Bruno, John F., Buckley, Lauren, Burrows, Michael T., Duarte, Carlos M., Halpern, Benjamin S., Hoegh-Guldberg, Ove, Holding, Johnna, Kappel, Carrie V., Kiessling, Wolfgang, Moore, Pippa J., O'Connor, Mary I., Pandolfi, John M., Parmesan, Camille, Schoeman, David S., Schwing, Frank, Sydeman, William J. and Poloczanska, Elvira S. (2012). Climate change and marine life. London, United Kingdom: The Royal Society Publishing. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2012.0530

Climate change and marine life


Conference Publication

Distribution, site affinity and regional movements of the manta ray, Manta alfredi (Krefft, 1868), along the east coast of Australia

Couturier, Lydie I. E., Jaine, Fabrice R. A., Townsend, Kathy A., Weeks, Scarla J., Richardson, Anthony J. and Bennett, Michael B. (2011). Distribution, site affinity and regional movements of the manta ray, Manta alfredi (Krefft, 1868), along the east coast of Australia. Collingwood, Vic., Australia: CSIRO Publishing. doi: 10.1071/MF10148

Distribution, site affinity and regional movements of the manta ray, Manta alfredi (Krefft, 1868), along the east coast of Australia


Conference Publication

A National Reference Station infrastructure for Australia - Using telemetry and central processing to report multi-disciplinary data streams for monitoring marine ecosystem response to climate change

Lynch, T. P., Roughan, M., Mclaughlan, D., Hughes, D., Cherry, D., Critchley, G., Allen, S., Pender, L., Thompson, P., Richardson, A. J., Coman, F., Steinberg, C., Terhell, D., Seuront, L., Mclean, C., Brinkman, G. and Meyers, G. (2008). A National Reference Station infrastructure for Australia - Using telemetry and central processing to report multi-disciplinary data streams for monitoring marine ecosystem response to climate change. OCEANS’08 MTS/IEEE Conference, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 15-18 September 2008. Piscataway, NJ, United States: IEEE. doi: 10.1109/OCEANS.2008.5151856

A National Reference Station infrastructure for Australia - Using telemetry and central processing to report multi-disciplinary data streams for monitoring marine ecosystem response to climate change


Conference Publication

Long-term increase in crustacean zooplankton abundance in the southern Benguela upwelling region (1951-1996): bottom-up or top-down control?

Verheye, HM and Richardson, AJ (1998). Long-term increase in crustacean zooplankton abundance in the southern Benguela upwelling region (1951-1996): bottom-up or top-down control?. ICES Symposium on Temporal Variability of Plankton and Their Physico-Chemical Environment, Kiel Germany, Mar 19-21, 1997. LONDON: ACADEMIC PRESS LTD. doi: 10.1006/jmsc.1998.0387

Long-term increase in crustacean zooplankton abundance in the southern Benguela upwelling region (1951-1996): bottom-up or top-down control?