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Conference Publication

Tropical wave transformation through the Great Barrier Reef: Cairns, Australia

Cowley, Dylan and Harris, Daniel L. (2023). Tropical wave transformation through the Great Barrier Reef: Cairns, Australia. Australasian Coasts & Ports 2023, Twin Waters, QLD, Australia, 15-18 August 2023. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Engineers Australia.

Tropical wave transformation through the Great Barrier Reef: Cairns, Australia


Conference Publication

Coastal change along Noosa, Australia during a triple back-to-back La Nina (2020-2023)

Leon, J. X., Harris, D., Wettle, M. and Barmand, S. (2023). Coastal change along Noosa, Australia during a triple back-to-back La Nina (2020-2023). Australasian Coasts and Ports 2023, Twin Waters, QLD, Australia, 15-18 August 2023. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Engineers Australia.

Coastal change along Noosa, Australia during a triple back-to-back La Nina (2020-2023)


Conference Publication

Quantifying the fraction of broken waves on a high energy east coast Australian beach

Stringari, Caio E., Harris, Daniel L. and Power, Hannah E. (2017). Quantifying the fraction of broken waves on a high energy east coast Australian beach. Australasian Coasts and Ports 2017 Conference, Cairns, QLD Australia, 21-23 June 2017. Barton, ACT Australia: Engineers Australia, PIANC Australia and Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand.

Quantifying the fraction of broken waves on a high energy east coast Australian beach


Conference Publication

The role of coral reef rugosity in dissipating wave energy and coastal protection

Harris, Daniel, Rovere, Alessio, Parravicini, Valeriano and Casella, Elisa (2016). The role of coral reef rugosity in dissipating wave energy and coastal protection. EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April 2016.

The role of coral reef rugosity in dissipating wave energy and coastal protection


Conference Publication

Coral reef sediment dynamics: Evidence of sand-apron evolution on a daily and decadal scale

Vila-Concejo, Ana, Harris, Daniel L., Shannon, Amelia M., Webster, Jody M. and Power, Hannah E. (2013). Coral reef sediment dynamics: Evidence of sand-apron evolution on a daily and decadal scale. doi: 10.2112/SI65-103

Coral reef sediment dynamics: Evidence of sand-apron evolution on a daily and decadal scale


Conference Publication

Wave transformation on a coral reef rubble platform

Harris, Daniel L. and Vila-Concejo, Ana (2013). Wave transformation on a coral reef rubble platform. 12th International Coastal Symposium (ICS2013), Plymouth, United Kingdom, 8-12 April 2013. Coconut Creek, FL, United States: Coastal Education & Research Foundation. doi: 10.2112/SI65-086.1

Wave transformation on a coral reef rubble platform