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Conference Publication

Rare earth element sources, end-use demand trends, and hydrometallurgical separations

Vaughan, J., Gontijo, V.L., Valenta, R. and Alonso, E. (2023). Rare earth element sources, end-use demand trends, and hydrometallurgical separations. 26th World Mining Congress, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 26-29 June 2023. Brisbane, QLD Australia: World Mining Congress.

Rare earth element sources, end-use demand trends, and hydrometallurgical separations


Conference Publication

Complex Orebodies Analysis: A Multidisciplinary Application to the Izok Lake Corridor Project in the Canadian Arctic

Micklethwaite, S., Verster, I., Seligmann, B.J., Antonio, C., Hilden, M., Hernandez-Santin, L., Ghoreishi-Madiseh, S.A., Kuyuk, A., Kalantari, H.B., Sasmito, A.P., Cote, C., Ziemski, M., Car, M., Lamb, A., Erskine, P., Runge, K. and Valenta, R.K. (2023). Complex Orebodies Analysis: A Multidisciplinary Application to the Izok Lake Corridor Project in the Canadian Arctic. 26th World Mining Congress, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 26-29 June 2023. Brisbane, QLD Australia: 26th World Mining Congress.

Complex Orebodies Analysis: A Multidisciplinary Application to the Izok Lake Corridor Project in the Canadian Arctic


Conference Publication

Unlocking complex orebodies

Valenta, R., Lèbre, E., Plint, N. and Clark, A. (2023). Unlocking complex orebodies. 26th World Mining Congress, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 26 - 29 June 2023. World Mining Congress.

Unlocking complex orebodies


Conference Publication

Determining the geoenvironmental properties of non-ore material at the Quebrada Blanca porphyry Cu-Mo deposit using hyperspectral mineralogy

Saez Salgado, Enrique , Parbhakar-Fox, Anita , Fox, Nathan , Baumgartner, Regina and Valenta, Rick (2022). Determining the geoenvironmental properties of non-ore material at the Quebrada Blanca porphyry Cu-Mo deposit using hyperspectral mineralogy. SEG 2022 Minerals For Our Future, Denver, CO, United States, 27-30 August 2022. Littleton, CO, United States: Society of Economic Geologists .

Determining the geoenvironmental properties of non-ore material at the Quebrada Blanca porphyry Cu-Mo deposit using hyperspectral mineralogy


Conference Publication

Technology gaps in gold production: a mine level environmentally adjusted analysis

Ahmad, Shabbir, Steen, John, Valenta, Rick and Ali, Saleem (2022). Technology gaps in gold production: a mine level environmentally adjusted analysis. European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Porto, Portugal, 27-29 June 2022.

Technology gaps in gold production: a mine level environmentally adjusted analysis


Conference Publication

NE Queensland deposit atlas

Gow, Paul, McGovern, Jenna, Vilhena, Juliana, Aivazpourporgou, Sasha, Esser, Dave, Fox, Nathan and Valenta, Rick (2022). NE Queensland deposit atlas. Mines & Wines 2022, Discoveries in the Tasmanides, Orange, NSW, Australia, 11 - 13 May 2022. Kensington, WA, Australia: Australian Institute of Geoscientists.

NE Queensland deposit atlas


Conference Publication

Exploring the potential for critical metal resources in mine waste: Geometallurgical characterisation of cobalt-bearing minerals in tailings at the Capricorn Copper Mine, Northwest Queensland

Nicholls, Loren, Parbhakar-Fox, Anita, Valenta, Rick, Gow, Paul, Degeling, Helen, Lisitsin, Vladimir and Gray, Rosemary (2022). Exploring the potential for critical metal resources in mine waste: Geometallurgical characterisation of cobalt-bearing minerals in tailings at the Capricorn Copper Mine, Northwest Queensland. 16th SGA Biennial Meeting 2022, Rotorua, New Zealand, 28-31 March 2022. SGA.

Exploring the potential for critical metal resources in mine waste: Geometallurgical characterisation of cobalt-bearing minerals in tailings at the Capricorn Copper Mine, Northwest Queensland


Conference Publication

Novel ‘Complex Orebodies Approach’ to assess deposit feasibility in minerals processing design

Verster, I., Antonio, C., Hilden, M., Ziemski, M., Seligmann, B., Micklethwaite, S., Ghoreishi-Madiseh, S.A., Lamb, A., Qian, B., Car, M. and Valenta, R. (2022). Novel ‘Complex Orebodies Approach’ to assess deposit feasibility in minerals processing design. Integration, Optimisation and Design of Mineral Processing Circuits '22, Online, 13-14 June 2022.

Novel ‘Complex Orebodies Approach’ to assess deposit feasibility in minerals processing design


Conference Publication

Application of machine learning and deep learning in resource estimation

Battalgazy, Nurassyl and Valenta, Rick (2022). Application of machine learning and deep learning in resource estimation. Next Generation Resources 2022, Capetown, South Africa (Online), 22-23 February 2022.

Application of machine learning and deep learning in resource estimation


Conference Publication

AEGC Machine Learning Workshop presentation

Chatterjee, Robindra, Valenta, Richard, McLachlan, Geoffrey and Weatherley, Dion (2021). AEGC Machine Learning Workshop presentation. Australian Exploration Geoscience Conference, Online, 14-17 September 2021.

AEGC Machine Learning Workshop presentation


Conference Publication

Warramunga Province Deposit Atlas program: an update

Valenta, Rick, Gow, Paul, Gunter, Jennifer, Esser, Dave, Aivazpourporgou , Sasha and Connors, Karen (2021). Warramunga Province Deposit Atlas program: an update. Annual Geoscience Exploration Seminar (AGES) 2021, Alice Springs, NT Australia, 20-21 April 2021. Darwin, NT Australia: Northern Territory Geological Survey.

Warramunga Province Deposit Atlas program: an update


Conference Publication

Extending FaultSeg3D to Minerals Seismic: Part 1 – A synthetic 3D-seismic training-volume generator for preparing data replicating a hardrock terrane to train an automatic-fault-prediction algorithm

Chatterjee, Robindra , Valenta, Richard , McLachlan, Geoffrey and Weatherley, Dion (2021). Extending FaultSeg3D to Minerals Seismic: Part 1 – A synthetic 3D-seismic training-volume generator for preparing data replicating a hardrock terrane to train an automatic-fault-prediction algorithm. Australian Earth Science Convention, Virtual, 9-12 February 2021.

Extending FaultSeg3D to Minerals Seismic: Part 1 – A synthetic 3D-seismic training-volume generator for preparing data replicating a hardrock terrane to train an automatic-fault-prediction algorithm


Conference Publication

Application of new technologies for remote operational support in metallurgical plants

Yahyaei, Mohsen, Verster, Isabella, Wong, Bevin, Valenta, Rick, Ziemski, Marcin and O'Donnell, Roxanne (2020). Application of new technologies for remote operational support in metallurgical plants. 16th International Mineral Processing Conference, Santiago, Chile (Online), 23-27 November 2020. Santiago, Chile: Universidad de Concepción.

Application of new technologies for remote operational support in metallurgical plants


Conference Publication

Complex orebodies: the role of social and environmental complexities in current mine projects development

Lebre, E., Valenta, R. K., Kemp, D., Owen, J. R. and Corder, G. D. (2019). Complex orebodies: the role of social and environmental complexities in current mine projects development. 9th International Conference on Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry (SDIMI 2019), Sydney, Australia, 27-29 May 2019. Carlton, VIC, Australia: AusIMM.

Complex orebodies: the role of social and environmental complexities in current mine projects development


Conference Publication

Revisiting the Geometallurgy Roadmap

Valenta, Rick and Clark, Alice (2019). Revisiting the Geometallurgy Roadmap. Procemin Geomet 2019, Santiago, Chile, 20-22 November 2019. Santiago, Chile: Gecamin Publications.

Revisiting the Geometallurgy Roadmap


Conference Publication

Automated geological drill core logging based on XRF data using unsupervised machine learning methods

Klawitter, Mathias and Valenta, Rick (2019). Automated geological drill core logging based on XRF data using unsupervised machine learning methods. Geomin Mineplanning 2019, Santiago, Chile, 7-9 August 2019. Santiago, Chile: Geomin-Mineplanning.

Automated geological drill core logging based on XRF data using unsupervised machine learning methods


Conference Publication

Prediction of reactive ground using geoscientific datasets

Valenta, Rick, O'Sullivan, Rhonda and Clark, Alice (2019). Prediction of reactive ground using geoscientific datasets. Geomin Mineplanning 2019, Santiago, Chile, 7-9 August 2019. Santiago, Chile: Geomin-Mineplanning.

Prediction of reactive ground using geoscientific datasets


Conference Publication

Accounting for social and environmental complexities in mining project developments: the case of copper

Lebre, Eleonore, Valenta, Rick, Kemp, Deanna, Owen, John and Corder, Glen (2018). Accounting for social and environmental complexities in mining project developments: the case of copper. Complex Orebodies, Brisbane, Australia, 19-21 November 2018. Carlton, VIC, Australia: AusIMM.

Accounting for social and environmental complexities in mining project developments: the case of copper


Conference Publication

Estimating geometallurgical risk in undeveloped complex orebodies

Valenta, Rick, Clark, Alice, O'Sullivan, Rhonda and Thomas, Joel (2018). Estimating geometallurgical risk in undeveloped complex orebodies. Procemin Geomet 2018, Santiago, Chile, 28-30 November 2018. Santiago, Chile: Gecamin.

Estimating geometallurgical risk in undeveloped complex orebodies


Conference Publication

Gold mineralisation in the Woods Point District, Victoria – Regional and Local Controls

Valenta, Rick, Evans, Tom, Oliver, Nick, Wall, Vic, Baghian, Hassan and Cunneen, Ron (2017). Gold mineralisation in the Woods Point District, Victoria – Regional and Local Controls. Discoveries in the Tasmanides, Orange, NSW Australia, 6-8 September 2017. Sydney, NSW Australia: Australian Institute of Geoscientists.

Gold mineralisation in the Woods Point District, Victoria – Regional and Local Controls