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Book Chapter

The state’s stakes at the Century Mine, 1992–2012

Everingham, Jo-Ann, Trigger, David and Keenan, Julia (2021). The state’s stakes at the Century Mine, 1992–2012. The absent presence of the state in large-scale resource extraction projects. (pp. 279-312) edited by Nicholas A. Bainton and Emilia E. Skrzypek. Canberra, ACT Australia: ANU Press. doi: 10.22459/ap.2021.09

The state’s stakes at the Century Mine, 1992–2012


Book Chapter

Awkward alliances: is environmentalism a bonding agent between indigenous and rural settler politics in America and Australia?

Ali, Saleem and Keenan, Julia (2016). Awkward alliances: is environmentalism a bonding agent between indigenous and rural settler politics in America and Australia?. Land, indigenous peoples and conflict. (pp. 81-93) edited by Alan C. Tidwell and Barry Scott Zellin. New York , NY, United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315726649

Awkward alliances: is environmentalism a bonding agent between indigenous and rural settler politics in America and Australia?