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Journal Article

The relevance of environmental disclosures: are such disclosures incrementally informative?

Clarkson, Peter M., Fang, Xiaohua, Li, Yue and Richardson, Gordon (2013). The relevance of environmental disclosures: are such disclosures incrementally informative?. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 32 (5), 410-431. doi: 10.1016/j.jaccpubpol.2013.06.008

The relevance of environmental disclosures: are such disclosures incrementally informative?


Journal Article

The cost of carbon: capital market effects of the proposed Emission Trading Scheme (ETS)

Chapple, Larelle, Clarkson, Peter M. and Gold, Daniel L. (2013). The cost of carbon: capital market effects of the proposed Emission Trading Scheme (ETS). Abacus, 49 (1), 1-33. doi: 10.1111/abac.12006

The cost of carbon: capital market effects of the proposed Emission Trading Scheme (ETS)


Journal Article

Publishing: Art or science? Reflections from an editorial perspective

Clarkson, Peter M. (2012). Publishing: Art or science? Reflections from an editorial perspective. Accounting and Finance, 52 (2), 359-376. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-629X.2012.00472.x

Publishing: Art or science? Reflections from an editorial perspective


Journal Article

Disclosure, shareholder oversight and pay-performance link

Clarkson, Peter M., Walker, Julie and Nicholls, Shannon (2011). Disclosure, shareholder oversight and pay-performance link. Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, 7 (2), 47-64. doi: 10.1016/j.jcae.2011.07.001

Disclosure, shareholder oversight and pay-performance link


Journal Article

The impact of IFRS adoption on the value relevance of book value and earnings

Clarkson, Peter, Hanna, J. Douglas,, Richardson, Gordon D. and Thompson, Rex (2011). The impact of IFRS adoption on the value relevance of book value and earnings. Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, 7 (1), 1-17. doi: 10.1016/j.jcae.2011.03.001

The impact of IFRS adoption on the value relevance of book value and earnings


Journal Article

Environmental reporting and its relation to corporate environmental performance

Clarkson, Peter M., Overell, Michael B. and Chapple, Larelle (2011). Environmental reporting and its relation to corporate environmental performance. Abacus, 47 (1), 27-60. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6281.2011.00330.x

Environmental reporting and its relation to corporate environmental performance


Journal Article

Does it really pay to be green? Determinants and consequences of proactive environmental strategies

Clarkson, Peter M., Li, Yue, Richardson, Gordon D. and Vasvari, Florin P. (2011). Does it really pay to be green? Determinants and consequences of proactive environmental strategies. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 30 (2), 122-144. doi: 10.1016/j.jaccpubpol.2010.09.013

Does it really pay to be green? Determinants and consequences of proactive environmental strategies


Journal Article

Disclosure, conservatism and the cost of equity capital: A review of the foundation literature

Artiach, Tracy C. and Clarkson, Peter M. (2011). Disclosure, conservatism and the cost of equity capital: A review of the foundation literature. Accounting and Finance, 51 (1), 2-49. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-629X.2010.00387.x

Disclosure, conservatism and the cost of equity capital: A review of the foundation literature


Journal Article

Private equity bidders: Barbarians or best friends?

Chapple, Larelle, Clarkson, Peter M. and King, Jesse J. (2011). Private equity bidders: Barbarians or best friends?. Company & Securities Law Journal, 29 (3), 159-177.

Private equity bidders: Barbarians or best friends?


Journal Article

Extending the application of stakeholder influence strategies to environmental disclosures: An exploratory study from a developing country

Elijido-Ten, Evangeline, Kloot, Louise and Clarkson, Peter (2010). Extending the application of stakeholder influence strategies to environmental disclosures: An exploratory study from a developing country. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 23 (8), 1032-1059. doi: 10.1108/09513571011092547

Extending the application of stakeholder influence strategies to environmental disclosures: An exploratory study from a developing country


Journal Article

Private equity bids in Australia: An exploratory study

Chapple, Larelle, Clarkson, Peter M. and King, Jesse J. (2010). Private equity bids in Australia: An exploratory study. Accounting and Finance, 50 (1), 79-102. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-629X.2009.00323.x

Private equity bids in Australia: An exploratory study


Journal Article

Budgeting practices and performance in small healthcare businesses

King, Robyn, Clarkson, Peter M. and Wallace, Sandra (2010). Budgeting practices and performance in small healthcare businesses. Management Accounting Research, 21 (1), 40-55. doi: 10.1016/j.mar.2009.11.002

Budgeting practices and performance in small healthcare businesses


Journal Article

The effect of board independence on target shareholder wealth

Clarkson, P. M., Craswell, A. and Mackenzie, P. (2008). The effect of board independence on target shareholder wealth. Australian Accounting Review, 18 (2), 135-148. doi: 10.1111/j.1835-2561.2008.0015.x

The effect of board independence on target shareholder wealth


Journal Article

Environmental reporting in the Australian mining industry: Complying with regulation or meeting international best practice?

Overell, M., Chapple, L. J. and Clarkson, P. M. (2008). Environmental reporting in the Australian mining industry: Complying with regulation or meeting international best practice?. Australian Business Law Review, 36 (2), 137-154.

Environmental reporting in the Australian mining industry: Complying with regulation or meeting international best practice?


Journal Article

Revisiting the relation between environmental performance and environmental disclosure: An empirical analysis

Clarkson, P. M., Li, Y., Richardson, G. D. and Vasvari, F. P. (2008). Revisiting the relation between environmental performance and environmental disclosure: An empirical analysis. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 33 (4-5), 303-327. doi: 10.1016/j.aos.2007.05.003

Revisiting the relation between environmental performance and environmental disclosure: An empirical analysis


Journal Article

Termination fees in a 'bright line' jurisdiction

Chapple, L. J., Christensen, B. and Clarkson, P. M. (2007). Termination fees in a 'bright line' jurisdiction. Accounting and Finance, 47 (4), 643-665. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-629x.2007.00228.x

Termination fees in a 'bright line' jurisdiction


Journal Article

Governance structures, ethnicity, and audit fees of Malaysian listed firms

Yatim, Puan, Kent, Pamela and Clarkson, Peter (2006). Governance structures, ethnicity, and audit fees of Malaysian listed firms. Managerial Auditing Journal, 21 (7), 757-782. doi: 10.1108/02686900610680530

Governance structures, ethnicity, and audit fees of Malaysian listed firms


Journal Article

Chief executive officer remuneration disclosure quality: Corporate responses to an evolving disclosure environment

Clarkson, P. M., Van Bueren, A. L. and Walker, J K (2006). Chief executive officer remuneration disclosure quality: Corporate responses to an evolving disclosure environment. Accounting and Finance, 46 (5), 771-796. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-629x.2006.00197.x

Chief executive officer remuneration disclosure quality: Corporate responses to an evolving disclosure environment


Journal Article

Market reaction to takeover rumour in internet discussion sites

Clarkson, P. M., Joyce, D. and Tutticci, I. M. (2006). Market reaction to takeover rumour in internet discussion sites. Accounting and Finance, 46 (1), 31-52. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-629X.2006.00160.x

Market reaction to takeover rumour in internet discussion sites


Journal Article

Impact of the Corporate Law Economic Reform Program Act 1999 on initial public offering prospectus earnings forecasts

Chapple, Larelle J., Clarkson, Peter M. and Peters, Christopher J. (2005). Impact of the Corporate Law Economic Reform Program Act 1999 on initial public offering prospectus earnings forecasts. Accounting and Finance, 45 (1), 67-94. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-629x.2004.00123.x

Impact of the Corporate Law Economic Reform Program Act 1999 on initial public offering prospectus earnings forecasts