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Conference Publication

The value relevance of a firm's carbon profile

Millar, I., Clarkson, P.M. and Herbohn, K. (2019). The value relevance of a firm's carbon profile. Hawaii Accounting Research Conference (HARC), Honolulu, Hawai'i, 2-5 January 2019. Honolulu, Hawai'i: University of Hawai’i at Mānoa (UHM).

The value relevance of a firm's carbon profile


Conference Publication

CEO remuneration disclosure quality: An Australian perspective

Clarkson, P. M., Van Bueren, A. L. and Walker, J. K. (2005). CEO remuneration disclosure quality: An Australian perspective. AFAANZ 2005 Conference, Melbourne, 3-5 July, 2005. Melbourne, Vic: AFAANZ.

CEO remuneration disclosure quality: An Australian perspective


Conference Publication

Break Fees in Australian Takeovers & Mergers

Chapple, L. J., Christensen, B. P. and Clarkson, P. M. (2005). Break Fees in Australian Takeovers & Mergers. AFAANZ 2005 Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 3-5 July, 2005. Melbourne, Vic: AFAANZ.

Break Fees in Australian Takeovers & Mergers


Conference Publication

The use of independent expert reports in Australia takeovers

Clarkson, P. M. and Bluff, D. J. (2004). The use of independent expert reports in Australia takeovers. AFAANZ 2004: Accounting & Finance Association of Australia & New Zealand 2004 Conference, Alice Springs, NT, Australia, 4-6 July, 2004. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Accounting & Finance Association of Australia & New Zealand (AFAANZ).

The use of independent expert reports in Australia takeovers


Conference Publication

Market reaction to takeover rumour on internet discussion sites

Joyce, D. J., Clarkson, P. M. and Tutticci, I. M. (2002). Market reaction to takeover rumour on internet discussion sites. 2002 AAANZ Annual Conference, Perth, Western Australia, 7-9 July, 2002. Melbourne, Vic: AAANZ.

Market reaction to takeover rumour on internet discussion sites


Conference Publication

The factors that influence equity returns

Clarkson, P. M., Ragunathan, V. and Nowland, J. E. (2000). The factors that influence equity returns. AAANZ 2000 Annual Conference, Hamilton Island, 2-4 July 2000. Melbourne: Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AAANZ).

The factors that influence equity returns


Conference Publication

The market valuation of environmental capital expenditures by pulp and paper companies

Clarkson, P. M., Li, Y. and Richardson, G. D. (2000). The market valuation of environmental capital expenditures by pulp and paper companies. 7th APFA Annual Conference, Shanghai, 24-26 July, 2000. Hong Kong: APFA.

The market valuation of environmental capital expenditures by pulp and paper companies


Conference Publication

The factors that influence equity returns

Clarkson, P. M., Ragunathan, V. and Nowland, J. E. (2000). The factors that influence equity returns. 7th APFA Annual Conference, Shanghai, 24-26 July, 2000. Hong Kong: APFA.

The factors that influence equity returns


Conference Publication

Auditor connservatism and voluntary disclosure: Evidence from the year 2000 systems issue

Clarkson, P. M., Ferguson, C. B. and Hall, J. L. (2000). Auditor connservatism and voluntary disclosure: Evidence from the year 2000 systems issue. AAANZ 2000 Annual Conference, Hamilton Island, 2-4 July, 2000. Melbourne: AAANZ.

Auditor connservatism and voluntary disclosure: Evidence from the year 2000 systems issue


Conference Publication

Debiasing the effect of outcome knowledge in ex post evaluations of auditor judgement: The role of instructions

Clarkson, P. M., Emby, C. and Watt, V. W. (1999). Debiasing the effect of outcome knowledge in ex post evaluations of auditor judgement: The role of instructions. AAANZ 1999 Annual Conference, Cairns, 4-7Jul, 1999. Melbourne: AAANZ.

Debiasing the effect of outcome knowledge in ex post evaluations of auditor judgement: The role of instructions