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Conference Publication

Place-based initiatives for addressing wicked problems: Lessons from recent Australian experience

Lata, Lutfun Nahar, Reddel, Tim, Head, Brian and Craven, Luke (2023). Place-based initiatives for addressing wicked problems: Lessons from recent Australian experience. The Australian Social Policy Conference 2023, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 11-13 September 2023.

Place-based initiatives for addressing wicked problems: Lessons from recent Australian experience


Conference Publication

Mapping the uses of behavioural economics and behavioural insights in government agencies – Australia and New Zealand

Head, Brian and Jones, Stephen (2019). Mapping the uses of behavioural economics and behavioural insights in government agencies – Australia and New Zealand. ReNewing Public Management for Stewardship, Innovation and Impact, Wellington, New Zealand, 16-18 April 2019.

Mapping the uses of behavioural economics and behavioural insights in government agencies – Australia and New Zealand


Conference Publication

Reforms to urban water supply services: Insight from Australia

Salisbury, Chris, Head, Brian W. and Hearne, Declan (2018). Reforms to urban water supply services: Insight from Australia. WASH Futures: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Conference 2018, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Queensland, 5-9 March 2018.

Reforms to urban water supply services: Insight from Australia


Conference Publication

Reforms to urban water supply services: Insight from Australia

Salisbury, Chris, Head, Brian W. and Hearne, Declan (2018). Reforms to urban water supply services: Insight from Australia. WASH Futures: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Conference 2018, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Queensland, 5-9 March 2018. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: AusAID, International Water Centre and Australian WASH Reference Group.

Reforms to urban water supply services: Insight from Australia


Conference Publication

Evaluating the success and failure of national policy reform: an analysis of formal evaluations of Australia’s National Mental Health strategy (1992-2012)

Meurk, C., Grace, F., Head, B., Hall, W., Harris, M. and Whiteford, H. (2017). Evaluating the success and failure of national policy reform: an analysis of formal evaluations of Australia’s National Mental Health strategy (1992-2012). Australasian Evaluation Society, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 5-7 September 2017.

Evaluating the success and failure of national policy reform: an analysis of formal evaluations of Australia’s National Mental Health strategy (1992-2012)


Conference Publication

The functionality of Leximancer software as an analytic tool for semi-structured interviews data exploring evidence-based policy in practice from the perspectives of academic social scientists and policymakers.

Povey, Jenny, Shaw, Elizabeth, Head, Brian, Cherney, Adrian, Boreham, Paul and Ferguson, Michele (2013). The functionality of Leximancer software as an analytic tool for semi-structured interviews data exploring evidence-based policy in practice from the perspectives of academic social scientists and policymakers.. AMSRS Conference, Sydney, Australia, 5-6 September 2013.

The functionality of Leximancer software as an analytic tool for semi-structured interviews data exploring evidence-based policy in practice from the perspectives of academic social scientists and policymakers.


Conference Publication

Resource development as the engine of growth? The changing political symbols in Queensland economic policy since the 1970s

Salisbury, Christopher and Head, Brian (2013). Resource development as the engine of growth? The changing political symbols in Queensland economic policy since the 1970s. APSA 2013: Australian Political Studies Association Annual National Conference 2013, Perth, WA, Australia, 30 September–2 October, 2013.

Resource development as the engine of growth? The changing political symbols in Queensland economic policy since the 1970s


Conference Publication

Blurring boundaries and building bridges: challenges of managing across borders in the Lake Eyre Basin

Bellamy, Jennifer, Head, Brian and Ross, Helen (2012). Blurring boundaries and building bridges: challenges of managing across borders in the Lake Eyre Basin. Australian Stream Management Conference, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 6-8 February 2012. Canberra, ACT, Australia: River Basin Management Society.

Blurring boundaries and building bridges: challenges of managing across borders in the Lake Eyre Basin


Conference Publication

Urban drought, infrastructure crisis, and governance centralisation in Sydney, Melbourne and SE Queensland

Searle, Glen and Head, Brian (2011). Urban drought, infrastructure crisis, and governance centralisation in Sydney, Melbourne and SE Queensland. State of Australian Cities National Conference 2011, Melbourne, Australia, 29 November-2 December 2011. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Sustainable Cities and Regions Network (ASCRN).

Urban drought, infrastructure crisis, and governance centralisation in Sydney, Melbourne and SE Queensland


Conference Publication

Perspectives of academic social scientists on the benefits and impact of knowledge co-production: Australian findings

Cherney, A., Head, B. and Boreham, P. (2011). Perspectives of academic social scientists on the benefits and impact of knowledge co-production: Australian findings. Australian Social Policy Conference, University of NSW, 2011.

Perspectives of academic social scientists on the benefits and impact of knowledge co-production: Australian findings


Conference Publication

Asset sales: from financial necessity to policy opportunism?

Head, Brian and Colley, Linda (2011). Asset sales: from financial necessity to policy opportunism?. Australian Political Science Association Conference (APSA) 2011, Canberra, Australia, 26-28 September 2011. Canberra, Australia: Australian National University, School of Politics and​ International Relations.

Asset sales: from financial necessity to policy opportunism?


Conference Publication

Policy advice and research evidence: is academic research 'lost in translation'?

Head, B., Cherney, A. and Boreham, P. (2011). Policy advice and research evidence: is academic research 'lost in translation'?. Australian Political Science Association Conference (APSA) 2011, Canberra, Australia, 26-28 September 2011.

Policy advice and research evidence: is academic research 'lost in translation'?


Conference Publication

Delivery of early intervention services for children with physical disability : An application of program logic

Darlington, Y., Feeney, R., Head, B. and Ziviani, J. (2009). Delivery of early intervention services for children with physical disability : An application of program logic. Shared Visions Disability Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 2-3 April 2009.

Delivery of early intervention services for children with physical disability : An application of program logic


Conference Publication

Comparing the second and third waves of regulatory reform in Australia

Carroll, P. and Head, B.W. (2009). Comparing the second and third waves of regulatory reform in Australia. Australian Political Studies Association Conference, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 28-30 September 2009. Sydney, NSW, Australia: Macquarie University.

Comparing the second and third waves of regulatory reform in Australia


Conference Publication

Wicked problems: Implications for policy and management

Head, Brian and Alford, John (2008). Wicked problems: Implications for policy and management. Australasian Political Science Association 2008 Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 6-9 July 2008.

Wicked problems: Implications for policy and management


Conference Publication

Institutional capacity and choice in Australia's integrity systems

Brown, A. J. and Head, Brian (2005). Institutional capacity and choice in Australia's integrity systems. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8500.2005.00444.x

Institutional capacity and choice in Australia's integrity systems


Conference Publication

Assessing integrity systems: Introduction to the Symposium

Brown, A. J. and Head, Brian (2005). Assessing integrity systems: Introduction to the Symposium. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8500.2005.00438.x

Assessing integrity systems: Introduction to the Symposium