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Conference Publication

Genetic resources and improvement in Macadamia

Hardner, C. M., Peace, C., Vithanage, V., Carroll, B., Turnbull, C. and McConchie, C. (2012). Genetic resources and improvement in Macadamia. 1st International Symposium on Wild Relatives of Subtropical and Temperate Fruit and Nut Crops, Davis, CA, United States, 19-23 March 2011. Leuven, Belgium: International Society for Horticultural Science. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2012.948.29

Genetic resources and improvement in Macadamia


Journal Article

Relationships between early growth and Quambalaria shoot blight tolerance in Corymbia citriodora progeny trials established in Queensland, Australia

Brawner, Jeremy T., Lee, David J., Hardner, Craig M. and Dieters, Mark J. (2011). Relationships between early growth and Quambalaria shoot blight tolerance in Corymbia citriodora progeny trials established in Queensland, Australia. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 7 (4), 759-772. doi: 10.1007/s11295-011-0372-8

Relationships between early growth and Quambalaria shoot blight tolerance in Corymbia citriodora progeny trials established in Queensland, Australia


Journal Article

The effects of age and environment on the expression of inbreeding depression in Eucalyptus globulus

Costa e Silva, J., Hardner, C., Tilyard, P. and Potts, B. M. (2011). The effects of age and environment on the expression of inbreeding depression in Eucalyptus globulus. Heredity, 107 (1), 50-60. doi: 10.1038/hdy.2010.154

The effects of age and environment on the expression of inbreeding depression in Eucalyptus globulus


Journal Article

Rain damage to strawberries grown in Southeast Queensland: Evaluation and genetic control

Herrington, Mark E., Hardner, Craig, Wegener, Malcolm, Woolcock, Louella L. and Dieters, Mark J. (2011). Rain damage to strawberries grown in Southeast Queensland: Evaluation and genetic control. HortScience, 46 (6), 832-837. doi: 10.21273/hortsci.46.6.832

Rain damage to strawberries grown in Southeast Queensland: Evaluation and genetic control


Journal Article

Identifying deployment zones for Eucalyptus camaldulensis × E. globulus and × E. grandis hybrids using factor analytic modelling of genotype by environment interaction

Hardner, C, Dieters, M, DeLacy, I, Neal, J, Fletcher, S, Dale, G and Basford, K (2011). Identifying deployment zones for Eucalyptus camaldulensis × E. globulus and × E. grandis hybrids using factor analytic modelling of genotype by environment interaction. Australian Forestry, 74 (1), 30-35. doi: 10.1080/00049158.2011.10676343

Identifying deployment zones for Eucalyptus camaldulensis × E. globulus and × E. grandis hybrids using factor analytic modelling of genotype by environment interaction


Journal Article

Patterns of genotype-by-environment interaction in diameter at breast height at age 3 for eucalypt hybrid clones grown for reafforestation of lands affected by salinity

Hardner, Craig M., Dieters, Mark, Dale, Glenn, DeLacy, Ian and Basford, Kaye E. (2010). Patterns of genotype-by-environment interaction in diameter at breast height at age 3 for eucalypt hybrid clones grown for reafforestation of lands affected by salinity. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 6 (6), 833-851. doi: 10.1007/s11295-010-0295-9

Patterns of genotype-by-environment interaction in diameter at breast height at age 3 for eucalypt hybrid clones grown for reafforestation of lands affected by salinity


Journal Article

Population demography and fecundity do not decline with habitat fragmentation in the rainforest tree Macadamia integrifolia (Proteaceae)

Neal, Jodi M., Hardner, Craig M. and Gross, C. L. (2010). Population demography and fecundity do not decline with habitat fragmentation in the rainforest tree Macadamia integrifolia (Proteaceae). Biological Conservation, 143 (11), 2591-2600. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2010.06.029

Population demography and fecundity do not decline with habitat fragmentation in the rainforest tree Macadamia integrifolia (Proteaceae)


Journal Article

Genetic variation and parental performance under inbreeding for growth in Eucalyptus globulus

Silva, Jce, Hardner, C and Potts, BM (2010). Genetic variation and parental performance under inbreeding for growth in Eucalyptus globulus. Annals of Forest Science, 67 (6), 606-1-606-8. doi: 10.1051/forest/2010019

Genetic variation and parental performance under inbreeding for growth in Eucalyptus globulus


Journal Article

Effects of inbreeding on population mean performance and observational variances in Eucalyptus globulus

Silva, Jce, Hardner, C, Tilyard, P, Pires, AM and Potts, BM (2010). Effects of inbreeding on population mean performance and observational variances in Eucalyptus globulus. Annals of Forest Science, 67 (6), 605-1-605-9. doi: 10.1051/forest/2010018

Effects of inbreeding on population mean performance and observational variances in Eucalyptus globulus


Journal Article


Hardner, C. (2010). Macadamia. Hortscience, 45, 730-731.



Conference Publication

A review of the genetic improvement of macadamia: An Australian icon

Hardner, Craig and Peace, Cameron (2009). A review of the genetic improvement of macadamia: An Australian icon. 14th Australasian Plant Breeding Conference (APBC) and the 11th Congress of the Society for the Advancement of Breeding Research in Asia and Oceania (SABRAO), Cairns, Australia, 10-14 August 2009. Bangkok, Thailand: Society for Advancement of Breeding Research in Asia and Oceania.

A review of the genetic improvement of macadamia: An Australian icon


Book Chapter

Genetic resources and domestication of macadamia

Hardner, Craig M., Peace, Cameron, Lowe, Andrew J., Neal, Jodi, Pisanu, Phillip, Powell, Michael, Schmidt, Adele, Spain, Chris and Williams, Kristen (2009). Genetic resources and domestication of macadamia. Horticultural reviews. (pp. 1-125) edited by Jules Janick. Hoboken, NJ USA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Genetic resources and domestication of macadamia


Conference Publication

Identifying deployment zones for Eucalyptus camaldulensis x E. globulus and x E. grandis hybrids using factor analytic modelling of genotype by environment interaction

Hardner, C., Dieters, M., Delacy, I., Neal, J., Fletcher, S., Dale, G. and Basford, K. (2009). Identifying deployment zones for Eucalyptus camaldulensis x E. globulus and x E. grandis hybrids using factor analytic modelling of genotype by environment interaction. Australasian Forest Genetics Conference, Perth Western Australia, 20-22 April, 2009. Forest Products Commission.

Identifying deployment zones for Eucalyptus camaldulensis x E. globulus and x E. grandis hybrids using factor analytic modelling of genotype by environment interaction


Conference Publication

Application of economic modelling to support selection decisions in macadamia

Hardner, C. M., Greaves, B., Coverdale, C. and Wegener, M. (2006). Application of economic modelling to support selection decisions in macadamia. 13th Australasian Plant Breeding Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand., 18-21 April, 2006. Dunedin, New Zealand: New Zealand Grassland Association.

Application of economic modelling to support selection decisions in macadamia


Conference Publication

Development and application of micro-satellite markers for macadamia

Schmidt, A., Neal, J., Hardner, C. M. and McConchie, C. A. (2006). Development and application of micro-satellite markers for macadamia. 1st Tropical Crop Biotechnology Conference, Cairns, Australia, 16-19 Aug 2006.

Development and application of micro-satellite markers for macadamia


Conference Publication

Consumer sensory preferences for macadamia nuts

O'Riordan, P., Baxter, I., McConchie, C., Hardner, C., Albertson, P. and Williams, E. (2005). Consumer sensory preferences for macadamia nuts. International Conference Postharvest Unlimited Downunder 2004, Sydney, Australia, 9-12 November, 2004. Leuven, Belgium: International Society for Horticultural Science.

Consumer sensory preferences for macadamia nuts


Conference Publication

Opportunities and constraints for marker-assisted selection in macadamia breeding

Hardner, C. M., Peace, C, Henshall, J. and Manners, J. (2005). Opportunities and constraints for marker-assisted selection in macadamia breeding. International Symposium on Harnessing the Potential of Horticulture in the Asian-Pacific Region, Coolum, Queensland, Australia, 1-3 September, 2004. Leuven, Belgium: International Society for Horticultural Science. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2005.694.10

Opportunities and constraints for marker-assisted selection in macadamia breeding


Conference Publication

Sources of oil content variation in macadamia kernel

Bradley, D., Hardner, C., Mathews, K., Mason, R. and Basford, K. (2002). Sources of oil content variation in macadamia kernel. 12th Australasian Plant Breeding Conference, Perth, Western Australia, 15-20 September 2002. Perth, W.A.: The Australasian Plant Breeding Association.

Sources of oil content variation in macadamia kernel


Conference Publication

Macadamia varietal improvement for quality

Bradley, D., Hardner, C., Mathews, K., Mason, R., Basford, K. and McConchie, C. (2002). Macadamia varietal improvement for quality. MANIC 2002 :Incorporating the Australian Nut Industry Council Conference 2002 and the Australian Macadamia Society Annual Conference, Coffs Harbour, 9-10 October, 2002. Lismore, NSW: Australian Macadamia Society.

Macadamia varietal improvement for quality


Conference Publication

Assessment protocols for selection and management in Macadamia

Levitt, C. W., Hardner, C., Stephenson, R., Mathews, K. L. and Basford, K. E. (2001). Assessment protocols for selection and management in Macadamia. AMS 2001 Conference and Annual General Meeting, Tweed Heads, NSW, 25-27 October, 2001. Lismore, NSW: Australian Macadamia Society Limited.

Assessment protocols for selection and management in Macadamia