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Conference Publication

Rural specialists: Their nature of work and job satisfaction, by town size

O'Sullivan, B., McGrail, M. and Russell, D. (2017). Rural specialists: Their nature of work and job satisfaction, by town size. 14th National Rural Health Conference, Cairns, Australia, 2017.

Rural specialists: Their nature of work and job satisfaction, by town size


Conference Publication

Uptake of rural medicine after rural training at Monash: The Rural Medical Workforce Tracking Study

O'Sullivan, B., McGrail, M., Russell, D., Chambers, H. and Major, L. (2017). Uptake of rural medicine after rural training at Monash: The Rural Medical Workforce Tracking Study. Monash Medical Curriculum Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2017.

Uptake of rural medicine after rural training at Monash: The Rural Medical Workforce Tracking Study


Conference Publication

Supply of medical specialists in regional areas

O’Sullivan, B., Stoelwinder, J. and McGrail, M. (2016). Supply of medical specialists in regional areas. 5th Rural and Remote Health Scientific Symposium, Canberra, Australia, 2016.

Supply of medical specialists in regional areas


Conference Publication

Planning integrated outreach: Service patterns from the metropolitan and rural hubs

O’Sullivan, B., Joyce, C., McGrail, M. and Stoelwinder, J. (2015). Planning integrated outreach: Service patterns from the metropolitan and rural hubs. 13th National Rural Health Conference, Darwin, NT, Australia, 2015.

Planning integrated outreach: Service patterns from the metropolitan and rural hubs


Conference Publication

Targeting outreach: The influence of Australia’s rural outreach policy?

O’Sullivan, B., Stoelwinder, J. and McGrail, M. (2015). Targeting outreach: The influence of Australia’s rural outreach policy?. 9th International Health Services and Policy Research Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2015.

Targeting outreach: The influence of Australia’s rural outreach policy?


Conference Publication

Australia’s global lead on national outreach policy

O’Sullivan, B., Joyce, C. and McGrail, M. (2014). Australia’s global lead on national outreach policy. The Public Health Association of Australia 43rd Annual Conference, Perth, Australia, 2014.

Australia’s global lead on national outreach policy


Conference Publication

Formulating a more appropriate and equitable system for allocating rural and remote health workforce incentives

McGrail, Matthew and Humphreys, John (2012). Formulating a more appropriate and equitable system for allocating rural and remote health workforce incentives. Primary Health Care Research Conference, Canberra, 18-20 July 2012.

Formulating a more appropriate and equitable system for allocating rural and remote health workforce incentives


Conference Publication

Peripheral intravenous catheters can be left in situ until clinically indicated for removal: randomised controlled trial

Rickard, C., Webster, J., Wallis, M., Marsh, N., McGrail, M., French, V., Foster, L., Gallagher, P., Gowardman, J., McClymont, A. and Whitby, M. (2012). Peripheral intravenous catheters can be left in situ until clinically indicated for removal: randomised controlled trial. 36th Australian and New Zealand Scientific Meeting on Intensive Care and the 17th Annual Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 13-15 October 2011. Philadelphia, PA, United States: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.aucc.2011.12.014

Peripheral intravenous catheters can be left in situ until clinically indicated for removal: randomised controlled trial


Conference Publication

Catheter- Related Bloodstream Infection (Cr-Bsi) Arising From Short Term Vascular Access-A Comparative Assessment of Two in Situ Diagnostic Methods

Gowardman, John, Jefferies, Paula, Nimmo, Graeme, George, Narrelle, McGrail, Matthew and Rickard, Claire (2010). Catheter- Related Bloodstream Infection (Cr-Bsi) Arising From Short Term Vascular Access-A Comparative Assessment of Two in Situ Diagnostic Methods. 40th Critical Care Congress, San Diego Ca, 15-19 January 2011. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Catheter- Related Bloodstream Infection (Cr-Bsi) Arising From Short Term Vascular Access-A Comparative Assessment of Two in Situ Diagnostic Methods