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Conference Publication

Methods to control swelling of clays in coal bed methane wells

Rufford, Thomas E., Patel, Archana , Ge, Lei, Towler, Brian and Rudolph, Victor (2019). Methods to control swelling of clays in coal bed methane wells. 11th International Symposium on Nano and Supramolecular Chemistry and 3rd World Forum on Industrial Minerals, Qingyang, China, 12-16 October 2019.

Methods to control swelling of clays in coal bed methane wells


Conference Publication

Response of relative permeability to coal surface chemistry and effective pressure through steady-state flooding measurements using X-ray CT scanner and artificial Australian coal cores

Terzini Soares, Fabio, Ge, Lei, Rufford, Thomas E., Steel, Karen and Rudolph, Victor (2018). Response of relative permeability to coal surface chemistry and effective pressure through steady-state flooding measurements using X-ray CT scanner and artificial Australian coal cores. InterPore 10th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA USA, 14-17 May 2018.

Response of relative permeability to coal surface chemistry and effective pressure through steady-state flooding measurements using X-ray CT scanner and artificial Australian coal cores


Conference Publication

Characterising the dependence of coal permeability to methane adsorption, pore pressure and stress: laboratory testing of walloon coals from the Surat Basin

Bottomley, W., Furniss, J. P., Raza, Shabbar Syed, Ge, Lei and Rudolph, Victor (2017). Characterising the dependence of coal permeability to methane adsorption, pore pressure and stress: laboratory testing of walloon coals from the Surat Basin. SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition 2017, Jakarta, Indonesia, 17-19 October 2017. Richardson, TX, United States: Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi: 10.2118/186875-MS

Characterising the dependence of coal permeability to methane adsorption, pore pressure and stress: laboratory testing of walloon coals from the Surat Basin


Conference Publication

Hemp hurd derived activated carbon for CO2 adsorption

Liu, Shan, Ge, Lei, Zhu, Zhonghua and Wang, Hao (2017). Hemp hurd derived activated carbon for CO2 adsorption. 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM 2017, Xi'an, China, 20-25 August 2017. International Committee on Composite Materials.

Hemp hurd derived activated carbon for CO2 adsorption


Conference Publication

Effect of hydrogen peroxide oxidation of carbon nanotube additives on the microstructure of pitch-derived activated carbon foam

Gao, Shuai, Villacorta Hernandez, Byron, Ge, Lei, Rufford, Thomas and Zhu, Zhonghua (2016). Effect of hydrogen peroxide oxidation of carbon nanotube additives on the microstructure of pitch-derived activated carbon foam. Carbon 2016, Penn State University, 10-15 July 2016.

Effect of hydrogen peroxide oxidation of carbon nanotube additives on the microstructure of pitch-derived activated carbon foam


Conference Publication

Effects of effective stress changes on coal relative permeability

Ge, Lei, Khan, Charwarwan, Mohoney, Shilo, Rufford, Thomas and Rudolph, Victor (2015). Effects of effective stress changes on coal relative permeability. International Conference on Coal Science and Technology, Melbourme, Australia, 27 September - 1 October 2015.

Effects of effective stress changes on coal relative permeability


Conference Publication

Coal bed methane reservoir simulation study

Khan, Charwarwan, Ge, Lei, Mahoney, Shilo, Rufford, Tom, Rudolph, Victor, Steel, Karen, Towler, Brian and Honari, Vahab (2015). Coal bed methane reservoir simulation study. AAPG Opportunities and Advancements in Coal Bed Methane in the Asia Pacific, Brisbane / Brisbane Convention Centre, 12-13 February 2015. Tulsa, OK United States: Datapages.

Coal bed methane reservoir simulation study


Conference Publication

Measurements of gas-liquid relative permeability of Queensland coals

Ge, Lei, Khan, Charwarwan, Rufford, Thomas E. and Rudolph, Victor (2015). Measurements of gas-liquid relative permeability of Queensland coals. AAPG Opportunities and Advancements in Coal Bed Methane in the Asia Pacific, Brisbane / Brisbane Convention Centre, 12-13 February 2015. Tulsa, OK United States: Datapages.

Measurements of gas-liquid relative permeability of Queensland coals


Conference Publication

Controlling fines in coal seam gas wells using MgO nanoparticles

Ge, Lei, Guenot, Laetitia, Rufford, Thomas and Mohoney, Shilo (2014). Controlling fines in coal seam gas wells using MgO nanoparticles. Energy Future Conference 2014, Sydney, Australia, 3-5 November 2014.

Controlling fines in coal seam gas wells using MgO nanoparticles


Conference Publication

Calcium looping for CO2 capture at a constant high temperature

Yin, Junjun, Qin, Changlei, Feng, Bo, Ge, Lei, Luo, Cong, Liu, Wenqiang and An, Hui (2014). Calcium looping for CO2 capture at a constant high temperature. 4th (2013) Sino-Australian Symposium on Advanced Coal and Biomass Utilisation Technologie, Wuhan, China, 9 - 11 December 2013. Washington, DC United States: American Chemical Society. doi: 10.1021/ef401399c

Calcium looping for CO2 capture at a constant high temperature