2020 Journal Article Segmenting tourists based on traditional versus social media usage and destination image perceptionVan Dyk, Anja, Slabbert, Elmarie and Tkaczynski, Aaron (2020). Segmenting tourists based on traditional versus social media usage and destination image perception. Tourism, Culture and Communication, 20 (4), 189-206. doi: 10.3727/194341420X15905692660247 |
2020 Journal Article Influencing tourists' pro-environmental behaviours: a social marketing applicationTkaczynski, Aaron, Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn and Truong, V. Dao (2020). Influencing tourists' pro-environmental behaviours: a social marketing application. Tourism Management Perspectives, 36 100740, 100740. doi: 10.1016/j.tmp.2020.100740 |
2020 Journal Article Human value co-creation behavior in tourism: insight from an Australian whale watching experienceXie, Jinghua, Tkaczynski, Aaron and Prebensen, Nina K. (2020). Human value co-creation behavior in tourism: insight from an Australian whale watching experience. Tourism Management Perspectives, 35 100709, 100709. doi: 10.1016/j.tmp.2020.100709 |
2020 Journal Article Exploring the role of language proficiency and cultural adaptation in travel risk perception: a study of Asian working holiday makers in AustraliaNagai, Hayato, Tkaczynski, Aaron and Benckendorff, Pierre J. (2020). Exploring the role of language proficiency and cultural adaptation in travel risk perception: a study of Asian working holiday makers in Australia. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 26 (2), 135676671988024-181. doi: 10.1177/1356766719880249 |
2020 Journal Article Event market segmentation – a review update and research agendaTkaczynski, Aaron and Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn (2020). Event market segmentation – a review update and research agenda. Event Management, 24 (2-3) 5913, 277-295. doi: 10.3727/152599519x15506259855913 |
2019 Journal Article Repeat tourism, destination image and behavioural intentions: implications for sustainable development in South AfricaVan Dyk, Anja, Tkaczynski, Aaron and Slabbert, Elmarie (2019). Repeat tourism, destination image and behavioural intentions: implications for sustainable development in South Africa. Tourism Recreation Research, 44 (3), 1-7. doi: 10.1080/02508281.2019.1637610 |
2019 Journal Article Identifying whale-watching tourist differences to maximize return on investmentTkaczynski, Aaron and Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn (2019). Identifying whale-watching tourist differences to maximize return on investment. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 25 (3), 390-402. doi: 10.1177/1356766718814083 |
2019 Journal Article Is destination marketing missing the mark? A Fraser Coast segmentation analysisTkaczynski, Aaron and Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn (2019). Is destination marketing missing the mark? A Fraser Coast segmentation analysis. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 12, 12-14. doi: 10.1016/j.jdmm.2019.02.001 |
2019 Journal Article Target marketing of small-scale festival attendees: a scoping studyTkaczynski, Aaron, Gill, Chelsea and Van Winkle, Christine M. (2019). Target marketing of small-scale festival attendees: a scoping study. Event Management, 23 (3), 483-490. doi: 10.3727/152599518x15403853721420 |
2019 Journal Article Are religious consumers more ethical and less Machiavellian? A segmentation study of MillennialsArli, Denni, Tkaczynski, Aaron and Anandya, Dudi (2019). Are religious consumers more ethical and less Machiavellian? A segmentation study of Millennials. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 43 (3), 263-276. doi: 10.1111/ijcs.12507 |
2018 Journal Article Prospective tourists’ cognitive image prone to safety and security destination: the case of Sabah, MalaysiaHasham, Nik Alif Amri, Ritchie, Brent W. and Tkaczynski, Aaron (2018). Prospective tourists’ cognitive image prone to safety and security destination: the case of Sabah, Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8 (16), 163-177. doi: 10.6007/IJARBSS/v8-i16/5126 |
2018 Journal Article Australian migrants’ social cultural adaptation and consumption behavior toward food and alcoholArli, Denni, Kim, Jeawon, Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn and Tkaczynski, Aaron (2018). Australian migrants’ social cultural adaptation and consumption behavior toward food and alcohol. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 43 (1), 2-13. doi: 10.1111/ijcs.12439 |
2018 Journal Article Religious tourism and spiritual leadership development: Christian leadership conferencesTkaczynski, Aaron and Arli, Denni (2018). Religious tourism and spiritual leadership development: Christian leadership conferences. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 35 (June), 75-84. doi: 10.1016/j.jhtm.2018.03.004 |
2018 Journal Article Differentiating Asian working holiday makers from traditional backpackers on the basis of accommodation preferencesNagai, Hayato, Benckendorff, Pierre and Tkaczynski, Aaron (2018). Differentiating Asian working holiday makers from traditional backpackers on the basis of accommodation preferences. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 35, 66-74. doi: 10.1016/j.jhtm.2018.03.003 |
2018 Journal Article Exploring the motivations of Asian working holiday makers travelling to AustraliaNagai, Hayato, Benckendorff, Pierre and Tkaczynski, Aaron (2018). Exploring the motivations of Asian working holiday makers travelling to Australia. Tourism Studies, 18, 43-53. |
2018 Journal Article To segment or not? That is the questionTkaczynski, Aaron, Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn R. and Prebensen, Nina Katrine (2018). To segment or not? That is the question. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 24 (1), 16-28. doi: 10.1177/1356766716679482 |
2017 Journal Article Australian students’ activity preferences, perceived physical risk and interest in vacationing in JapanTkaczynski, Aaron, Nagai, Hayato and Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn R. (2017). Australian students’ activity preferences, perceived physical risk and interest in vacationing in Japan. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 24 (4), 135676671773634-370. doi: 10.1177/1356766717736348 |
2017 Journal Article Origin and money matter: the airline service quality expectations of international studentsLim, Sherwin Shenwei and Tkaczynski, Aaron (2017). Origin and money matter: the airline service quality expectations of international students. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 31, 244-252. doi: 10.1016/j.jhtm.2017.03.001 |
2017 Journal Article Take me to church: what ministries are of perceived value for attendees from a nonprofit marketing perspective?Tkaczynski, Aaron (2017). Take me to church: what ministries are of perceived value for attendees from a nonprofit marketing perspective?. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 22 (3) e1581, e1581. doi: 10.1002/nvsm.1581 |
2017 Journal Article Indonesian healthy living intentions: Segmentation study insightsArli, Denni , Dietrich, Timo , Tkaczynski, Aaron and Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn (2017). Indonesian healthy living intentions: Segmentation study insights. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 22 (2) e1574, 1-9. doi: 10.1002/nvsm.1574 |