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Journal Article

Evidence-based occupational therapy [2]

McCluskey, A., McKenna, K., Bennett, S., Hoffmann, T., Tooth, L. and Strong, J. (2006). Evidence-based occupational therapy [2]. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 69 (3), 144-145.

Evidence-based occupational therapy [2]


Journal Article

Factors that predict the post-discharge use of recommended assistive technology (AT)

Weilandt, Trish, McKenna, Kryss, Tooth, Leigh and Strong, Jenny (2006). Factors that predict the post-discharge use of recommended assistive technology (AT). Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive technology, 1 (1-2), 29-40. doi: 10.1080/09638280500167159

Factors that predict the post-discharge use of recommended assistive technology (AT)


Journal Article

How and why do occupational therapists use the OT seeker evidence database?

McCluskey, A., Lovarini, M., Bennett, S, McKenna, K T, Tooth, L R and Hoffmann, T (2006). How and why do occupational therapists use the OT seeker evidence database?. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 53 (2), 188-195. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1630.2006.00578.x

How and why do occupational therapists use the OT seeker evidence database?


Journal Article

Searches and content of the OTseeker database: Informing research priorities

Bennett, S, McKenna, K, Tooth, L, Hoffmann, T, McCluskey, A and Strong, J (2006). Searches and content of the OTseeker database: Informing research priorities. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 60 (5), 524-530. doi: 10.5014/ajot.60.5.524

Searches and content of the OTseeker database: Informing research priorities


Journal Article

Discrepancy between older clients' ability to read and comprehend and the reading level of written educational materials used by occupational therapists

Griffin, Janelle, McKenna, Kryss and Tooth, Leigh (2006). Discrepancy between older clients' ability to read and comprehend and the reading level of written educational materials used by occupational therapists. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 60 (1), 70-80. doi: 10.5014/ajot.60.1.70

Discrepancy between older clients' ability to read and comprehend and the reading level of written educational materials used by occupational therapists


Journal Article

The authors reply

Tooth, Leigh, Ware, Robert, Bain, Chris, Purdie, David and Dobson, Annette (2005). The authors reply. American Journal of Epidemiology, 162 (10), 1033-1033. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwi315

The authors reply


Journal Article

Re: "Quality of reporting of observational longitudinal research" [1] (multiple letters)

Des Jarlais, Don C., Lyles, Cynthia M., Crepaz, Nicole, Von Elm, Erik, Altman, Douglas G., Pocock, Stuart, Vandenbroucke, Jan P., Egger, Matthias, Tooth, Leigh, Ware, Robert, Bain, Chris, Purdie, David and Dobson, Annette (2005). Re: "Quality of reporting of observational longitudinal research" [1] (multiple letters). American Journal of Epidemiology, 162 (10), 1032-1033. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwi313

Re: "Quality of reporting of observational longitudinal research" [1] (multiple letters)


Journal Article

Length of Stay, Discharge Destination, and Functional Improvement: Utility of the Australian National Subacute and Nonacute Patient Casemix Classification

Tooth, Leigh, McKenna,Kryss, Goh, Kong and Varghese, Paul (2005). Length of Stay, Discharge Destination, and Functional Improvement: Utility of the Australian National Subacute and Nonacute Patient Casemix Classification. Stroke, 36 (7), 1519-1525. doi: 10.1161/01.STR.0000169923.57038.a8

Length of Stay, Discharge Destination, and Functional Improvement: Utility of the Australian National Subacute and Nonacute Patient Casemix Classification


Journal Article

Quality of Reporting of Observational Longitudinal Research

Tooth, Leigh, Ware, Robert, Bain, Chris, Purdie, David M. and Dobson, Annette (2005). Quality of Reporting of Observational Longitudinal Research. American Journal of Epidemiology, 161 (3), 280-288. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwi042

Quality of Reporting of Observational Longitudinal Research


Journal Article

Caregiver burden, time spent caring and health status in the first 12 months following stroke

Tooth, L, McKenna, K, Barnett, A, Prescott, C and Murphy, S (2005). Caregiver burden, time spent caring and health status in the first 12 months following stroke. Brain Injury, 19 (12), 963-974. doi: 10.1080/02699050500110785

Caregiver burden, time spent caring and health status in the first 12 months following stroke


Journal Article

A comparison of the association between socioeconomic position and cardiovascular disease risk factors in three age cohorts of Australian women: findings from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health

Lawlor, DA, Tooth, L, Lee, C and Dobson, A. (2005). A comparison of the association between socioeconomic position and cardiovascular disease risk factors in three age cohorts of Australian women: findings from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health. Journal of Public Health, 27 (4), 378-87. doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdi052

A comparison of the association between socioeconomic position and cardiovascular disease risk factors in three age cohorts of Australian women: findings from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health


Journal Article

Australian occupational therapists' use of an online evidence-based practice database (OTseeker)

McKenna, Kryss, Bennett, Sally, Dierselhuis, Zoe, Hoffmann, Tammy, Tooth, Leigh and McCluskey, Annie (2005). Australian occupational therapists' use of an online evidence-based practice database (OTseeker). Health Information And Libraries Journal, 22 (3), 205-214. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-1842.2005.00597.x

Australian occupational therapists' use of an online evidence-based practice database (OTseeker)


Journal Article

Appraising the quality of randomized controlled trials: inter-rater reliability for the OTseeker evidence database

Tooth, L., Bennett, S., McCluskey, A., Hoffmann, T., McKenna, K. and Lovarini, M. (2005). Appraising the quality of randomized controlled trials: inter-rater reliability for the OTseeker evidence database. Journal of Evaluation In Clinical Practice, 11 (6), 547-555. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2753.2005.00574.x

Appraising the quality of randomized controlled trials: inter-rater reliability for the OTseeker evidence database


Journal Article

What evidence exists for work-related injury prevention and management? Analysis of the occupational therapy evidence database (OTseeker)

McCluskey, A., Lovarini, M., Bennett, S. L., McKenna, K. T., Tooth, L. R. and Hoffmann, T. (2005). What evidence exists for work-related injury prevention and management? Analysis of the occupational therapy evidence database (OTseeker). British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68 (10), 447-456. doi: 10.1177/030802260506801003

What evidence exists for work-related injury prevention and management? Analysis of the occupational therapy evidence database (OTseeker)


Journal Article

In search of evidence for occupational therapy: A new tool

Bennett, S., McKenna, K., Hoffman, T., McCluskey, A., Tooth, L. and Strong, J. (2004). In search of evidence for occupational therapy: A new tool. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 11 (9), 406-406. doi: 10.12968/ijtr.2004.11.9.19586

In search of evidence for occupational therapy: A new tool


Journal Article

The K statistic in rehabilitation research: An examination

Tooth, Leigh R. and Ottenbacher, Kenneth J. (2004). The K statistic in rehabilitation research: An examination. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 85 (8), 1371-1376. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2003.12.002

The K statistic in rehabilitation research: An examination


Journal Article

OTseeker: Facilitating evidence-based practice in occupational therapy

McKenna, K. T., Bennett, S. L., Hoffmann, T. C., McCluskey, A., Strong, J. and Tooth, L. R. (2004). OTseeker: Facilitating evidence-based practice in occupational therapy. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 51 (2), 102-105. doi: 10.1046/j.1440-1630.2004.00421.x

OTseeker: Facilitating evidence-based practice in occupational therapy


Journal Article

Adult siblings' perceptions of family life and loss: A pilot case study

Rodger, Sylvia and Tooth, Leigh (2004). Adult siblings' perceptions of family life and loss: A pilot case study. Journal of Developmental And Physical Disabilities, 16 (1), 53-71. doi: 10.1023/B:JODD.0000010039.14986.41

Adult siblings' perceptions of family life and loss: A pilot case study


Journal Article

Satisfaction with medical rehabilitation after spinal cord injury

Tooth, Leigh, Ottenbacher, Kenneth, Smith, Pamela, Illig, Sandra., Linn, Richard and Granger, Carl (2004). Satisfaction with medical rehabilitation after spinal cord injury. Spine, 29 (2), 211-218. doi: 10.1097/01.BRS.0000107236.74004.31

Satisfaction with medical rehabilitation after spinal cord injury


Journal Article

A review of two journals found that articles using multivariable logistic regression frequently did not report commonly recommended assumptions

Ottenbacher, KJ, Ottenbacher, HR, Tooth, L and Ostir, GV (2004). A review of two journals found that articles using multivariable logistic regression frequently did not report commonly recommended assumptions. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 57 (11), 1147-1152. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2003.05.003

A review of two journals found that articles using multivariable logistic regression frequently did not report commonly recommended assumptions