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Journal Article

Bedload sediment transport dynamics in a macrotidal embayment, and implications for export to the southern Great Barrier Reef shelf

Ryan, David A., Brooke, Brendan P., Bostock, Helen C., Radke, Lynda C., Siwabessy, Paulus J. W., Margvelashvili, Nugzar and Skene, Darren (2007). Bedload sediment transport dynamics in a macrotidal embayment, and implications for export to the southern Great Barrier Reef shelf. Marine Geology, 240 (1-4), 197-215. doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2007.02.014

Bedload sediment transport dynamics in a macrotidal embayment, and implications for export to the southern Great Barrier Reef shelf


Journal Article

Glacial/interglacial changes in the East Australian current

Bostock, H. C., Opdyke, B. N., Gagan, M. K., Kiss, A. E. and Fifield, L. K. (2006). Glacial/interglacial changes in the East Australian current. Climate Dynamics, 26 (6), 645-659. doi: 10.1007/s00382-005-0103-7

Glacial/interglacial changes in the East Australian current


Conference Publication

Mg/Ca, stable isotopes and an important paleo-salintiy record from the indo-pacific warm pool

Opdyke, B. N., Edwards, J., Bostock, H. C., Lea, D. W., Spero, H. J., Gagan, M. and Fifield, K. (2006). Mg/Ca, stable isotopes and an important paleo-salintiy record from the indo-pacific warm pool. 16th Annual V M Goldschmidt Conference, Melbourne, VIC Australia, 27 August - 1 September 2006. Oxford, United Kingdom: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2006.06.926

Mg/Ca, stable isotopes and an important paleo-salintiy record from the indo-pacific warm pool


Journal Article

Preliminary results on Cretaceous-Tertiary tropical Atlantic pelagic sedimentation (Demerara Rise, ODP Leg 207) Résultats préliminaires sur la sédimentation pélagique de l'Atlantique tropical au Crétacé et au Tertiaire (plateau de Demerara, Leg ODP 207)

Danelian, Taniel, Le Callonnec, Laurence, Erbacher, Jochen, Mosher, David C., Malone, Mitchell J., Berti, Debora, Bice, Karen L., Bostock, Helen, Brumsack, Hans-Jürgen, Forster, Astrid, Heidersdorf, Felix, Henderiks, Jorijntje, Janecek, Thomas J., Junium, Christopher, MacLeod, Ken, Meyers, Philip A., Mutterlose, Jörg H., Nishi, Hiroshi, Norris, Richard D., Ogg, James G., O'Regan, Matthew A., Rea, Brice, Sexton, Philip, Sturt-Fredricks, Helen, Suganuma, Yusuke, Thurow, Jürgen W., Wilson, Paul A., Wise, Sherwood W. and Glatz, Christine (2005). Preliminary results on Cretaceous-Tertiary tropical Atlantic pelagic sedimentation (Demerara Rise, ODP Leg 207) Résultats préliminaires sur la sédimentation pélagique de l'Atlantique tropical au Crétacé et au Tertiaire (plateau de Demerara, Leg ODP 207). Comptes Rendus - Geoscience, 337 (6), 609-616. doi: 10.1016/j.crte.2005.01.011

Preliminary results on Cretaceous-Tertiary tropical Atlantic pelagic sedimentation (Demerara Rise, ODP Leg 207) Résultats préliminaires sur la sédimentation pélagique de l'Atlantique tropical au Crétacé et au Tertiaire (plateau de Demerara, Leg ODP 207)


Journal Article

Carbon isotope evidence for changes in Antarctic Intermediate Water circulation and ocean ventilation in the southwest Pacific during the last deglaciation

Bostock, Helen C., Opdyke, Bradley N., Gagan, Michael K. and Fifield, L. Keith (2004). Carbon isotope evidence for changes in Antarctic Intermediate Water circulation and ocean ventilation in the southwest Pacific during the last deglaciation. Paleoceanography, 19 (4), n/a-n/a. doi: 10.1029/2004PA001047

Carbon isotope evidence for changes in Antarctic Intermediate Water circulation and ocean ventilation in the southwest Pacific during the last deglaciation