2023 Other Outputs Evidence matters: developing quality behaviour support plansNankervis, Karen and Vassos, Maria (2023). Evidence matters: developing quality behaviour support plans. Penrith, NSW Australia: NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. |
2019 Other Outputs Defining the work of a disability support worker in Australia: A review of the work roleVassos, Maria V., Nankervis, Karen L. and Chan, Jeffrey (2019). Defining the work of a disability support worker in Australia: A review of the work role. Brisbane, Australia: The University of Queensland. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17156.35206 |
2019 Other Outputs Social attitudes towards intellectual disabilityVassos, M. (2019). Social attitudes towards intellectual disability. Cannon Hill, Qld, Australia: Endeavour Foundation. |
2017 Other Outputs Developing a greater understanding of parental relinquishment of care in the disability sectorVassos, Maria Vicki (2017). Developing a greater understanding of parental relinquishment of care in the disability sector. PhD Thesis, School of Psychology, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/uql.2017.946 |
2017 Other Outputs Behaviour support plan quality within Endeavour FoundationVassos, M. (2017). Behaviour support plan quality within Endeavour Foundation. Cannon Hill, Qld, Australia: Endeavour Foundation. |
2015 Other Outputs Profiling the experiences of parents of children and adolescents with disabilities on psychosocial factors related to out-of-home care. Report of key findings for YoorallaVassos, M., Nankervis, K., Gavidia-Payne, S. and Chan, J. (2015). Profiling the experiences of parents of children and adolescents with disabilities on psychosocial factors related to out-of-home care. Report of key findings for Yooralla. Melbourne, Vic, Australia: Yooralla. |
2015 Other Outputs Exploring the concepts of clinical governance and evidence-based practice within the disability service sector. Report of key findings for YoorallaVassos, M., Nankervis, K. and Chan, J. (2015). Exploring the concepts of clinical governance and evidence-based practice within the disability service sector. Report of key findings for Yooralla. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Yooralla. |
2009 Other Outputs Review of the causal factors resulting in unavailable respite beds: Final reportNankervis, K., Rosewarne, A. and Vassos, M. (2009). Review of the causal factors resulting in unavailable respite beds: Final report. Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care, New South Wales Government. |
2009 Other Outputs Review of the causal factors resulting in unavailable beds: A review of the literatureNankervis, K., Rosewarne, C. and Vassos, M. (2009). Review of the causal factors resulting in unavailable beds: A review of the literature. Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care, New South Wales Government. |