2024 Journal Article How real is incomputability in physics?Agüero Trejo, José Manuel, Calude, Cristian S., Dinneen, Michael J., Fedorov, Arkady, Kulikov, Anatoly, Navarathna, Rohit and Svozil, Karl (2024). How real is incomputability in physics?. Theoretical Computer Science, 1003 114632. doi: 10.1016/j.tcs.2024.114632 |
2024 Journal Article Nonreciprocity and circulation in a passive Josephson-Junction RingFedorov, Arkady, Kumar, N. Pradeep, Le, Dat Thanh, Navarathna, Rohit, Pakkiam, Prasanna and Stace, Thomas M. (2024). Nonreciprocity and circulation in a passive Josephson-Junction Ring. Physical Review Letters, 132 (9) 097001. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.132.097001 |
2024 Journal Article Superconducting microwave cavities and qubits for quantum information systemsKrasnok, Alex, Dhakal, Pashupati, Fedorov, Arkady, Frigola, Pedro, Kelly, Michael and Kutsaev, Sergey (2024). Superconducting microwave cavities and qubits for quantum information systems. Applied Physics Reviews, 11 (1) 011302. doi: 10.1063/5.0155213 |
2023 Journal Article Effect of measurement backaction on quantum clock precision studied with a superconducting circuitHe, Xin, Pakkiam, Prasanna, Gangat, Adil A., Kewming, Michael J., Milburn, Gerard J. and Fedorov, Arkady (2023). Effect of measurement backaction on quantum clock precision studied with a superconducting circuit. Physical Review Applied, 20 (3) 034038. doi: 10.1103/physrevapplied.20.034038 |
2023 Journal Article Qubit-photon bound states: crossover from waveguide to cavity regimeKumar, N. Pradeep, Hamann, Andrés Rosario, Navarathna, Rohit, Zanner, Maximilian, Pletyukhov, Mikhail and Fedorov, Arkady (2023). Qubit-photon bound states: crossover from waveguide to cavity regime. Physical Review Applied, 20 (2) 024058, 1-21. doi: 10.1103/physrevapplied.20.024058 |
2023 Journal Article Testing spontaneous wavefunction collapse with quantum electromechanicsTobar, Germain, Forstner, Stefan, Fedorov, Arkady and Bowen, Warwick P. (2023). Testing spontaneous wavefunction collapse with quantum electromechanics. Quantum Science and Technology, 8 (4) 045003, 045003. doi: 10.1088/2058-9565/ace2e5 |
2023 Journal Article Qubit-controlled directional edge states in waveguide QEDPakkiam, Prasanna, Kumar, N. Pradeep, Pletyukhov, Mikhail and Fedorov, Arkady (2023). Qubit-controlled directional edge states in waveguide QED. npj Quantum Information, 9 (1) 53, 1-7. doi: 10.1038/s41534-023-00722-8 |
2023 Journal Article Near-field localization of the boson peak on tantalum films for superconducting quantum devicesGuo, Xiao, Degnan, Zachary, Steele, Julian A., Solano, Eduardo, Donose, Bogdan C., Bertling, Karl, Fedorov, Arkady, Rakić, Aleksandar D. and Jacobson, Peter (2023). Near-field localization of the boson peak on tantalum films for superconducting quantum devices. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 14 (20), 4892-4900. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.3c00850 |
2023 Journal Article Terahertz nanospectroscopy of plasmon polaritons for the evaluation of doping in quantum devicesGuo, Xiao, He, Xin, Degnan, Zachary, Chiu, Chun-Ching, Donose, Bogdan C., Bertling, Karl, Fedorov, Arkady, Rakić, Aleksandar D. and Jacobson, Peter (2023). Terahertz nanospectroscopy of plasmon polaritons for the evaluation of doping in quantum devices. Nanophotonics, 12 (10), 1865-1875. doi: 10.1515/nanoph-2023-0064 |
2023 Journal Article Passive superconducting circulator on a chipNavarathna, Rohit, Le, Dat Thanh, Rosario Hamann, Andrés, Nguyen, Hien Duy, Stace, Thomas M. and Fedorov, Arkady (2023). Passive superconducting circulator on a chip. Physical Review Letters, 130 (3) 037001, 037001. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.130.037001 |
2022 Journal Article Ternary metal oxide substrates for superconducting circuitsDegnan, Zach, He, Xin, Frieiro, Alejandro Gomez, Sachkou, Yauhen, Fedorov, Arkady and Jacobson, Peter (2022). Ternary metal oxide substrates for superconducting circuits. Materials for Quantum Technology, 2 (2) 025004. doi: 10.1088/2633-4356/ac70a2 |
2021 Journal Article Operating a passive on-chip superconducting circulator: Device control and quasiparticle effectsLe, Dat Thanh, Müller, Clemens, Navarathna, Rohit, Fedorov, Arkady and Stace, T. M. (2021). Operating a passive on-chip superconducting circulator: Device control and quasiparticle effects. Physical Review Research, 3 (4) 043211. doi: 10.1103/physrevresearch.3.043211 |
2021 Journal Article Approximations in transmon simulationJones, Tyler, Steven, Kaiah, Poncini, Xavier, Rose, Matthew and Fedorov, Arkady (2021). Approximations in transmon simulation. Physical Review Applied, 16 (5) 054039. doi: 10.1103/physrevapplied.16.054039 |
2021 Journal Article Neural networks for on-the-fly single-shot state classificationNavarathna, Rohit, Jones, Tyler, Moghaddam, Tina, Kulikov, Anatoly, Beriwal, Rohit, Jerger, Markus, Pakkiam, Prasanna and Fedorov, Arkady (2021). Neural networks for on-the-fly single-shot state classification. Applied Physics Letters, 119 (11) 114003, 114003. doi: 10.1063/5.0065011 |
2021 Journal Article Near-field terahertz nanoscopy of coplanar microwave resonatorsGuo, Xiao, He, Xin, Degnan, Zach, Donose, Bogdan C., Bertling, Karl, Fedorov, Arkady, Rakić, Aleksandar D. and Jacobson, Peter (2021). Near-field terahertz nanoscopy of coplanar microwave resonators. Applied Physics Letters, 119 (9) 091101, 1-6. doi: 10.1063/5.0061078 |
2021 Journal Article Z2 lattice gauge theories and Kitaev's toric code: A scheme for analog quantum simulationHomeier, Lukas, Schweizer, Christian, Aidelsburger, Monika, Fedorov, Arkady and Grusdt, Fabian (2021). Z2 lattice gauge theories and Kitaev's toric code: A scheme for analog quantum simulation. Physical Review B, 104 (8) 085138. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085138 |
2020 Journal Article Measuring effective temperatures of qubits using correlationsKulikov, Anatoly, Navarathna, Rohit and Fedorov, Arkady (2020). Measuring effective temperatures of qubits using correlations. Physical Review Letters, 124 (24) 240501, 240501. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.124.240501 |
2020 Journal Article Probabilistic motional averagingKarpov, Denys S., Monarkha, Vladimir Y., Szombati, Daniel, Frieiro, Alejandro G., Omelyanchouk, Aleksander N., Il’ichev, Evgeni, Fedorov, Arkady and Shevchenko, Sergey N. (2020). Probabilistic motional averaging. European Physical Journal B, 93 (3) 49. doi: 10.1140/epjb/e2019-100514-8 |
2020 Journal Article Quantum rifling: protecting a qubit from measurement back actionSzombati, Daniel, Gomez Frieiro, Alejandro, Müller, Clemens, Jones, Tyler, Jerger, Markus and Fedorov, Arkady (2020). Quantum rifling: protecting a qubit from measurement back action. Physical Review Letters, 124 (7) 070401, 070401. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.124.070401 |
2019 Journal Article In situ characterization of qubit control lines: a qubit as a vector network analyzerJerger, Markus, Kulikov, Anatoly, Vasselin, Zénon and Fedorov, Arkady (2019). In situ characterization of qubit control lines: a qubit as a vector network analyzer. Physical Review Letters, 123 (15) 150501, 150501. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.150501 |