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Journal Article

How real is incomputability in physics?

Agüero Trejo, José Manuel, Calude, Cristian S., Dinneen, Michael J., Fedorov, Arkady, Kulikov, Anatoly, Navarathna, Rohit and Svozil, Karl (2024). How real is incomputability in physics?. Theoretical Computer Science, 1003 114632, 114632. doi: 10.1016/j.tcs.2024.114632

How real is incomputability in physics?


Journal Article

Nonreciprocity and circulation in a passive Josephson-Junction Ring

Fedorov, Arkady, Kumar, N. Pradeep, Le, Dat Thanh, Navarathna, Rohit, Pakkiam, Prasanna and Stace, Thomas M. (2024). Nonreciprocity and circulation in a passive Josephson-Junction Ring. Physical Review Letters, 132 (9) 097001. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.132.097001

Nonreciprocity and circulation in a passive Josephson-Junction Ring


Journal Article

Superconducting microwave cavities and qubits for quantum information systems

Krasnok, Alex, Dhakal, Pashupati, Fedorov, Arkady, Frigola, Pedro, Kelly, Michael and Kutsaev, Sergey (2024). Superconducting microwave cavities and qubits for quantum information systems. Applied Physics Reviews, 11 (1) 011302. doi: 10.1063/5.0155213

Superconducting microwave cavities and qubits for quantum information systems


Journal Article

Effect of measurement backaction on quantum clock precision studied with a superconducting circuit

He, Xin, Pakkiam, Prasanna, Gangat, Adil A., Kewming, Michael J., Milburn, Gerard J. and Fedorov, Arkady (2023). Effect of measurement backaction on quantum clock precision studied with a superconducting circuit. Physical Review Applied, 20 (3) 034038. doi: 10.1103/physrevapplied.20.034038

Effect of measurement backaction on quantum clock precision studied with a superconducting circuit


Journal Article

Qubit-photon bound states: crossover from waveguide to cavity regime

Kumar, N. Pradeep, Hamann, Andrés Rosario, Navarathna, Rohit, Zanner, Maximilian, Pletyukhov, Mikhail and Fedorov, Arkady (2023). Qubit-photon bound states: crossover from waveguide to cavity regime. Physical Review Applied, 20 (2) 024058, 1-21. doi: 10.1103/physrevapplied.20.024058

Qubit-photon bound states: crossover from waveguide to cavity regime


Journal Article

Testing spontaneous wavefunction collapse with quantum electromechanics

Tobar, Germain, Forstner, Stefan, Fedorov, Arkady and Bowen, Warwick P. (2023). Testing spontaneous wavefunction collapse with quantum electromechanics. Quantum Science and Technology, 8 (4) 045003, 045003. doi: 10.1088/2058-9565/ace2e5

Testing spontaneous wavefunction collapse with quantum electromechanics


Journal Article

Near-field localization of the boson peak on tantalum films for superconducting quantum devices

Guo, Xiao, Degnan, Zachary, Steele, Julian A., Solano, Eduardo, Donose, Bogdan C., Bertling, Karl, Fedorov, Arkady, Rakić, Aleksandar D. and Jacobson, Peter (2023). Near-field localization of the boson peak on tantalum films for superconducting quantum devices. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 14 (20), 4892-4900. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.3c00850

Near-field localization of the boson peak on tantalum films for superconducting quantum devices


Journal Article

Terahertz nanospectroscopy of plasmon polaritons for the evaluation of doping in quantum devices

Guo, Xiao, He, Xin, Degnan, Zachary, Chiu, Chun-Ching, Donose, Bogdan C., Bertling, Karl, Fedorov, Arkady, Rakić, Aleksandar D. and Jacobson, Peter (2023). Terahertz nanospectroscopy of plasmon polaritons for the evaluation of doping in quantum devices. Nanophotonics, 12 (10), 1865-1875. doi: 10.1515/nanoph-2023-0064

Terahertz nanospectroscopy of plasmon polaritons for the evaluation of doping in quantum devices


Journal Article

Passive superconducting circulator on a chip

Navarathna, Rohit, Le, Dat Thanh, Rosario Hamann, Andrés, Nguyen, Hien Duy, Stace, Thomas M. and Fedorov, Arkady (2023). Passive superconducting circulator on a chip. Physical Review Letters, 130 (3) 037001, 037001. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.130.037001

Passive superconducting circulator on a chip


Conference Publication

Terahertz nanoscopy: a non-destructive characterization tool for nanomaterials and nanostructures

Guo, Xiao, Bertling, Karl, Donose, Bogdan C., He, Xin, Degnan, Zach, Solemanifar, Armin, Zhang, Xueqin, Laycock, Bronwyn, Virdis, Bernardino, Fedorov, Arkady, Jacobson, Peter and Rakić, Aleksandar D. (2022). Terahertz nanoscopy: a non-destructive characterization tool for nanomaterials and nanostructures. The 2022 Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices, Adelaide, SA Australia, 11-16 December 2022.

Terahertz nanoscopy: a non-destructive characterization tool for nanomaterials and nanostructures


Journal Article

Ternary metal oxide substrates for superconducting circuits

Degnan, Zach, He, Xin, Frieiro, Alejandro Gomez, Sachkou, Yauhen, Fedorov, Arkady and Jacobson, Peter (2022). Ternary metal oxide substrates for superconducting circuits. Materials for Quantum Technology, 2 (2) 025004. doi: 10.1088/2633-4356/ac70a2

Ternary metal oxide substrates for superconducting circuits


Journal Article

Operating a passive on-chip superconducting circulator: Device control and quasiparticle effects

Le, Dat Thanh, Müller, Clemens, Navarathna, Rohit, Fedorov, Arkady and Stace, T. M. (2021). Operating a passive on-chip superconducting circulator: Device control and quasiparticle effects. Physical Review Research, 3 (4) 043211. doi: 10.1103/physrevresearch.3.043211

Operating a passive on-chip superconducting circulator: Device control and quasiparticle effects


Conference Publication

Advances and challenges in THz scattering SNOM

Guo, Xiao, Donose, Bogdan, Bertling, Karl, He, Xin, Degnan, Zach, Solemanifar, Armin, Laycock, Bronwyn, Fedorov, Arkady, Jacobson, Peter and Rakic, Aleksandar (2021). Advances and challenges in THz scattering SNOM. 8th Australian THz Workshop, Sydney, NSW Australia, 3 December 2021.

Advances and challenges in THz scattering SNOM


Conference Publication

Near-field terahertz nanoscopy of coplanar microwave resonators

Jacobson, Peter, Guo, Xiao, He, Xin, Degnan, Zach, Donose, Bogdan, Bertling, Karl, Fedorov, Arkady and Rakic, Aleksandar (2021). Near-field terahertz nanoscopy of coplanar microwave resonators. Australian Institute of Physics Summer Meeting, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 6th-9th December 2021.

Near-field terahertz nanoscopy of coplanar microwave resonators


Journal Article

Approximations in transmon simulation

Jones, Tyler, Steven, Kaiah, Poncini, Xavier, Rose, Matthew and Fedorov, Arkady (2021). Approximations in transmon simulation. Physical Review Applied, 16 (5) 054039. doi: 10.1103/physrevapplied.16.054039

Approximations in transmon simulation


Journal Article

Neural networks for on-the-fly single-shot state classification

Navarathna, Rohit, Jones, Tyler, Moghaddam, Tina, Kulikov, Anatoly, Beriwal, Rohit, Jerger, Markus, Pakkiam, Prasanna and Fedorov, Arkady (2021). Neural networks for on-the-fly single-shot state classification. Applied Physics Letters, 119 (11) 114003, 114003. doi: 10.1063/5.0065011

Neural networks for on-the-fly single-shot state classification


Journal Article

Near-field terahertz nanoscopy of coplanar microwave resonators

Guo, Xiao, He, Xin, Degnan, Zach, Donose, Bogdan C., Bertling, Karl, Fedorov, Arkady, Rakić, Aleksandar D. and Jacobson, Peter (2021). Near-field terahertz nanoscopy of coplanar microwave resonators. Applied Physics Letters, 119 (9) 091101, 1-6. doi: 10.1063/5.0061078

Near-field terahertz nanoscopy of coplanar microwave resonators


Journal Article

Z2 lattice gauge theories and Kitaev's toric code: A scheme for analog quantum simulation

Homeier, Lukas, Schweizer, Christian, Aidelsburger, Monika, Fedorov, Arkady and Grusdt, Fabian (2021). Z2 lattice gauge theories and Kitaev's toric code: A scheme for analog quantum simulation. Physical Review B, 104 (8) 085138. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.085138

Z2 lattice gauge theories and Kitaev's toric code: A scheme for analog quantum simulation


Journal Article

Measuring effective temperatures of qubits using correlations

Kulikov, Anatoly, Navarathna, Rohit and Fedorov, Arkady (2020). Measuring effective temperatures of qubits using correlations. Physical Review Letters, 124 (24) 240501, 240501. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.124.240501

Measuring effective temperatures of qubits using correlations


Journal Article

Probabilistic motional averaging

Karpov, Denys S., Monarkha, Vladimir Y., Szombati, Daniel, Frieiro, Alejandro G., Omelyanchouk, Aleksander N., Il’ichev, Evgeni, Fedorov, Arkady and Shevchenko, Sergey N. (2020). Probabilistic motional averaging. European Physical Journal B, 93 (3) 49. doi: 10.1140/epjb/e2019-100514-8

Probabilistic motional averaging