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Journal Article

Vaccine hesitancy: a structured review from a behavioral perspective (2015-2022)

Acharya, Shruti, Aechtner, Thomas, Dhir, Sanjay and Venaik, Sunil (2024). Vaccine hesitancy: a structured review from a behavioral perspective (2015-2022). Psychology, Health & Medicine, 30 (1), 119-147. doi: 10.1080/13548506.2024.2417442

Vaccine hesitancy: a structured review from a behavioral perspective (2015-2022)


Journal Article

Bibliometric analysis of vaccine hesitancy research from behavioural perspectives (2015-2022)

Acharya, Shruti, Aechtner, Thomas, Venaik, Sunil and Dhir, Sanjay (2024). Bibliometric analysis of vaccine hesitancy research from behavioural perspectives (2015-2022). Journal of Risk Research, 27 (2), 238-253. doi: 10.1080/13669877.2024.2317318

Bibliometric analysis of vaccine hesitancy research from behavioural perspectives (2015-2022)


Journal Article

Religion, trust, and vaccine hesitancy in Australia: an examination of two surveys

Aechtner, Thomas and Farr, Jeremy (2022). Religion, trust, and vaccine hesitancy in Australia: an examination of two surveys. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 35 (3), 218-244. doi: 10.1558/jasr.22476

Religion, trust, and vaccine hesitancy in Australia: an examination of two surveys


Journal Article

Evolving religion-science perspectives of the Bhaktivedanta Institute and ISKCON

Zambon, Oliver and Aechtner, Thomas (2022). Evolving religion-science perspectives of the Bhaktivedanta Institute and ISKCON. Nova Religio, 25 (3), 57-86. doi: 10.1525/nr.2022.25.3.57

Evolving religion-science perspectives of the Bhaktivedanta Institute and ISKCON


Journal Article

COVID-19 vaccine uptake: A précis of formative research findings about Queenslanders

Raciti, Maria, Brosnan, Kylie, Lagasca, Carmela, Gordon, Ross and Aechtner, Thomas (2022). COVID-19 vaccine uptake: A précis of formative research findings about Queenslanders. Australian Association of Social Marketing Viewpoint, 11 (1), 6-8.

COVID-19 vaccine uptake: A précis of formative research findings about Queenslanders


Journal Article

Creationism with an Australian accent: Politics, schools, and global exportation

Aechtner, Thomas (2021). Creationism with an Australian accent: Politics, schools, and global exportation. Almagest, 12, 124-148. doi: 10.1484/j.almagest.5.125388

Creationism with an Australian accent: Politics, schools, and global exportation


Journal Article

Distrust, danger, and confidence: a content analysis of the Australian Vaccination-Risks Network Blog

Aechtner, Thomas (2020). Distrust, danger, and confidence: a content analysis of the Australian Vaccination-Risks Network Blog. Public Understanding of Science, 30 (1), 963662520963258-35. doi: 10.1177/0963662520963258

Distrust, danger, and confidence: a content analysis of the Australian Vaccination-Risks Network Blog


Journal Article

Improving evolution advocacy: translating vaccine interventions to the evolution wars

Aechtner, Thomas (2020). Improving evolution advocacy: translating vaccine interventions to the evolution wars. Zygon, 55 (1), 27-51. doi: 10.1111/zygo.12577

Improving evolution advocacy: translating vaccine interventions to the evolution wars


Journal Article

Cues, values and conflict: reassessing evolution wars media persuasion

Aechtner, Thomas (2020). Cues, values and conflict: reassessing evolution wars media persuasion. Scientia et Fides, 8 (2), 249-284. doi: 10.12775/SETF.2020.021

Cues, values and conflict: reassessing evolution wars media persuasion


Journal Article

Convergent antievolutionism and the Hare Krishnas

Aechtner, Thomas and Zambon, Oliver (2019). Convergent antievolutionism and the Hare Krishnas. Theology and Science, 17 (3), 292-296. doi: 10.1080/14746700.2019.1632516

Convergent antievolutionism and the Hare Krishnas


Journal Article

Science and religion perspectives at St. John’s University of Tanzania (SJUT)

Aechtner, Thomas and Buchanan, Malcolm S. (2018). Science and religion perspectives at St. John’s University of Tanzania (SJUT). Journal of Contemporary Religion, 33 (2), 337-345. doi: 10.1080/13537903.2018.1469280

Science and religion perspectives at St. John’s University of Tanzania (SJUT)


Journal Article

Vaishnavism, antievolutionism, and ambiguities: revisiting ISKCON's Darwin-skepticism

Zambon, Oliver and Aechtner, Thomas (2018). Vaishnavism, antievolutionism, and ambiguities: revisiting ISKCON's Darwin-skepticism. Zygon, 53 (1), 67-94. doi: 10.1111/zygo.12395

Vaishnavism, antievolutionism, and ambiguities: revisiting ISKCON's Darwin-skepticism


Journal Article

Terrorism in the evolution wars: mass media and human nature

Aechtner, Tom (2016). Terrorism in the evolution wars: mass media and human nature. Theology and Science, 14 (4), 495-517. doi: 10.1080/14746700.2016.1231983

Terrorism in the evolution wars: mass media and human nature


Journal Article

Challenging the Darwin skeptics: examining proevolutionist media persuasion

Aechtner, Thomas (2016). Challenging the Darwin skeptics: examining proevolutionist media persuasion. Journal of Media and Religion, 15 (2), 78-99. doi: 10.1080/15348423.2016.1177346

Challenging the Darwin skeptics: examining proevolutionist media persuasion


Journal Article

Galileo still goes to jail: conflict model persistence within introductory anthropology materials

Aechtner, Thomas (2015). Galileo still goes to jail: conflict model persistence within introductory anthropology materials. Zygon, 50 (1), 209-226. doi: 10.1111/zygo.12149

Galileo still goes to jail: conflict model persistence within introductory anthropology materials


Journal Article

Darwin-skeptic mass media: examining persuasion in the evolution wars

Aechtner, Thomas (2014). Darwin-skeptic mass media: examining persuasion in the evolution wars. Journal of Media and Religion, 13 (4), 187-207. doi: 10.1080/15348423.2014.971559

Darwin-skeptic mass media: examining persuasion in the evolution wars


Journal Article

Review of 'Science and the spirit: a Pentecostal engagement with the sciences' edited by James K. A. Smith and Amos Young

Aechtner, Thomas H (2011). Review of 'Science and the spirit: a Pentecostal engagement with the sciences' edited by James K. A. Smith and Amos Young. Canadian Journal of Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity, 2 (1), 166-170..

Review of 'Science and the spirit: a Pentecostal engagement with the sciences' edited by James K. A. Smith and Amos Young


Journal Article

Review - God: the failed hypothesis: how science shows that God does not exist, by Victor J. Stenger

Aechtner, Thomas H (2010). Review - God: the failed hypothesis: how science shows that God does not exist, by Victor J. Stenger. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 4 (3), 231-232. doi: 10.1558/jsrnc.v4i3.231

Review - God: the failed hypothesis: how science shows that God does not exist, by Victor J. Stenger


Journal Article

Online in the evolution wars: an analysis of young earth creationist cyber-propaganda

Aechtner, Thomas H. (2010). Online in the evolution wars: an analysis of young earth creationist cyber-propaganda. Australian Religion Studies Review, 23 (3), 277-300. doi: 10.1558/arsr.v23i3.277

Online in the evolution wars: an analysis of young earth creationist cyber-propaganda


Journal Article

Review of 'Saving Creation: Nature and Faith in the Life of Holmes Rolston III', by Christopher J. Preston

Aechtner, Thomas H (2009). Review of 'Saving Creation: Nature and Faith in the Life of Holmes Rolston III', by Christopher J. Preston. Theological Book Review, 21 (2), 62-63.

Review of 'Saving Creation: Nature and Faith in the Life of Holmes Rolston III', by Christopher J. Preston