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Conference Publication

A study of the variation in levels of toxic elements in chinese herbal medicines and their bioaccessibility

Tinggi, U., Cooper, K., Noller, B. N., Sadler, R., Connell, D., Golding, G. M., Ng, J. C., Seawright, A. A. and Yu, J. (2005). A study of the variation in levels of toxic elements in chinese herbal medicines and their bioaccessibility. 5th Annual Health and Medical Research Conference of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, 3-4 November 2005. Brisbane, Queensland: Queensland Health.

A study of the variation in levels of toxic elements in chinese herbal medicines and their bioaccessibility


Conference Publication

Environmental and health risks from pesticides in the paddy field ecosystem in Northeast Thailand

Iwai, C.B. and Noller, B. N. (2005). Environmental and health risks from pesticides in the paddy field ecosystem in Northeast Thailand. International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, 15-20 December 2005. Tokyo, Japan: The Chemical Society of Japan.

Environmental and health risks from pesticides in the paddy field ecosystem in Northeast Thailand


Conference Publication

A decision-making process to manage the impact of mine waste on animal species following site rehabilitation to ensure ecosystem sustainabililty

Noller, B. N., Bruce, S. L. and Ng, J. C. (2005). A decision-making process to manage the impact of mine waste on animal species following site rehabilitation to ensure ecosystem sustainabililty. Challenges to the Establishment of Sustainable Ecosystems on Mined Land, Townsville, Queensland, 30 June - 1 July 2005. Kenmore, Queensland: Australian Centre for Minerals Extension and Research.

A decision-making process to manage the impact of mine waste on animal species following site rehabilitation to ensure ecosystem sustainabililty


Other Outputs

An Assessment Conducted on the Health Risk to a Mechanic from the Community Development and Employment Project (CDEP) Exposed to Mineral Waste and Hydrocarbon Residues from the Ranger Mine

Moore, M. R., Noller, B. N. and Bruce, S. L. (2005). An Assessment Conducted on the Health Risk to a Mechanic from the Community Development and Employment Project (CDEP) Exposed to Mineral Waste and Hydrocarbon Residues from the Ranger Mine. Brisbane, Queensland: EnTox, The University of Queensland.

An Assessment Conducted on the Health Risk to a Mechanic from the Community Development and Employment Project (CDEP) Exposed to Mineral Waste and Hydrocarbon Residues from the Ranger Mine


Conference Publication

Modelling Chemical Exposure to Aquatic Ecosystems

Hewitt, A. J., Woods, N., O'Donnell, C. C., Dorr, G. J., Gardner, A. D. and Noller, B. N. (2005). Modelling Chemical Exposure to Aquatic Ecosystems. Australian Coral Reef Society Conference, Heron Island, 20-22 August 2005. Gatton: Centre for Pesticide Application and Safety.

Modelling Chemical Exposure to Aquatic Ecosystems


Conference Publication

Wind Tunnel Spray Drift Measurements and Modeling

Dorr, G. J., Woods, N., O'Donnell, C. C., Hanan, J., Noller, B. N. and Adkins, S. W. (2005). Wind Tunnel Spray Drift Measurements and Modeling. Science Week at QHSS 2005, Brisbane, Queensland, 15-19 August, 2005. Brisbane, Queensland: EnTox, The University of Queensland.

Wind Tunnel Spray Drift Measurements and Modeling


Conference Publication

Applicability of a controlled environment facililty for Aerosol Toxicological Exposure Assessments

Noller, B. N., Hewitt, A. J., Woods, N., Dorr, G. J. and Kleinmeulman, P. A. (2005). Applicability of a controlled environment facililty for Aerosol Toxicological Exposure Assessments. Downunder Intern. Conf. on the Removal or Destruction of Highly Toxic Chemical & Biol. Contamination, Melbourne, Vic, 13-16 February 2005. Canberra, Australia: Department of Defense.

Applicability of a controlled environment facililty for Aerosol Toxicological Exposure Assessments


Other Outputs

A study of metabolites from diazinon degradation Report 1

Noller, B. N. and Eaglesham, G. (2005). A study of metabolites from diazinon degradation Report 1. Brisbane, Queensland: EnTox, The University of Queensland.

A study of metabolites from diazinon degradation Report 1


Conference Publication

The environmental fate of synthetic pyrethroids in Australian soils and role of the octanol-water partition co-efficient

Hasthorpe, A., Noller, B. N., Sadler, R., Connell, D. and Woods, N. (2005). The environmental fate of synthetic pyrethroids in Australian soils and role of the octanol-water partition co-efficient. 5th Annual Health and Medical Research Conference of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, 3-4 November 2005. Brisbane, Queensland: Queensland Health.

The environmental fate of synthetic pyrethroids in Australian soils and role of the octanol-water partition co-efficient


Conference Publication

Managing the Impact of Mine Waste on Animal Species within Bushland Ecosystems following Mine Site Rehabilitation

Noller, B. N., Bruce, S. L. and Ng, J. C. (2005). Managing the Impact of Mine Waste on Animal Species within Bushland Ecosystems following Mine Site Rehabilitation. Science Week at QHSS, Brisbane, Queensland, 15-19 August 2005. Brisbane, Queensland: EnTox, The University of Queensland.

Managing the Impact of Mine Waste on Animal Species within Bushland Ecosystems following Mine Site Rehabilitation


Conference Publication

Evaluation of scientific evidence to identify the cause of Pacific oyster mortality at Georges Bay, Tasmania, Australlia

Noller, B. N., Dineen, R. and Ricci, P. F. (2005). Evaluation of scientific evidence to identify the cause of Pacific oyster mortality at Georges Bay, Tasmania, Australlia. 11th Asin Chemical Congress, Seoul, Korea, 24-26 August 2005. Seoul, Korea: The Korean Chemical Society.

Evaluation of scientific evidence to identify the cause of Pacific oyster mortality at Georges Bay, Tasmania, Australlia


Journal Article

Estimation of Radioactive Dose from Oysters consumed at Hiroshima following a Bomb Detonation, report to Department of Veterans Affairs

Noller, B. N., Kleinschmidt, R. and Moore, M. R. (2005). Estimation of Radioactive Dose from Oysters consumed at Hiroshima following a Bomb Detonation, report to Department of Veterans Affairs. Toxicology Letters, 158 (1), 76-77. doi: 10.1016/j.toxlet.2005.05.014

Estimation of Radioactive Dose from Oysters consumed at Hiroshima following a Bomb Detonation, report to Department of Veterans Affairs


Other Outputs

An evaluation of the environmental fate and longevity of FMC(Chemicals)Pty Ltd sheeting product simulating under-slab application for Australian conditions: Report 1

Noller, B. N. and Hasthorpe, A. (2004). An evaluation of the environmental fate and longevity of FMC(Chemicals)Pty Ltd sheeting product simulating under-slab application for Australian conditions: Report 1. Brisbane, Australia: EnTox, The University of Queensland.

An evaluation of the environmental fate and longevity of FMC(Chemicals)Pty Ltd sheeting product simulating under-slab application for Australian conditions: Report 1


Conference Publication

Key Issues for the International Year of Freshwater (2003)

Noller, B. N. (2004). Key Issues for the International Year of Freshwater (2003). Proceedings of Silver Jubilee Conference, Dhaka, 11-13 January 2003. Dhaka: Nomin Offset Press.

Key Issues for the International Year of Freshwater (2003)


Conference Publication

The application of gastric intestinal fluid simulation (GIFS) to study the bioaccessibility of metals and metalloids in Chinese proprietary medicines

Cooper, K., Noller, B. N., Connell, D., Yu, J. X., Sadler, R., Olszowy, H., Golding, G. M., Tinggi, U., Myers, S. and Moore, M.R. (2004). The application of gastric intestinal fluid simulation (GIFS) to study the bioaccessibility of metals and metalloids in Chinese proprietary medicines. Interact 2004, Conrad Jupiters, Gold Coast, 4-8 July 2005. Brisbane: Interact.

The application of gastric intestinal fluid simulation (GIFS) to study the bioaccessibility of metals and metalloids in Chinese proprietary medicines


Conference Publication

Evaluation of the bioaccessibility of lead and arsenic from mine waste materials using the physiologically-based extraction test (PBET)

Bruce, S. L., Ng, J. C. and Noller, B. N. (2004). Evaluation of the bioaccessibility of lead and arsenic from mine waste materials using the physiologically-based extraction test (PBET). 3rd International Workshop on Chemical Bioavailabililty in the Terrestrial Environment, Adelaide, SA, 12-18 September 2004. Adelaide: The University of South Australia.

Evaluation of the bioaccessibility of lead and arsenic from mine waste materials using the physiologically-based extraction test (PBET)


Conference Publication

The evaluation of human health risk following cyanide loss in flight to Tolukuma gold mine

Noller, B. N. and Saulep, G. (2004). The evaluation of human health risk following cyanide loss in flight to Tolukuma gold mine. 4th Annual Queensland Health and Medical Scientific Meeting, Brisbane, 30 Nov - 1 Dec 2004. Brisbane: Queensland Health.

The evaluation of human health risk following cyanide loss in flight to Tolukuma gold mine


Conference Publication

Minimising environmental and public health risk of pesticide application through understanding the droplet-canopy interface

Dorr, G. J., Kleinmeulman, P. A., Noller, B. N., Woods, N., Hanan, J. S. and Adkins, S. W. (2004). Minimising environmental and public health risk of pesticide application through understanding the droplet-canopy interface. 4th Annual Queensland Health and Medical Scientific Meeting, Brisbane/Convention and Exhibition Centre, 30 November - 1 December 2004. Brisbane: Qld Government.

Minimising environmental and public health risk of pesticide application through understanding the droplet-canopy interface


Conference Publication

Health and Environmental Issues as Key Considerations for National Development

Noller, B. N. (2004). Health and Environmental Issues as Key Considerations for National Development. 25th Anniversary Silver Jubilee Conference, Hotel Trans Asia, Ceylon, 29-30 April 2004. Ceylon: Institute of Chemistry.

Health and Environmental Issues as Key Considerations for National Development


Journal Article

Evaluation of cleanup following loss of cyanide in flight to Tolukuma (Papua New Guinea) Gold Mine

Noller, B. N. and Saulep, G. (2004). Evaluation of cleanup following loss of cyanide in flight to Tolukuma (Papua New Guinea) Gold Mine. European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, 4 (1), 49-61.

Evaluation of cleanup following loss of cyanide in flight to Tolukuma (Papua New Guinea) Gold Mine