2021 Journal Article Potential of winter pasture legume in rice rotations to mitigate barnyard grass (Echinocloa crus-galli) impacts in temperate AustraliaOpena, Jhoana, Pratley, James, Lemerle, Deirdre, Wu, Hanwen and McCormick, Jeffrey (2021). Potential of winter pasture legume in rice rotations to mitigate barnyard grass (Echinocloa crus-galli) impacts in temperate Australia. Agricultural Science, 79-91. |
2015 Journal Article Seed Germination Ecology of Doveweed (Murdannia nudiflora) and Its Implication for Management in Dry-Seeded RiceAhmed, Sharif, Opena, Jhoana L and Chauhan, Bhagirath S (2015). Seed Germination Ecology of Doveweed (Murdannia nudiflora) and Its Implication for Management in Dry-Seeded Rice. Weed Science, 63 (2), 491-501. doi: 10.1614/WS-D-14-00115.1 |
2015 Journal Article Response of 10 elite “green super rice” genotypes to weed infestation in aerobic rice systemsChauhan, Bhagirath Singh, Opena, Jhoana and Ali, Jauhar (2015). Response of 10 elite “green super rice” genotypes to weed infestation in aerobic rice systems. Plant Production Science, 18 (2), 228-233. doi: 10.1626/pps.18.228 |
2014 Journal Article Weed population dynamics, herbicide efficacies, and crop performance in a sprinkler-irrigated maize-rice cropping systemOpena, Jhoana L., Quilty, James R., Correa, Teodoro Q. and Chauhan, Bhagirath S. (2014). Weed population dynamics, herbicide efficacies, and crop performance in a sprinkler-irrigated maize-rice cropping system. Field Crops Research, 167, 119-130. doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2014.07.014 |
2014 Journal Article Seed germination ecology of echinochloa glabrescens and its implication for management in rice (Oryza sativa L.)Opena, Jhoana L, Chauhan, Bhagirath S. and Baltazar, Aurora M. (2014). Seed germination ecology of echinochloa glabrescens and its implication for management in rice (Oryza sativa L.). PLoS ONE, 9 (3) e92261, e92261.1-e92261.9. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0092261 |
2013 Journal Article Weed management and grain yield of rice sown at low seeding rates in mechanized dry-seeded systemsChauhan, B. S. and Opena, J. (2013). Weed management and grain yield of rice sown at low seeding rates in mechanized dry-seeded systems. Field Crops Research, 141, 9-15. doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2012.11.002 |
2013 Journal Article Effect of plant geometry on growth and yield of corn in the rice-corn cropping systemChauhan, Bhagirath S. and Opeña, Jhoana L. (2013). Effect of plant geometry on growth and yield of corn in the rice-corn cropping system. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 04 (10), 1928-1931. doi: 10.4236/ajps.2013.410237 |
2013 Journal Article Effect of plant spacing on growth and grain yield of soybeanChauhan, Bhagirath S. and Opeña, Jhoana L. (2013). Effect of plant spacing on growth and grain yield of soybean. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 04 (10), 2011-2014. doi: 10.4236/ajps.2013.410251 |
2013 Journal Article Implications of plant geometry and weed control options in designing a low-seeding seed-drill for dry-seeded rice systemsChauhan, B. S. and Opena, J. (2013). Implications of plant geometry and weed control options in designing a low-seeding seed-drill for dry-seeded rice systems. Field Crops Research, 144, 225-231. doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2012.12.014 |
2013 Journal Article Management of volunteer corn seedlings in dry-seeded riceChauhan, Bhagirath S. and Opeña, Jhoana L. (2013). Management of volunteer corn seedlings in dry-seeded rice. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 04 (12), 2381-2385. doi: 10.4236/ajps.2013.412294 |
2012 Journal Article Effect of tillage systems and herbicides on weed emergence, weed growth, and grain yield in dry-seeded rice systemsChauhan, B. S. and Opena, J. (2012). Effect of tillage systems and herbicides on weed emergence, weed growth, and grain yield in dry-seeded rice systems. Field Crops Research, 137, 56-69. doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2012.08.016 |
2012 Journal Article Growth of purple nutsedge (cyperus rotundus) in response to interference with direct-seeded riceChauhan, Bhagirath S. and Opea, Jhoana (2012). Growth of purple nutsedge (cyperus rotundus) in response to interference with direct-seeded rice. Weed Technology, 26 (3), 506-509. doi: 10.1614/WT-D-12-00007.1 |