2024 Conference Publication Coalescence in Fluidized Bed Flotation: Understanding the Interplay Between Chemistry and HydrodynamicsSkliar, Anna, Verster, Isabella, Yenial Arslan, Unzile, Forbes, Gordon and Forbes, Liza (2024). Coalescence in Fluidized Bed Flotation: Understanding the Interplay Between Chemistry and Hydrodynamics. XXXI International Minerals Processing Congress, Washington, DC United States, 29 September - 3 October 2024. Washington, DC United States: SME. |
2024 Conference Publication Effect of Pyrite Textures and Composition on Flotation PerformanceJefferson Montoya, Mayra, Yenial Arslan, Unzile, Evans, Cathy, Parbhakar-Fox, Anita, O'Donnell, Roxanne, Curtis Morar, Catherine and Forbes, Liza (2024). Effect of Pyrite Textures and Composition on Flotation Performance. Australasian Colloid and Interface Symposium, Terrigal, NSW Australia, 4 - 7 February 2024. |
2024 Journal Article Solving the mystery of natural pyrite flotation – A mineralogy-based approachForbes, E., Jefferson, M., Yenial-Arslan, U., Curtis-Morar, C. and O'Donnell, R. (2024). Solving the mystery of natural pyrite flotation – A mineralogy-based approach. Minerals Engineering, 207 108544, 1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2023.108544 |
2023 Journal Article Effect of pyrite textures and composition on flotation performance: a reviewJefferson, Mayra, Yenial-Arslan, Unzile, Evans, Catherine, Curtis-Morar, Catherine, O'Donnell, Roxanne, Parbhakar-Fox, Anita and Forbes, Elizaveta (2023). Effect of pyrite textures and composition on flotation performance: a review. Minerals Engineering, 201 108234, 108234. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2023.108234 |
2023 Conference Publication Effect of Pyrite Textures and Composition on Flotation PerformanceJefferson Montoya, Mayra, Yenial Arslan, Unzile, Evans, Cathy, Prabhakar-Fox, Anita, O’Donnell, Roxanne, Curtis-Morar, Catherine and Forbes, Liza (2023). Effect of Pyrite Textures and Composition on Flotation Performance. Flotation 2023 • V International Conference on Minerals Flotation, Lima, Peru, 6 - 8 Sep 2023. |
2023 Journal Article Pathway to prediction of pyrite floatability from copper ore geological domain dataYenial-Arslan, Unzile, Jefferson, Mayra, Curtis-Morar, Catherine and Forbes, Elizaveta (2023). Pathway to prediction of pyrite floatability from copper ore geological domain data. Minerals, 13 (6) 801, 1-24. doi: 10.3390/min13060801 |
2023 Journal Article Solvent extraction of nickel from iron and cobalt containing sulfate solutionsArslan, Fatma, Büşra Güven, Zeynep, Yenial Arslan, Ünzile, Benli, Birgül and Arslan, Cüneyt (2023). Solvent extraction of nickel from iron and cobalt containing sulfate solutions. Material Science & Engineering International Journal, 7 (1), 1-6. doi: 10.15406/mseij.2023.07.00195 |
2023 Conference Publication Solving the mystery of pyrite flotation: a mineralogy-based approachForbes, Liza, Yenial Arslan, Unzile, Jefferson Montoya, Mayra, O'Donnel, Roxanne and Curtis, Catherine (2023). Solving the mystery of pyrite flotation: a mineralogy-based approach. International Flotation Symposium in Honour of Prof Graeme Jameson, Newcastle, NSW, Australia, 13-14 July 2023. |
2022 Other Outputs Fluorine management in mineral processing operations - a reviewBrito e Abreu, Susana, Yenial Arslan, Unzile, Verster, Lizette and Forbes, Liza (2022). Fluorine management in mineral processing operations - a review. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland. |
2022 Other Outputs Collaborative consortium for coarse particle processing research Q1 2022 technical reportForbes, Liza, Runge, Kym, Yahyaei, Mohsen, Morrison, Angus, Verster, Lizette, Awatey, Bellson, Diba, Farhana, Miceli, Hayla, Yanez, German Lastra, Skliar, Anna, Arslan, Unzile Yenial and Jockovic, Vladimir (2022). Collaborative consortium for coarse particle processing research Q1 2022 technical report. Brisbane, QLD Australia: Sustainable Minerals Institute. |
2020 Journal Article Recovery of nanoferrites from metal bearing wastes: synthesis, characterization and adsorption studyYenial, Ünzile, Atia, Thomas Abo, Granata, Giuseppe, Pettiti, Ida and Pagnanelli, Francesca (2020). Recovery of nanoferrites from metal bearing wastes: synthesis, characterization and adsorption study. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 318 114047. doi: 10.1016/j.molliq.2020.114047 |
2020 Journal Article Manganese ferrite nanoparticle production from industrial wastes as sorbent material for arsenic removal from aqueous solutionsYenial, Ünzile, Bulut, Gülay and Pagnanelli, Francesca (2020). Manganese ferrite nanoparticle production from industrial wastes as sorbent material for arsenic removal from aqueous solutions. Particulate Science and Technology, 38 (4), 433-442. doi: 10.1080/02726351.2018.1560378 |
2019 Conference Publication Single and binary adsorption of arsenic and lead onto red mud and coal wasteYenial, and Bulut, G. (2019). Single and binary adsorption of arsenic and lead onto red mud and coal waste. IMPC 2018 - 29th International Mineral Processing Congress, Moscow, Russia, 17-21 September 2018. Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum. |
2018 Journal Article Investigation of arsenic removal parameters by a new nano-hybrid adsorbent produced from red mud and fly ashYenial, U. and Bulut, G. (2018). Investigation of arsenic removal parameters by a new nano-hybrid adsorbent produced from red mud and fly ash. Journal of Mining and Environment, 9 (2), 319-330. doi: 10.22044/jme.2018.6988.1538 |
2017 Journal Article Examination of flotation behavior of metal ions for process water remediationYenial, Ünzile and Bulut, Gülay (2017). Examination of flotation behavior of metal ions for process water remediation. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 241, 130-135. doi: 10.1016/j.molliq.2017.06.011 |
2016 Journal Article Effects of major ions in recycled water on sulfide minerals flotationBulut, G. and Yenial, U. (2016). Effects of major ions in recycled water on sulfide minerals flotation. Minerals and Metallurgical Processing, 33 (3), 137-143. doi: 10.19150/mmp.6750 |
2015 Conference Publication Effect of different depressants on galena flotationYenial, , Gül, A. and Yilmaz, (2015). Effect of different depressants on galena flotation. TMMOB Maden Muhendisleri Odasi. |
2014 Journal Article Arsenic removal from aqueous solution using pyriteBulut, Gulay, Yenial, Unzile, Emiroglu, Emrecan and Sirkeci, Ayhan Ali (2014). Arsenic removal from aqueous solution using pyrite. Journal of Cleaner Production, 84, 526-532. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.08.018 |
2014 Journal Article Arsenic Removal by Adsorptive Flotation MethodsYenial, Ünzile, Bulut, Gülay and Ali Sirkeci, Ayhan (2014). Arsenic Removal by Adsorptive Flotation Methods. Clean - Soil, Air, Water, 42 (11), 1567-1572. doi: 10.1002/clen.201300438 |
2014 Conference Publication Effect of water composition on flotation of lead and zinc sulphide oreYenial, Ünzile and Bulut, Gülay (2014). Effect of water composition on flotation of lead and zinc sulphide ore. Gecamin. |