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Book Chapter

Singing Country in the Land Now Known as Australia

Bracknell, Clint and Bennett, Lou (2024). Singing Country in the Land Now Known as Australia. The Cambridge Companion to Music in Australia. (pp. 56-71) Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781108991209.005

Singing Country in the Land Now Known as Australia


Book Chapter

Introduction and Historiography of Music in Australia

Harris, Amanda and Bracknell, Clint (2024). Introduction and Historiography of Music in Australia. The Cambridge Companion to Music in Australia. (pp. 1-20) Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781108991209.002

Introduction and Historiography of Music in Australia


Book Chapter

Exclusion and Inclusion in Australian Metal

Glitsos, Laura and Bracknell, Clint (2024). Exclusion and Inclusion in Australian Metal. The Cambridge Companion to Music in Australia. (pp. 173-187) Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781108991209.012

Exclusion and Inclusion in Australian Metal


Book Chapter

Learning from Music in Australia

Bracknell, Clint and Harris, Amanda (2024). Learning from Music in Australia. The Cambridge Companion to Music in Australia. (pp. 395-411) Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781108991209.026

Learning from Music in Australia


Book Chapter

Hecate: adaptation, education and cultural activism

Bracknell, Clint and Bracknell, Kylie (2023). Hecate: adaptation, education and cultural activism. Reimagining Shakespeare education: teaching and learning through collaboration. (pp. 145-158) edited by Liam E. Semler, Claire Hansen and Jacqueline Manuel. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781108778510.016

Hecate: adaptation, education and cultural activism


Book Chapter

Old dogs and ice ages in Noongar country

Bracknell, Clint (2023). Old dogs and ice ages in Noongar country. Everywhen: Australia and the language of deep history. (pp. 75-92) edited by Ann McGrath, Laura Rademaker and Jakelin Troy. Lincoln, NE United States ; Sydney, NSW, Australia: University of Nebraska Press ; UNSW Press (NewSouth Publishing).

Old dogs and ice ages in Noongar country


Book Chapter

Rock band: a third, brave space for Indigenous language

Bracknell, Clint (2023). Rock band: a third, brave space for Indigenous language. Musical collaboration between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Australia: exchanges in the third space. (pp. 23-42) edited by Katelyn Barney. New York, NY, United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003288572-3

Rock band: a third, brave space for Indigenous language


Book Chapter

Reanimating 1830s Nyungar songs of Miago

Bracknell, Clint (2022). Reanimating 1830s Nyungar songs of Miago. Music, dance and the archive. (pp. 93-116) edited by Amanda Harris, Linda Barwick and Jakelin Troy. Sydney, NSW, Australia: University of Sydney Press. doi: 10.30722/sup.9781743328675.06

Reanimating 1830s Nyungar songs of Miago


Book Chapter

Educative power and the respectful curricular inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music

Webb, Michael and Bracknell, Clint (2021). Educative power and the respectful curricular inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music. The politics of diversity in music education. (pp. 71-86) edited by Alexis Anja Kallio, Heidi Westerlund, Sidsel Karlsen, Kathryn Marsh and Eva Sæther. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-65617-1_6

Educative power and the respectful curricular inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music


Book Chapter

Ever-widening circles: consolidating and enhancing Wirlomin Noongar archival material in the community

Bracknell, Clint and Scott, Kim (2019). Ever-widening circles: consolidating and enhancing Wirlomin Noongar archival material in the community. Archival Returns: Central Australia and Beyond. (pp. 325-338) edited by Linda Barwick, Jennifer Green and Petronella Vaarson-Morel. Honolulu, HI, United States: University of Hawai'i Press.

Ever-widening circles: consolidating and enhancing Wirlomin Noongar archival material in the community


Book Chapter

Identity, language and collaboration in Indigenous music

Bracknell, Clint (2019). Identity, language and collaboration in Indigenous music. The difference identity makes: Indigenous cultural capital in Australian cultural fields. (pp. 99-123) edited by Lawrence Bamblett, Fred Myers and Tim Rowse. Canberra, ACT, Australia: Aboriginal Studies Press.

Identity, language and collaboration in Indigenous music


Book Chapter

Maaya Waabiny (playing with sound): Nyungar song language and spoken language

Bracknell, Clint (2017). Maaya Waabiny (playing with sound): Nyungar song language and spoken language. Recirculating songs: revitalising the singing practices of Indigenous Australia. (pp. 43-55) edited by Jim Wafer and Myfany Turpin. Hamilton, NSW: Hunter Press.

Maaya Waabiny (playing with sound): Nyungar song language and spoken language


Book Chapter

Could a 'Noongarpedia' form the basis for an emerging form of citizenship in the age of new media?

Collard, Leonard, Hartley, John, Scott, Kim, Bracknell, Clint and Lucy, Niall (2017). Could a 'Noongarpedia' form the basis for an emerging form of citizenship in the age of new media?. Media and citizenship: between marginalisation and participation. (pp. 159-180) edited by Anthea Garman and Herman Wasserman. Cape Town, South Africa: HSRC Press.

Could a 'Noongarpedia' form the basis for an emerging form of citizenship in the age of new media?


Book Chapter

Bobby Roberts: intermediary and outlaw of Western Australia's south coast

Bracknell, Clint (2016). Bobby Roberts: intermediary and outlaw of Western Australia's south coast. Brokers and boundaries: colonial exploration in Indigenous territory. (pp. 119-139) edited by Tiffany Shellam, Maria Nugent, Shino Konishi and Allison Cadzow. Canberra, ACT, Australia: Australian National University. doi: 10.22459/BB.04.2016.06

Bobby Roberts: intermediary and outlaw of Western Australia's south coast